ISLAMIST TERRORISTS KILL CHRISTIANS AHEAD OF CHRISTMASMuslim terrorists have killed at least 150 Nigerians in several attacks since December 23 and specifically targeted numerous Christian villages and homes on Christmas Eve. The terrorists began attacking Christian homes in the village of Gwana in Central Plateau State at 10 p.m. on December 23. The majority of villagers were sleeping when the terrorists opened fire. READ
WOMAN CHARGED WITH VANDALISM SUES PRO-LIFE CLINICHannah Kamke pled guilty to disorderly conduct after being arrested for spray-painting “LIARS” on CompassCare’s Amherst location in New York. Now Kamke is suing the pro-life center, accusing it of "medical malpractice" as she denies violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.READ
ITALIAN PRIEST CREATES BLASPHAMOUS ‘SAME-SEX’ NATIVITYA priest in Italy created a “same-sex” nativity scene featuring another woman besides Mary. The extra woman figure wore a robe in LGBT rainbow colors.READ
MAN STABS TEENS IN NEW YORK ON CHRISTMAS DAYPolice arrested a 36-year-old man for stabbing two teenage girls at a café in Grand Central Terminal on Christmas Day. "I want all the white people dead," he said, according to police.READ
NICARAGUAN REGIME ARRESTS ANOTHER BISHOPThe regime of Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega arrested Bishop Isidro del Carmen Mora Ortega just five days before Christmas as the prelate was on his way to celebrate the confirmations of 230 parishioners. Two seminarians were reportedly detained with Bishop Mora, whose whereabouts remain unknown.READ
NEW YORK TO VOTE ON RADICAL ABORTION AMENDMENT New Yorkers will be voting next November on a proposal to enshrine “abortion rights” in the state’s constitution. The vote comes as the abortion lobby attempts to expand abortion in numerous states by amending their constitutions following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022.READ
URUGUAYAN BISHOP WILL NOT BLESS ‘SAME-SEX’ COUPLESCardinal Daniel Sturla, Archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay, announced during an interview that he will refrain from blessing “same-sex couples” in response to the release of the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans. Sturla is regarded as an ally of Pope Francis.READ
MERCH The exclusive ”happy warrior” line from CatholicVote! Look great as you live out your faith in the public square. SHOP
HOMILY FROM CHRISTMAS MASS IN BETHLEHEM At midnight Mass for Christmas in Bethlehem, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa addressed the Christians of Gaza: “We are ready to do whatever we can for you. All our lives are at your service. You’re not alone. We’ll never abandon you.”READ
MELKITE PRIESTS TO FACE PENALTIES FOR BLESSINGSThe Melkite Catholic Church in the United States released guidelines in response to the Vatican’s recent declaration on blessings, stating that priests will face penalties if they perform blessings for couples in irregular situations without a bishop’s approval.READ
SURPRISINGLY SPIRITUALFor all that we read about the de-Christianizing of our culture and attacks on people of faith, Americans are surprisingly spiritual according to a recent Pew study.READ
CATHOLIC 101Everything is within God’s divine will. So does that mean he wills all the terrible things in our world, too? How do we reconcile the idea of a loving God with the knowledge that all things (even the awful things) fall within His will?READ
SAINT OF THE DAYSt. John the Apostle is also called John “the beloved” and was originally a fisherman before Jesus called him. He stayed by Jesus throughout the Passion and cared for Mary after Jesus’ death and resurrection. The only apostle who did not die a martyr's death, John was exiled to the island of Patmos after being unsuccessfully boiled in oil.READ
DAILY PSALM “Rejoice in the Lord, you just!” (Psalm 97:12)READ
FORGIVENESS Forty years ago today, Pope John Paul II showed the world that radical forgiveness is possible when he visited his would-be assassin in prison.READ
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