MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND: Honoring Our Fallen, Our Veterans, Those Who Died So We Might Live Free - Geller Report News As the country is roiled by fifth column, domestic enemies far more dangerous and stealth than foreign actors, let's look to the heroes of our past and present to show us the way forward. We must remember the real reason for this annual holiday.
BLM is a terrorist organization exploiting division, hate and civil unrest to impose racist, communist, supremacy rule. Grief-stricken mothers who have accused Black Lives Matter of profiting from the deaths of their sons condemned the group’s ...
Nazis are on the march. And those who know better are cowering under their desks. Just like last time. But no one imaged such a moral sickness would seize the American left-elite. But they are leading the new hate.
"Biden’s" budget request to Congress for 2022 portrays the nation’s homeland security agency as a welcome center for economic migrants who will compete for Americans’ jobs, wages, and homes. They are out to destroy us all. Homeland Security ...
As the country is roiled by fifth column, domestic enemies far more dangerous and stealth than foreign actors, let's look to the heroes of our past and present to show us the way forward. We must remember the real reason for this annual holiday.
Facebook Twitter Google+ Now that the deterrence of President Trump is gone, China is on the move. China has no fear or respect for the “woke” Biden Administration. As such, there is a good possibility that China will attempt to devour Taiwan ...
Like saying those who opposed the Nazi's annihilation of the Jews was Naziphobic. And nowhere in America do we see Muslims being hunted and attacked. like Jews.