Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Whom must Democrats blame for the Florida building collapse? Jun 30, 2021 & The Top Ten Pending Eruptions Jun 30, 2021 The top 10 political eruptions we can expect to blow sometime soon. .


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Recent Articles

The Top Ten Pending Eruptions

Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
The top 10 political eruptions we can expect to blow sometime soon. Read More...

What Was California Thinking?

Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Thanks to Prop 47, the streets of California are now flooded with career criminals.   Read More...

Lester Holt: Poster Child for Media Bias

Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
NBC's Lester Holt rejects the very concept of fairness espoused by the journalist whose award he accepted.  Read More...

The Fifty-Year War on America’s Soul

Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Liberals just cannot believe that their true religion of saving the world with politics and government hasn’t yet delivered the equality and equity that they know is just around the corner Read More...

Taking the Racism Test

Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
It is not the 0.04% White supremacist population that poses the biggest threat to a cohesive America -- it is the peculiar institution of wokery.  Read More...

Moral Legitimacy and the US Government

Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Moral legitimacy is a valuable commodity — one our elite betters seem to have lost their respect for. Read More...


Recent Blog Posts

FBI lawyer that lied to judge on FISA warrant will be able to practice law again in August after zero jail time
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Planting the seeds of tyranny with the message to would-be criminal bureaucrats: don’t worry about breaking the law if you’re going after opponents of the deep state. We’ll make sure you get a slap on the wrist.  Read more...

Biden can’t even do brief remarks welcoming an ally without reading note cards
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Even his guest, who doesn’t speak English as his native language, was able to give his remarks off of the top of his head. He must have been worried that he’d “get into trouble” with the people whose wishes he carries out  Read more...

NY mayor’s race in ‘chaos’ as 135,000 extra votes show up
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Don’t you dare question the integrity of the 2020 presidential election because Democrats can always be trusted to run fair, honest and transparent elections.  Read more...

The incredible shrinking Kamala Harris
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
VP Harris is not ready for prime time. 

The truly scary China Virus variant
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
The virus in question has definite connections to China, but it didn't originate in a virology lab.  Read more...

Generals, veterans and citizens issue petition accusing Sec of Defense Austin of violating his oath to the US Constitution
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
In a hitherto unheard of action, retired military leaders and veterans are publicly stating that the Secretary of Defense is endangering the effectiveness of the US military  Read more...

Federal judge tosses out a case because grand jury that handed down the indictment wasn’t ‘diverse’ enough
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Judge using an invented term, Latinx” to invoke an invented right.  Read more...

Whom must Democrats blame for the Florida building collapse?
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
They will never ever blame those actually responsible. It's how they play.  Read more...

Kick 'flashy lips' Gwen Berry off the U.S. team
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Miss Berry should quit the U.S. team and find another country to represent.  Read more...

CRT strikes again
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
Critical Race Theory and its offspring, BLM, have struck again.  Read more...

Rebuild Gaza -- why?
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
If the Biden administration wants to rebuild something, there is plenty of need in American cities.  Read more...

Muslim wives expose dirty secrets of CAIR leaders
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
A rare exposure of abusive behavior by leaders of the American Muslim community.  Read more...

A morale boost for demoralized conservative political junkies
Jun 30, 2021 01:00 am
There are a lot of crazy things going on. It's wearying. Occasionally in the skirmish, it's nice to take a bit of a break.  Read more...

'What not to say to a cop' video goes viral
Jun 29, 2021 01:00 am
Where does that strange sense of entitlement come from?  Read more...

Mitt Romney's malicious envy
Jun 29, 2021 01:00 am
Romney wins the prize among the pathetic group of RINOs who think they can vanquish Trump by treating him and his supporters like pond scum.  Read more...

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