Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Biden's theory on why he's so unpopular This week: The Briefing, Vol. X, Issue 9...House Dem retirements hit 30-year high...Scared of Durham...Ukrainian President criticizes West for not doing more


Conservative Intel
Joe Biden in his interview with Bryan Tyler Cohen
Biden's theory on why he's so unpopular
Biden's theory on why he's so unpopular
This week: The Briefing, Vol. X, Issue 9
Why are Joe Biden and his party doing so badly in the polls? Biden has an idea -- it must be that everybody else is delusional and doesn't realize how good they have it. That's what he said over the weekend in a new interview with a friendly YouTuber.
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Rep. Kathleen Rice
Feb. 28, 2022, The Briefing, Vol. X, Issue 8
House Dem retirements hit 30-year high
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Pat Cross Cartoon
Scared of Durham
by Pat Cross
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Ukrainian President criticizes West for not doing more
Feb 25, 2022
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