MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT KEEPS TRUMP ON BALLOTThe Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected an effort to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential primary ballot. The news comes about a week after Colorado’s high court ruled against Trump in a similar case. READ
CHICAGO MAYOR SOUNDS ALARM ON IMMIGRATIONChicago Mayor Brandon Johnson sounded the alarm about the unsustainable immigrant population in the “sanctuary city” and asked the Biden administration to take action. “It’s the entire country that is now at stake,” Johnson said Wednesday.READ
PRO-PALESTINIAN PROTESTERS BLOCK HOLIDAY TRAVELPro-Palestinian protesters blocked traffic outside major airports in California and New York on Wednesday. Authorities declared an unlawful assembly in Los Angeles, arresting and charging dozens. The protests were reportedly a "coordinated nationwide event."READ
BIDEN ADMIN TO TEAR DOWN ARLINGTON MEMORIALThe Biden administration is removing a longstanding monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers killed in action. The monument has stood in Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia for 109 years.READ
SCANDAL: HUNDREDS OF LITTLE KIDS SENT TO UK ‘TRANS’ CLINICNearly 400 children between the ages of three and six were sent to the now-shuttered taxpayer-funded Gender Identity Development Service in the UK, reports show. Of this group, 73 children referred to the disgraced facility were reported to be three or four years of age.READ
LGBTQ ‘LIFE COACH’ TELLS KIDS TO CUT OFF PARENTS Jeffrey Marsh, an LGBTQ social media influencer who calls himself a “life coach,” made several videos encouraging minors to “go no-contact” with parents who are not on board with the LGBTQ movement. Marsh typically appears wearing heavy makeup and women’s earrings.READ
LAW FORCES STORES TO HAVE ‘GENDER-NEUTRAL’ KIDS’ SECTIONSA California law punishing stores that don’t have “gender neutral” children’s sections is set to go into effect next week. “The government is deciding to tell a religious person, could be a Muslim-owned business, that they have to use certain words to advertise toys, and those words might violate the belief systems of that particular Muslim-owned business,” said Greg Burt of the California Family Council.READ
LOOPcast Did Josh retain his title as "Oracle of Petoskey"? Is Tucker Trump's VP pick? Will Travis win Taylor and the Super Bowl? And WHO will be your next president? Find out on a rip-roaring New Year's LOOPcast of bold predictions... and a little egg-on-your-face for Erika and Tom. LISTEN
BRAZILIAN BISHOP REJECTS VATICAN-AUTHORIZED ‘SAME-SEX BLESSINGS’ Bishop Adair José Guimarães of Formosa, Brazil, has announced that the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans authorizing blessings for “same-sex couples” will not be implemented in his diocese. The blessings “would cause scandal and misunderstanding,” he said.READ
HUNGARIAN BISHOPS ALSO REJECT ‘IRREGULAR’ COUPLE BLESSINGSThe Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a stern directive in the wake of the controversy generated by the Vatican’s declaration on “same-sex” blessings. Priests “should always avoid common blessing for couples who live together in a non-marital partnership or in a marriage that is not valid in the Church, or who live in a same-sex partnership,” the conference stated.READ
YEAR-END FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONSAs much as we want to focus on the joy of Christmas gatherings, nativity scenes, gift-giving, and liturgical traditions, the end of the year places certain financial considerations on us as well. Here are six things to do or plan as the year’s end approaches, from tax-free gifting to retirement contributions, 529 plans, and more.READ
CATHOLIC 101During the Octave of Christmas, we celebrate a particular feast day: the Feast of the Holy Innocents. Also known as Childermas, it commemorates the children slaughtered by the barbaric King Herod whose goal was to kill the Christ Child and preserve his own power. The Holy Innocents died in Christ's stead so that He could die in ours.READ
SAINT OF THE DAYThe Holy Innocents are mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel in the account of the birth of Christ. After the wise men deceived Herod, the wicked king turned his rage on the city of Bethlehem, commanding the slaughter of every boy under the age of two. At the warning of an angel, the Holy Family escaped to Egypt. While the exact number of victims is unknown, these children are considered martyrs. They were the first to die because of Christ.READ
DAILY PSALM “Our soul has been rescued like a bird from the fowler's snare.” (Psalm 124:7)READ
HERITAGE The Chapel of the Milk Grotto of Our Lady in Bethlehem was built in 1872 on the site of a former Byzantine church from around the 5th century. The chapel was built on the place where the Holy Family found refuge during the Massacre of the Innocents, before they could flee to Egypt.SHARE
Credit: Antoine Taveneaux / Wikipedia
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