“TRUMP WON” — Huuuuge Banner Unfurled at Yankee Stadium, Patriots Thrown Out of Stadium Soon After
My heroes.
Men Thrown Out of Yankee Stadium for Hanging ‘Trump Won’ Banner
By Zoe Papadakis | Newsmax, Friday, 28 May 2021 :
Two men were booted from Yankee Stadium after unraveling a banner saying “Trump Won Save America” at the Yankees-Blue Jays doubleheader Thursday.
Photos revealed by New York Post show the men hanging the flag from the second deck. At one point a man from the deck below reportedly attempted to pull the banner down before security guards arrived.
Video footage of the incident shows the two men struggling with the flag as the guards surround them. They are then escorted from the stadium to a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd. One of the two men appears to have been handcuffed.
Reporters live-tweeted the series of events as they unfolded.
Sports Illustrated writer Max Goodman wrote:
“A couple fans at Yankee Stadium just unveiled a massive banner that reads ‘Trump Won Save America.’ Sounded like the entire crowd was booing until security confiscated the banner, which then resulted in a loud cheer.”
Lindsey Adler, a reporter with The Athletic, added:
“Lots of booing here after some jabronis unfurled a ‘TRUMP WON’ banner off the second deck. (He didn’t.)”
Adler wrote in a follow-up tweet:
“Now we have extremely loud cheering as the conspiracy theory banner people are led out of the section by security.”
According to Yankee Stadium policies, banners and signs are permitted “provided they are baseball-related, in good taste, not of a commercial nature and not supported by wood, metal or other materials that could be injurious in a crowded public setting. Banners and signs may not obstruct the view of other guests or Yankee Stadium advertising signage or be affixed to the Stadium in any manner.”
Policies further state, “banners and signs may be carried through the stands between innings only. Banners and signs may not be displayed in fair territory. Any banner or sign may be removed, at any time, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Yankees.”
Regarding the escorting of fans, the stadium notes “guests who refuse to follow the direction of Yankee Stadium Team Members or who do not comply with the Guest Code of Conduct face immediate ejection and revocation of season tickets and/or future ticket privileges without refund and may also be in violation of New York State and City ordinances, resulting in possible arrest and prosecution.”
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