Tuesday, March 18, 2025

James Comer discovered one smoking gun that could bring down the Democrat Party Mar 17, 2025...ActBlue in turmoil as allegations mount


James Comer discovered one smoking gun that could bring down the Democrat Party

Mar 17, 2025

The largest criminal scheme in American political history may be about to explode.

It’s bad news for the Left.

And now James Comer discovered one smoking gun that could bring down the Democrat Party.

ActBlue in turmoil as allegations mount

ActBlue is the online fundraising portal that powers the Democrat Party money machine.

Since coming online in 2004, ActBlue funneled $17 billion to Democrat candidates and causes.

Republicans wondered how Democrats were able to create the biggest fundraising juggernaut in political history.

The answer began to become clear last fall.

Wisconsin Republican strategist Mark Block revealed that someone made $900 in fraudulent donations to Kamala Harris through ActBlue using his name.

The Republican Party began investigating.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) told podcaster Benny Johnson that his probe into ActBlue began the exact same way as his investigation into the Biden Crime Family – with the suspicious activity reports banks filed with the Treasury Department.

“We’re investigating ActBlue the same way we investigated the Bidens,” Comer stated. “We’re starting with the suspicious activity reports – bank violations that flag financial crimes. And let me tell you, the evidence is overwhelming.”

In late February, ActBlue’s senior staff began resigning en masse.

“According to the letter from the ActBlue unions, which has not been previously reported and was confirmed as authentic by three people briefed on its contents, the senior staff departures began on Feb. 21. That day, ActBlue’s customer service and partnerships directors, who had both worked at the group for more than a decade, left, according to the unions’ letter,” The New York Times reported.

The resignations from ActBlue came in waves with no explanation.

“The next week, several other senior officials left, including the associate general counsel — who was the highest-ranking legal officer at ActBlue — the assistant research director, a human resources official, the chief revenue officer and an engineer who had spent 16 years building and maintaining the electronic pipes through which the group’s donations flow,” The Times report continued.

But Comer thinks he knows why the ActBlue staff fled for the exits – they knew that you-know-what was about to hit the fan.

“These people know what’s coming. If ActBlue was innocent, they’d be out there defending themselves, calling me a conspiracy theorist. Instead, they’re running for the hills,” Comer added.

Comer told Johnson that the ActBlue protocols were an invitation for fraud.

“The way ActBlue set up their accounts, it would be really easy to launder money through fake credit cards and fake names,” Comer added.

Johnson then told the story of 80-year-old Kerry Alberti.

Alberti lives in a rent-controlled apartment, yet she supposedly made $800,000 in donations over the last 500 days.

Comer said his staff only got access to the suspicious activity reports filed with the Treasury Department after the election since the Biden administration couldn’t hold off investigators any longer.

And Comer told Johnson that what his staff got a peek at contained damning evidence.

“We requested these violations, and they wouldn’t give them to us. After the election, Janet Yellen let a few of my staffers go in there. They saw that, yes, there were several hundred suspicious activity reports from various banks. We got to look at 12 of them. I can tell you, they were bad. They were exactly what we suspected.” Comer concluded.

For the last two decades, ActBlue allowed Democrats to build a massive fundraising advantage over Republicans.

But that all could vanish ahead of the 2026 Midterms.

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