Wednesday, June 1, 2022

HEADLINES..Church Militant..with Kim Tisor..Dissident Catholics Endorse New Cardinal..More Bishops Pressure Pelosi..Oklahoma Senate Candidate Defends Life..BBC Alters Testimony Edits rape victim's testimony.


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JUNE 1, 2022

Get briefed on today's top stories with Kim Tisor.

Dissident Catholics Endorse New Cardinal
Celebrate Bp. Robert McElory's promotion. FULL STORY

More Bishops Pressure Pelosi
Some are upholding her ban from recieveing Holy Communion. FULL STORY

Oklahoma Senate Candidate Defends Life
Rips vice president's pro-death comments. FULL STORY

Leftists Attack SC Justice’s Wife
Ginni Thomas called an insurrectionist. FULL STORY

Trans Athlete Defends Competing
Claims he's like a tall and muscular woman. FULL STORY

BBC Alters Testimony
Edits rape victim's testimony. FULL STORY

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