The war between Marxism and Mary

Understand The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, the Russian Revolution and the spread of "Russia's errors." Fathom the war between Marxism and Mary.
Thomas • an hour ago Excellent job on the Marian Moments. May God continue to bless everyone at Church Militant and St Michael's Media. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.
GracieAlanna • 4 hours ago Thank you for Marian Moments.
Two words: Khazarian Mafia.
Primordial demons infecting the bloodlines of Cain, the sole demon-worshipping instigators of revolution and division in the world down through the millennium into the current elitist Central bank NWO cabal---Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, etc.
Research it.
Blobee • 13 hours ago • edited There are those that think the battle is between God and Satan. But it is ludicrous for anyone to think Satan, a creature, can defeat God. How can a creature overcome the Creator? It could never happen.
The battle is not between God and Satan, but rather between creatures. It is between Satan, the fallen angels, and the humans who follow him, and the angels and humans that follow God, and that includes Mary and all the Saints.
It seems to me the veil is lifting, and we are seeing now more clearly the darkness covering the earth. God planned for you and I to be alive at this time, for some specific purpose. Ready yourselves spiritually to be crystal clear about right and wrong; remove all sin from your lives without making concessions to it; and put on the armor of Christ, as is said in St. Paul's Epistle; and never resort to the weapons of the enemy, which are hate and violence and destruction, but resolve to act and react with love. As said in the video, it is more powerful than hate.
Dustin Dewind • 14 hours ago Beautiful. It's time to reread True Devotion to Mary. Enjoyed. Thank you.
Stewart Davies • 16 hours ago Our Blessed Lady announced that she would come to ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate heart, AND the First Saturday Communions of Reparation. The request, in its entirety, was formalized in June 1929. The means by which Russia will be converted, and the granting of a period of peace demands the participation of the whole Church. Sr. Lucia passed on the request to her spiritual director, Fr. Goncalves, who then subsequently passed it on to the bishop. It is reasonable to suppose that the request, in its entirety, was forwarded to Pope Pius XI. It is, therefore, also reasonable to suppose that the First Saturday Communions of Reparation were meant to be formally included in the liturgical life of the Church. Even if the recent consecration of Russia (and Ukraine, which was never asked for), did 'cut it' as fulfilling the requirements of the consecration, it is too little, and too late by far! And the whole world is now paying a terrible price for this failure.
Albion Stewart Davies • 4 hours ago I cannot understand why no pope carried out Our Lady's request for the consecration of Russia as she instructed. Even if Russia is no longer formally Communist, Russian society continues to decay from the consequences of Communism, there has been no conversion, and, as we know, Russians continue to wage war.
Stewart Davies Albion • 3 hours ago There were two inseparable elements to the request; the collegial consecration of Russia and the First Saturday Communions of Reparation In this way, the entire Church would unite to bring about the conversion of Russia. The responsibility rested with Pope Pius XI or one of his successors two attend with great urgency to the request in its entirety., i.e.consecration of Russia and the First Saturday devotions. If a significant portion of the Church had therefore taken up the requisite practice of the Five First Saturdays, than I feel we could say with certainty that the consecration of Russia would have followed in short order.
Albion Stewart Davies • 2 hours ago The problem with the First Five Saturdays is that most baptised Catholics know next to nothing about it, and that very few practice it. I just wonder how many Catholics will it take to do the FFSs so that the Consecration of Russia bears fruit.
Decider2 • 18 hours ago And so here we are in 2022, in the acapital of the " free world" having to teach history again, as if we didn't ever learn this stuff and create and fund a system of public education to save our children from falling for the falsehood of socialism. Yet why is this necessary people?
Michelle Campbell • 18 hours ago Truth win out, My Lord.
And since YOU are the Way, the Truth and the Light...Death has no victory or sting!
Marvelous are Thy Saints, Thy Friends whose blood was spilt defending You, O Sweet Jesus.
Recently, one of Your Homes, Your Tabernacle was stolen...placed there for generations. The angels that surrounded You in light, decapitated, Your VERY PRESENCE strewn all over the floor....
Such is the way of devils in human form that assault.
Should the devout expect any less from Your avowed enemies?
That's what PERSEVERANCE is for!!!!!!
In spite of 'Earth & Hell', we will proclaim CHRIST CRUCIFIED!!!
'Lo, l will be with you always even until the end of the world'.
O Blessed Eucharist, my Savior.
Now a Counter Proclamation! Specter...Fallen Principality...your time is over.
The Gates of Hell will not prevail as He Who said this wills.
Such a lack of vision, loathsome souls.
'Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful and enkindle in us the Fire of Thy
Love. Send forth Thy Loving Spirit and let us be renewed and renew the face of the earth'.
Pentecost...this Sunday. 💐❤🕊❤💐
We devout will make it count!
Thank you Simon, William, Michael, Fr Kalchik and all those that put such value and love into this new 'Marian Moment'.
And to view it on Her Feastday of the Visitation and Her Queenship...
a splendid blessing and grace! 👑
God, indeed, love you all. Ven Archbishop Sheen, pray for us. 🙏💒🙏
Mark Gabel • 20 hours ago What an awesome presentation. It's not only timely it is something everyone should view. It should be up for some sort of award... without a doubt!
PJ Tumnus • 21 hours ago I am so glad that Church Militant is again, presenting regular shows on Our Blessed Mother. This first one was excellent! I am looking forward to the next installment.
Hunter_2 • a day ago An excellent video, interesting and informative. One of the few discussions of Marx that mentions his worship of Satan instead of just referring to him as an atheist. I remember reading one of his poems, I believe it was the "Pale Maiden" that aptly describes to whom his loyalty lies.
“... Heaven I’ve forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for Hell.
Thomas • an hour ago Excellent job on the Marian Moments. May God continue to bless everyone at Church Militant and St Michael's Media. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.
GracieAlanna • 4 hours ago Thank you for Marian Moments.
Two words: Khazarian Mafia.
Primordial demons infecting the bloodlines of Cain, the sole demon-worshipping instigators of revolution and division in the world down through the millennium into the current elitist Central bank NWO cabal---Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, etc.
Research it.Blobee • 13 hours ago • edited There are those that think the battle is between God and Satan. But it is ludicrous for anyone to think Satan, a creature, can defeat God. How can a creature overcome the Creator? It could never happen.
The battle is not between God and Satan, but rather between creatures. It is between Satan, the fallen angels, and the humans who follow him, and the angels and humans that follow God, and that includes Mary and all the Saints.
It seems to me the veil is lifting, and we are seeing now more clearly the darkness covering the earth. God planned for you and I to be alive at this time, for some specific purpose. Ready yourselves spiritually to be crystal clear about right and wrong; remove all sin from your lives without making concessions to it; and put on the armor of Christ, as is said in St. Paul's Epistle; and never resort to the weapons of the enemy, which are hate and violence and destruction, but resolve to act and react with love. As said in the video, it is more powerful than hate.
Dustin Dewind • 14 hours ago Beautiful. It's time to reread True Devotion to Mary. Enjoyed. Thank you.
Stewart Davies • 16 hours ago Our Blessed Lady announced that she would come to ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate heart, AND the First Saturday Communions of Reparation. The request, in its entirety, was formalized in June 1929. The means by which Russia will be converted, and the granting of a period of peace demands the participation of the whole Church. Sr. Lucia passed on the request to her spiritual director, Fr. Goncalves, who then subsequently passed it on to the bishop. It is reasonable to suppose that the request, in its entirety, was forwarded to Pope Pius XI. It is, therefore, also reasonable to suppose that the First Saturday Communions of Reparation were meant to be formally included in the liturgical life of the Church. Even if the recent consecration of Russia (and Ukraine, which was never asked for), did 'cut it' as fulfilling the requirements of the consecration, it is too little, and too late by far! And the whole world is now paying a terrible price for this failure.
Albion Stewart Davies • 4 hours ago I cannot understand why no pope carried out Our Lady's request for the consecration of Russia as she instructed. Even if Russia is no longer formally Communist, Russian society continues to decay from the consequences of Communism, there has been no conversion, and, as we know, Russians continue to wage war.
Stewart Davies Albion • 3 hours ago There were two inseparable elements to the request; the collegial consecration of Russia and the First Saturday Communions of Reparation In this way, the entire Church would unite to bring about the conversion of Russia. The responsibility rested with Pope Pius XI or one of his successors two attend with great urgency to the request in its entirety., i.e.consecration of Russia and the First Saturday devotions. If a significant portion of the Church had therefore taken up the requisite practice of the Five First Saturdays, than I feel we could say with certainty that the consecration of Russia would have followed in short order.
Albion Stewart Davies • 2 hours ago The problem with the First Five Saturdays is that most baptised Catholics know next to nothing about it, and that very few practice it. I just wonder how many Catholics will it take to do the FFSs so that the Consecration of Russia bears fruit.
Decider2 • 18 hours ago And so here we are in 2022, in the acapital of the " free world" having to teach history again, as if we didn't ever learn this stuff and create and fund a system of public education to save our children from falling for the falsehood of socialism. Yet why is this necessary people?
Michelle Campbell • 18 hours ago Truth win out, My Lord.
And since YOU are the Way, the Truth and the Light...Death has no victory or sting!
Marvelous are Thy Saints, Thy Friends whose blood was spilt defending You, O Sweet Jesus.
Recently, one of Your Homes, Your Tabernacle was stolen...placed there for generations. The angels that surrounded You in light, decapitated, Your VERY PRESENCE strewn all over the floor....
Such is the way of devils in human form that assault.
Should the devout expect any less from Your avowed enemies?
That's what PERSEVERANCE is for!!!!!!
In spite of 'Earth & Hell', we will proclaim CHRIST CRUCIFIED!!!
'Lo, l will be with you always even until the end of the world'.
O Blessed Eucharist, my Savior.
Now a Counter Proclamation! Specter...Fallen Principality...your time is over.
The Gates of Hell will not prevail as He Who said this wills.
Such a lack of vision, loathsome souls.
'Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful and enkindle in us the Fire of Thy
Love. Send forth Thy Loving Spirit and let us be renewed and renew the face of the earth'.
Pentecost...this Sunday. 💐❤🕊❤💐
We devout will make it count!
Thank you Simon, William, Michael, Fr Kalchik and all those that put such value and love into this new 'Marian Moment'.
And to view it on Her Feastday of the Visitation and Her Queenship...
a splendid blessing and grace! 👑
God, indeed, love you all. Ven Archbishop Sheen, pray for us. 🙏💒🙏Mark Gabel • 20 hours ago What an awesome presentation. It's not only timely it is something everyone should view. It should be up for some sort of award... without a doubt!
PJ Tumnus • 21 hours ago I am so glad that Church Militant is again, presenting regular shows on Our Blessed Mother. This first one was excellent! I am looking forward to the next installment.
Hunter_2 • a day ago An excellent video, interesting and informative. One of the few discussions of Marx that mentions his worship of Satan instead of just referring to him as an atheist. I remember reading one of his poems, I believe it was the "Pale Maiden" that aptly describes to whom his loyalty lies.
“... Heaven I’ve forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for Hell.