As 2023 comes to a close, we are shocked and horrified by the alarming surge in antisemitism around the globe. In these challenging times, the world needs the history and lessons of the Holocaust more than ever—and the Museum needs your support to continue our urgent work in 2024.
Please make your year-end, tax-deductible gift today to help us reach our $1.85 million goal so we can teach people everywhere the devastating consequences of antisemitism and hate. |
| | A few examples of how your support helped us counter antisemitism with education in 2023:
We Amplified the Voices of Holocaust Survivors We released the Undeniable Truth video series on social media platforms, where antisemitism and Holocaust denial are spread too easily. Each video features a survivor talking about an object they donated to our collection—a diary, a pair of boots, a letter—that holds deep meaning to them and serves as enduring evidence of the Holocaust. This campaign has been seen tens of millions of times, particularly by young people.
We Brought Holocaust History to Under-Served Communities In partnership with the American Library Association, our Americans and the Holocaust exhibition continued its tour of communities with little or no access to local Holocaust education. The first tour of 50 public and academic libraries across the United States is almost complete and has reached more than 270,000 people. With your continued support, Americans and the Holocaust will visit another 50 US cities over the next three years.
We Gained New Insights from the Vatican Archives In October, we united with Jewish and Catholic scholars, historians, and many others in Rome to study documents from the World War II-era Vatican archives—opened in 2020—that contain an estimated 16 million records. These archives have begun to shed new light on the actions of Pope Pius XII and his fellow church leaders as millions of Jews and other victims were being persecuted and murdered across Europe.
With your support, Carl, we will continue working tirelessly to meet the challenges ahead.
We will unleash the power of Holocaust history even further beyond our walls in 2024, defending its truth and educating new generations with the crucial lessons it has to teach. Please make your year-end, tax-deductible donation today—before the December 31 deadline.
Together, we can create a future that is better than the past. |
| Thank you for your support, | Dana Weinstein Director of Membership |
| Photo: Visitors explore the Americans and the Holocaust exhibition at the public library in Amarillo, Texas, in September 2022. Matt Strasen for USHMM |
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