Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Preparing For Magog War - Iran Developing Preemptive-Strike Capabilities Iran has revealed that some of its drone models have already been launched at Israel over the past year and are intended for a "preemptive strike" against its Israeli enemy. Iran boasts that it develops this capability with the help of lessons drawn from warfare in different world arenas.



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Breaking News Updates - June 01, 2022
'Accidental Fires' Continue To Happen At Food Processing Facilities
We are supposed to believe that what we are witnessing is just one "tragic accident" after another. We aren't supposed to see any sort of a pattern, and we aren't supposed to ask any questions. There have been more "accidental fires" in recent days, and I believe that the American people deserve some answers.
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World Economic Forum Reveals The Green Social-Credit System That Is Coming
If you thought the social credit system that controls the behavior of China's citizens with rewards and punishments based upon social/political/economic decisions was too dystopian to spread to the rest of the world, think again. This time it's coming in the form of green behavior.
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UN Double Standard For Islamic Persecution Vs. Christian Persecution
If one non-Muslim attack on a mosque is enough for the UN to institutionalize a special day for Islam, what about the countless, often worse, Muslim attacks on Christian places of worship?
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Preparing For Magog War - Iran Developing Preemptive-Strike Capabilities
Iran has revealed that some of its drone models have already been launched at Israel over the past year and are intended for a "preemptive strike" against its Israeli enemy. Iran boasts that it develops this capability with the help of lessons drawn from warfare in different world arenas.
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While scholars debate the timing of the Rapture, the world has lost why this event is prophesied to occur in the first place; knowledge that was once understood by those in the first century.

Today, researchers in the Middle-East have rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of Christ that reveals exactly how and why the Rapture must occur; unveiling new biblical insight that will reignite hope for believers in these trying times and prepare the world for what's coming.

This docu-drama includes Bible Prophecy experts: Amir Tsarfati, Jack Hibbs, JD Farag, Jan Markell & narration by Kevin Sorbo.  From the producers of The Coming Convergence.



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