Sunday, May 30, 2021

Kamala Harris Slammed For Disrespectful Tweet About Memorial Day Weekend May 30, 2021 William Blackwell


Kamala Harris Slammed For Disrespectful Tweet About Memorial Day Weekend

Kamala Harris got lambasted on social media for a tweet encouraging people to “enjoy the long weekend” while making no mention of Memorial Day, or those who gave their lives in service of the country.

The tone-deaf tweet instead seemed to channel Harris’s inner Barack Obama by featuring a photo of… herself.

“It’s just a ‘long weekend’ for this fraud,” tweeted Buzz Patterson, a former White House aide who carried the nuclear football for President Bill Clinton. “I have several dead buddies that disagree.”

“You are disgusting,” tweeted podcaster Drew Berquist. “Maybe mention just one thing about why we have a long weekend.

“This weekend is to memorialize those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I thank them first and foremost,” wrote David Webb.

“Remember when Biden & Harris promised all that “dignity” if they won?” asked Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

Joe Biden wasn’t much better.

via pjmedia

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