Tucker Carlson just endorsed this candidate for President in 2024. But it’s not who you think

Even though the 2022 Midterm elections haven’t taken place yet, the 2024 campaign is already taking shape.
The competition will be especially intense on the Democrat side.
And Tucker Carlson just endorsed this candidate for President in 2024. But it’s not who you think.
The New York Times ran a stunning article last weekend where Democrats went on the record with their criticisms that Joe Biden was too old, too enfeebled, and too incompetent to run for a second term.
But the article also made it clear there was very little love in the Democrat Party for the idea of Kamala Harris as the nominee in 2024.
Many are speculating that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is the most likely nominee outside of Harris.
That led to Carlson mocking Democrats as racist for floating the idea of replacing the first black female nominee with a white man.
“Now they’re ghosting Kamala Harris like a bad Tinder date,” Carlson said. “They’re pretending like she doesn’t exist. In effect, in doing that, the Democratic Party is embracing white supremacy. How? Well, Democratic Party leaders plan to deny Harris a job that she has earned as Democratic nominee and replace her in the next cycle with yet another, wait for it now, white man. Let’s try Beto, how about Mayor Pete. Notice a theme here? Pale and male is their forever telling us because it turns out diversity isn’t actually our strength,” Carlson began.
Carlson then played a greatest hits reel of Harris’ worst gaffes and snickered at her career path.
“Despite appearances, Kamala Harris is not a disposable consumer product. She’s a pioneer. Do you know what she went through trying to get a fair shake in this systemically racist country as the daughter of college professors? It wasn’t easy. You know how hard she worked? At one point, she even dated Montel Williams,” Carlson added.
Carlson continued in on the gag by blasting Democrats for embracing white supremacy if they ditch Harris for another white male candidate in two years.
“Look what she’s become. Now, simply because she’s a moron and no one likes her, or even agrees how to pronounce her first name, the Democratic Party is trying to throw Harris away, tossing her out the window like a used Big Mac wrapper. Now, Kamala Harris may be stained with secret sauce, but she deserves more than that. Yes, she does. Mediocrity is no excuse for firing someone. A low I.Q., terrible personality, total inability to do the prescribed job – those are not reasons to deny someone a job,” Carlson stated.
Carlson concluded by jokingly endorsing Harris for President in 2024.
“Tonight, we are endorsing Kamala D. Harris for the 2024 Democratic Primaries. She deserves it and so do Democrats. They created her. They should be forced to live with her,” Carlson told viewers.
Renewed Right will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.