Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Palestinian Jihad Summer Camps As the international community seeks ways to help the residents of the Gaza Strip after the recent war between Israel and Hamas, the leaders of the Palestinians are busy preparing the next generation for more hate and violence.



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Breaking News Updates - June 29, 2021
Draconian Canadian Law Will Censor Christians - America Are You Watching?
Bill C-6 threatens any kind of prayer event, sermon, or teaching that "reduces" non-heterosexual behavior. Publicly praying for those struggling with gay feelings in a sermon or youth gathering could now be seen as "promoting" conversion therapy.
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Poking God In The Eye - Dems Call For Labeling Jewish Judea & Samaria Illegal
An ambiguous statement by a state department representative leaves open the possibility that the Biden administration could call for Israel to turn over the Golan to Syria at the same time that 73 Democrats in the US House of Representatives sent a letter to the president calling for the state department to declare it illegal for Jews to live in Judea and Samaria.
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Irrational Faith In The Biden Doctrine Of Appeasement
Anyone who imagines that the increasingly aggressive behavior of the Iranian regime will force U.S. President Joe Biden to abandon his attempted revival of the lethal 2015 nuclear deal is almost certainly in for a rude awakening.
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Your Tax Dollars At Work: Palestinian Jihad Summer Camps
As the international community seeks ways to help the residents of the Gaza Strip after the recent war between Israel and Hamas, the leaders of the Palestinians are busy preparing the next generation for more hate and violence.
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The Pre-Tribulation Prophecies reveals the prophecies that could occur before the Seven-Year Tribulation Period begins - potentially in our life time! Some of the prophecies explored are:

•    The Disaster in Iran & Destruction of Damascus
•    The Toppling of Jordan & Terrorization of Egypt
•    The Arab-Israeli War of Psalm 83
•    The Rapture
•    The Ezekiel 38 Invasion of Israel
•    The Decline of America
•    The Arrival of the Antichrist
•    The Harlot World Religion of ' Mystery Babylon'
•    The 3 Periods of Coming Christian Martyrdom
•    The Details of the 'False Covenant'
•    The Coming Jewish Temple


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