Priests push sin under guise of LGBT 'outreach'

What is often called outreach to so-called LGBT people is not always outreach but confirmation. Homosexualist Jesuit Fr. James Martin is the public face of sodomy acceptance and promotion in the United States.
The word "sodomy" is carefully chosen and accurate. While Martin and his ilk use the nebulous and always-changing term LGBT, the sin of sodomy is truly what he's seeking to normalize.
He has claimed that people experiencing same-sex attraction do not need to refrain from sexual contact.
"For a teaching to be really authoritative, it is expected that it will be received by the people of God, by the faithful," claimed Martin. "The teaching that LGBT people must be celibate their entire lives has not been received."
Martin also teaches that people who have repented from an active same-sex attracted lifestyle are not "fully integrated." He asserts they are "in conflict" with themselves by not living how God made them, using Psalm 139 to justify his morally degenerate teaching: "You formed my inmost being; You knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise You, because I am wonderfully made!"
He also advocates for the sexualization of children with so-called transgender ideology. Transgenderism is, of course, impossible. Nobody can change his gender from male to female with hormone injections, operations, or even dressing like a woman.
Over the weekend, Martin coordinated the Outreach LGBTQ Catholic Ministry webinar held at Fordham University in New York. Pro-sodomy theologian Fr. Bryan Massingale is a self-described gay priest. He was featured in a talk titled "Intersectionality and LGBTQ Catholic Ministry."
Massingale is the most high-profile priest to reveal a proclivity for sodomy and is frequently featured at pro-sodomy events masquerading as Catholic outreach.
Over the weekend he cautioned other priests who may be considering revealing their own proclivity for sodomy. Martin paraphrased him: "When one comes out in a public way it is a vocation, giving witness for young people and the Church," and not to "work out" one's psychological "stuff."
He also quoted Massingale uttering a blasphemous statement, lamenting "I realized that I didn't really believe that God could be imaged as Black and gay. And certainly not both simultaneously."
Priests like Martin and the bishops who enable him to publicly promote sodomy as good are leading souls to Hell along with their own. They must be outed and opposed, both for their own good and as a warning to others.
Learn more by watching The Download—Supporting Sodomy.