It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. STEPHEN PHINNEY: Twas the Night Before Christ-as-LifeOn behalf of our family, we bless you with a Christ-as-Life Christmas. We use this celebration to remind family & friends of the powerful, indwelling Life of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ.
Several years back, I was contracted to do a “life-size” pastel of Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus. The above image does not do justice to the beauty of the original master. However, it does capture the essence of the Master’s piece. The pastel was intended to communicate the importance of Jesus’s first coming, with a special reminder that humanity should not worship a baby in the manger but rather a risen resurrected Savior FOR humanity. During the completion of this Master’s piece, the Lord gave me this rendition poem. TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRIST-AS-LIFEBy Stephen Phinney Twas the night before Christ-as-Life, when all through the world, The children were nestled all snug in their beds, When out in the stable, there arose such a clatter, The moon on the breast of the stable’s roof glows, With a little old cradle made so soft amid the herd, "Come forth, our Savior, Christ, and King! As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, And then, in the twinkling of an eye, I saw others gathering, He was dressed in swaddling clothing, from his head to his feet, His eyes -- how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! The finger of His mother He held tight as a sheath, He was peaceful and slump, a righteous joy Himself, He spoke not a word but cooed like a baby, The angels returned to Heaven, the shepherds back to their land, ©2022 | Dr. Stephen R. Phinney | Permission to PrintDedicated to my beloved wife – Janie Marie PhinneyOn behalf of our family, we bless you with a Christ-as-Life Christmas. We use this celebration to remind family & friends of the powerful, indwelling Life of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Do not accept the suggestion of the enemy that you are powerless to break away from the pagan gods of traditional Christmas & its symbols. Remember, it is not a question of your own power but His power from within you. When you honestly decide to enjoy the true message of Christ’s birth, you can enjoy the celebration as ‘part one’ of His reason for the season - “I have come that you may have Life and Life abundantly.” When we celebrate His birth, we are celebrating His Second Coming. The birth of Christ was given to us as a gift. A gift that introduces all of us to His death. Through His death, we died with Him. The door opened to everlasting Life. That led us to the power of Pentecost where the Holy Spirit was released to the indwelling Life of Jesus. After our indwelling experience, we are set up for the Rapture of Jesus’s Bride - us. Now the real celebration. All authentic, born-again Bridal members eagerly await the greatest “Christmas” gift of all - the New Heaven & Earth. Every gift we give during this celebration is the symbol of the coming New Heaven and Earth. Every festive light and decor is the eternal symbol of the Light and Life of our Husband, Jesus. Every morsel of treats is to remind us of that Jesus as our Bread of Life. So… from our festive home to yours, have a blessed Christ-as-Life. The Phinney Family Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |