Friday, January 26, 2024

Louisiana lawmaker accuses Biden administration of "staging civil war" with removal order targeting Texas border razor wire; Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 25, 2024 - Texas Gov defies Biden's treason as pro-America states form battle lines to defend against migrant invasion


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Stop the invasion - 25 states join Texas as civil war battle lines are drawn
Mike Adams

Following the treasonous US Supreme Court order that demanded Texas allow an unlimited invasion of enemy combatants who seek the total destruction of America, now 25 states have joined Texas in defying the unconstitutional lunacy from Washington D.C.

Trump is now asking all 25 states to send national guard troops to Texas in support of border protection, and it's clear that the battle lines for the coming civil war are now being drawn up.

Fake president Joe Biden appears to be on a course that will seek to use the U.S. military to assault and kill Americans in order to protect the foreign invaders who are destroying this country.

Things are about to get "interesting," as they say.

Full details in today's broadcast -- along with a bombshell interview with Col. Anthony Shaffer -- in our Brighteon Broadcast News here.

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