Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Dem’s Not-So-Secret Funding Weapon, ACTBLUE, Has Been Taking A Beating Assets can become liabilities. Here's a perfect example. Wes Walker March 10, 2025


Dem’s Not-So-Secret Funding Weapon, ACTBLUE, Has Been Taking A Beating

Assets can become liabilities. Here's a perfect example.

Picking a fight with the guy behind DOGE was a serious tactical error on their part.

For years, ActBlue was the secret weapon Democrats used to dominate the GOP in fundraising. But they’ve been taking heat from many directions, and it’s starting to crack.

You know all those stories about Democrats crushing the GOP in fundraising? What if Sam Bankman-Fried wasn’t the only sketchy funding source the Dems have been relying on?

For one thing, DOGE has found a crapton of examples of NGOs acting as little more than a money-laundering racket where taxpayer money gets dumped into partisan projects which will inevitably sund partisan politics downstream of them.

Recent years have turned up all sorts of anomolies with ActBlue giving… including grandmothers who supposedly gave tens of thousands while eking out an existence on a fixed income.

Then were the various allegations of foreign donors pumping cash into Democrat coffers.

We’ve got supposedly ‘grassroots’ protests being exposed as nothing more than Craigslist protesters-for-hire paid by Act Blue… most recently the Tesla protests:

From LibsOfTiktok:

It gets worse…

And Charlie Kirk has something to say about just how bad it’s getting within ActBlue (H/t @Amuse for the video.)

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