It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. MY LIFE: #34 Discovering Repentance.It is my experience that indwelt Christians need to repent often by admitting to God, through Christ, of each of our selfish decisions that the Holy Spirit brings to mind.
THE SPIRITUAL BOY VS. THE NATURAL MANHowever, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. (Romans 8:9 NASB) It is my experience that indwelt Christians need to repent often by admitting to God, through Christ, of each of our selfish decisions that the Holy Spirit brings to mind. Sin cannot be ignored in the life of an indwelt believer. When we turn away from God, a simple acknowledgment of those rebellious decisions (sin) turns our focus back to the inward life of Jesus. The Greek word for repentance is metanoia – meaning a change of mind. It is not begging, guilt acknowledgment, or getting things straight but simply a change of what is going on in your mind. Once this occurs, the believer can process the forgiveness of Christ that already exists. Keep in mind that forgiveness is not something that we should ask Jesus for but rather something we realign ourselves with. Forgiveness is an act of Jesus Christ that is to be claimed, not asked or “begged.” His final act of forgiveness is eternal and forever lasting: past, present, and future.LOOKING BACKWhen I was a child, paralyzed by condemnation, guilt became a master of sorts. Each and every time someone was suffering, I deemed it my fault. These incidents might seem trivial or insignificant to some, but for me, it has been a source of guilt and regret that came to rule my life like a festering cancer. Throughout my life, I replayed these scenarios in my mind countless times - like a broken record, wishing I could go back and make a different choice. The irony is that I began to repent for the sins of others as if they belonged to me. I wanted to apologize for the misbehaviors of all those around me. I understand now that it was wrong, and I deeply regret my actions. Today, I realize that it was my sin of covertly functioning like I was to carry the sins of others on my narrow shoulders - not realizing at the time that Jesus alone has/had that responsibility. I've grown and learned so much since then, and I can assure you that I am not the same person who took on the sins of others.I am sharing this with you in the hope that my readers discover the eternal solution and resolution and demonstrate my discovery of spiritually understanding the difference between the NATURAL MAN and the SPIRITUAL. In doing this, I embraced a real commitment to the indwelling Life of Jesus, authentic honesty, and personal growth. I understand if you need time to process this. Please know that my intention is to clear the air and move forward with integrity and respect. GOD’S DESIGN AND THE FALL OF HUMANITY Allow me to share the design and function of the Natural Man (unsaved), Spiritual Man (saved), and Carnal Man (believer walking AFTER their flesh). It is critical that we understand what areas of life we as believers are currently walking AFTER our flesh, come to an honest appraisal, and have a change of mind (repent) – not to gain forgiveness but rather to enjoy the forgiveness that already exists. This life principle can and should be used to help the indwelt understand their “walking pattern.” This teaching will point believers to areas of their lives that reflect selfishness (sin). When disciples of Jesus are confused about living a victorious life, understanding the power of the Cross becomes critical in their discovery of His victory that is readily available within them. God has asked us to consider our ways and turn our feet toward His testimonies. Our diagram today illustrates the utter hopelessness of the person who is not born-again (unsaved). Their spirit is dead and dominated by sin. This causes the mind, will, emotions, and body to be enslaved to sin. This is the natural state into which we are all born - we are ALL born into sin. The natural man cannot understand spiritual things and must walk in and after the flesh. The natural man is not only IN the flesh because he is in Adam, but his identity is sin, and therefore, is obligated to walk after it. Note: God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are on the OUTSIDE of man. This puts the natural man in a desperate need for life that only Christ can give through Salvation. No matter how well-adjusted or nice the person might be – death still reigns because there is no real life or relationship with Christ.By looking at the diagram, it appears that Satan is on the inside of the person when, in reality, the “old nature” is a mirrored image of Satan. This is why we are born into sin and ultimately go to Hell if we do not receive Christ into our mortal being. A LIFE-CHANGING STORY I had a pastor in my office who had been pastoring one of the largest churches in Kansas City. He came due to not being able to practice what he was preaching. As I was taking him through our diagrams, particularly this one (Natural Man), he stopped me and asked, “Wait, are you trying to tell me that there is a time in our lives when we actually ask Christ into our lives?” To which I responded, “Yes, of course.” With that, he asked if we could stop so he could make such a decision. Here we have a pastor of one of the fastest-growing churches in America realizing that he had never asked Christ to come into his life. he was managing the church by what he learned in seminary, making use of responsible techniques taught to him and by a personal passion to follow Christ instead of conducting ministry through the indwelling Life OF Christ. You might be surprised by the number of “pastors” I have encountered who do NOT have the indwelling Life of Christ. Since this is true, we might have a plethora of churches led by the blind leading the blind. The method used to lead people to Christ by way of revealing the Truth (Jesus) does NOT get people saved. It is not the teachings OF Jesus that produce authentic salvation - that is accomplished singularly by the Holy Spirit. However, droves of pastors use this madness method to guilt people into praying the “sinners’ prayer.” Most function on the ideology that a man/woman who does not accept Christ into their mortal being will go to Hell. While this is true, self-produced prayers don’t reverse this reality. These kinds of manufactured prayers enlarge the emergent world of the pragmatism of “following Christ” vs. inheriting the indwelling Life of Christ. It sickens me to watch ministers of the Word openly accept the term “I’m a Christian” as proof of being an indwelt Christian.Facts remaining – being a Christ follower does not get one into Heaven! Personally, I believe this is the primary reason why many will come before the Lord and be rejected. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' (Mat 7:22-23) Coming up next is #35, “The Boy Who Walks in The Spirit.” Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |