It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. NUMBER SEVEN: #9 The Seven TrumpetsThe Seven Trumpets of Revelation, as described in the Book of Revelation (Chapters 8-11), represent a series of divine judgments that will be brought upon the earth during the Great Tribulation.
THE NUMBER SEVEN | THE SEVEN TRUMPETSThe Seven Trumpets of Revelation, as described in the Book of Revelation (Chapters 8-11), represent a series of divine judgments that will be brought upon the earth during the Great Tribulation. Each trumpet, sounded by an angel, signifies a different type of judgment affecting the earth, seas, water, sky, and people. These events are believed to occur after the breaking of the seventh seal. The trumpets are not only instruments of judgment but also serve as a response to the prayers of the martyrs who were killed for their faith and beliefs in Jesus Christ, as well as the 144,000 pure-bloodline Jews persecuted during the Great Tribulation. The final three trumpets, also known as the ‘woe trumpets,’ intensify in their impact. The sounding of these trumpets is a profound symbol of the power of God’s justice and the seriousness of human sin. If you are new to this series, here are the past episodes: HERE And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them. (Revelation 8:3-6)Within this passage, in a priestly mode, an angel stands before God with a golden censer in hand. The incense rising from this censer is the aroma of all the prayers from Saints who sacrificed their lives for their devotion to Jesus Christ. The smoke from the incense represented the actual prayers of those Saints – pleading for justice and revenge on the enemy who persecuted Jesus through their devotion to Him. In short, they are begging for the Living God to act. God hears them, and decides now is the time to answer each and every prayer. As soon as the Father gives the go-ahead, the angel fills the censer with fire. This fire represents judgment and purification. The Hebrew and Greek word used here is pur, which depicts purification by removing dross, or defiled members. In this passage, the defiled members are all those who rejected the offering of salvation in Jesus Christ – past and present. Next? The angel throws the censer to the earth. Along with noises of terror, thunder, lightning, and an earthquake of such magnitude that it shook the axis of the earth. The prayers of the martyred Saints are about to become punishment upon all those who assaulted them. When God said Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord, this censer fulfills His promise. Before we list the Seven Trumpets, know this. In the final verses of chapter 8, verses 7-13, we have the sounding of the first four trumpets, with the last three trumpets noted in chapter 9. Keynote here, the sounding of these trumpets sound off shortly before the Second Coming of Yeshua/Jesus. Also, make note that the Seventh trumpet is reserved for a special announcement – the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. The Seventh trumpet sets the stage for the 1,000-year reign of the Son of God. BACK STORYIn chapter eight of the book of Revelation, the world is about to become a world ruled by God’s greatest enemy, Satan – under the judgments of the trumpet. As each trumpet is sounded, the nations, its people, and the planet itself are handed over to the “beast,” who is none other than the Antichrist. In addition, alongside the Antichrist is his “false prophet,” Satan’s false messiah, the man of sin. Both take full control of the Earth and its dwellers. Believe it or not, even this horrid demise is conducted under the sovereign hand of God. While all the commotion is unraveling on Earth, in Heaven, sounds of worship shout from the throne of God. As each trumpet is sounded, more shouts of praise on Heaven's side ring through the ages. That is until the Seventh trumpet is sounded, which is followed by a Holy hush, a silence for 30 minutes. The final trumpet releases the Second Coming of the King of kings. Between the sixth and seventh trumpets, Satan takes the throne seat in the third temple of God’s position of the Holy of Holies. This act ignites the release of Yeshua/Jesus’s anger, causing the final trumpet to be sounded. What happens next is too horrid to define with human words. THE TRIBULATION TRUMPETSEach of these trumpets addresses the priority of humanity’s needs – water then food. God’s objective is to kill off the worshipers of the Antichrist and the false prophet – ultimately leaving the two of them impotent. 1. FIRST TRUMPET: The vegetation destruction (8:7). To open the tribulation God the Father allows upon the Earth a terrible ecological devastation; one-third of all vegetation will be destroyed. God ignites the beginnings of food shortage for earth dwellers under the rule of the Antichrist. 2. SECOND TRUMPET: The destruction of the seas (8:8-9). Once the sounding of the second trumpet, something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. Imagine this: a third of the earth’s oceans are filled with blood from the life forms within the seas, mixed with the blood of humans who became trapped by this devastation. The magnitude of this trumpet sounding is staggering. The pollutants, diseases, and death from this judgment spread like cancer. 3. THIRD TRUMPET: The destruction of freshwater supplies (8:10-11). One-third of the water will become wormwood, killing, and poisoning the masses. Note that wormwood is a plant with a poisonous bitter taste. The Hebrew text defines it as bitterness that comes from sorrow and calamity (Jeremiah 9:15). 4. FOURTH TRUMPET: The destruction of the cosmic heavens (8:12-13). Lights out! This judgment trumpet darkens one-third of the cosmic heavens – stars and solar systems. Most don’t realize that the stars and solar plexus provide a heating blanket of sorts surrounding the Earth. When one-third of these are squinched, a drastic atmospheric change occurs for earth dwellers, which includes an extreme decrease in global temperature. 5. FIFTH TRUMPET: Locusts from the Bottomless Pit (9:1-12). While the Antichrist and the false prophet are in motion to deceive earth dwellers, the fifth trumpet releases Satan himself with a host of locus (demons). It is doubtful that the loci are real locusts. Rather, they are droves of demons swarming over the earth. These demons will attack those who are not sealed by the mark of perfect of God, 777, which are the 144,000 pure bloodline orthodox Jews. Those Jews will be protected to continue the evangelistic process until 10,000 bloodline Jews are extracted from the organic 12 Tribes of Israel, leaving the mixed bloodline Jews to receive judgment for breaking God’s mandate of not intermarrying outside of the 12 Tribes. 6. SIXTH TRUMPET: Angels released from the Garden of Eden’s Euphrates (9:13-21). In case you don’t remember, when God chased Adam and Eve out of the Garden, God placed a single angel with a flaming sword at the entrance. This passage does not reference this angel. However, it is referencing the four demonic, highly destructive angels, as well as Satan, bound to the Garden (Middle East) to this day. Up to this moment, they were limited to destructive activities within the fifteen-hundred square mile radius of the Garden of Eden. This is why Satan has been forced to use his lower-rank demons for global deception. Remember, the Ashen horse killed a fourth of the earth's population (Rev. 6:8). This trumpet releases these four legend demons to kill a third of the remaining 75%. 7. SEVENTH TRUMPET: The Kingdom of God revealed and proclaimed (11:15-19). Now with only 25% of the world’s population remaining, God’s final judgment is released through the seventh trumpet sounding. Basically, this is the coronation of the Son of God from Heaven’s side. The transition of power from Satan to Yeshua has not occurred yet. The nations remain under Satan’s authority; however, God continues to use Satan as a puppet until He releases His Son in His Second Coming – at which time Satan is chained and bound to the bottomless pit, The seventh trumpet ignites the forthcoming days of the end of Satan, his demons, followers, and all of their evil deeds. There are mysteries hidden regarding the seventh trumpet we are not to know. In fact, John was told NOT to write down the sevenfold message contained within the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet. While this series addresses the Number Seven within the book of Revelation, I have not added the Seven Thunders of the Sevenfold Message to our teachings – for there is nothing to write.
They remain sealed until the hour of its delivery. So, there you have it – the Seven Praises in Christ Jesus. Praising Jesus Christ is a heartfelt response to those filled with the Holy Spirit. If a believer radiates His love, grace, and sacrifice through their daily expressions, we reveal the greatest revelation of all of eternity. His teachings have guided countless individuals to receive His indwelling Life. His sacrifice on the cross, an act of ultimate love, has provided a path to reconciliation with God and the promise of eternal life He promised to the Jews first, and then the Gentiles. His resurrection is a testament to His victory over sin and death. These extraordinary acts of love and sacrifice make Jesus Christ worthy of praise today and throughout eternal life. By praising Him, believers acknowledge His divine existence and nature, express gratitude for His blessings, and reaffirm their faith in His indwelling Life within His Bride. The act of praising Jesus Christ is not only an expression of gratitude for selecting His Bride but also a means to draw closer to Him and experience His love and grace more deeply. COMING FEBRUARY 13TH: The Seven Bowls of Wrath, found in the Book of Revelation, is a set of Judgments planned by the Living God. Don’t miss it.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |