Dear Young Males: God Calls Effeminacy A Sin – Here’s Proof
Here’s a message most young men won’t be hearing in their college and careers Bible studies.
But some of us have been around long enough to figure out that the verses we least want to read are the ones we need to hear most.
Or have you not yet noticed how many times in the gospels Jesus goes out of his way to deliberately touch that one raw nerve of undeclared sin in a person’s life before he offers the invitation to ‘go and sin no more’?
Today’s Biblically-illiterate generation has a whole stack of verses they are desperately in need of hearing. But there are a few that have become such untouchable ‘third-rail’ issues that preachers bold enough to cite them are few and far between.
A generation that now struggles to define such simple terms as ‘men’ and ‘women’ is in desperate need of solid footing on which to stand.
That brings us to today’s message. Buckle up and hang on tight.