Ron Paul had to pick himself up off the floor when he heard what Marco Rubio said about being a peacemaker (Time for all Republicans to Unite & Work Together as Americans First)

Secretary of State Marco Rubio was one of the biggest warmongers in Washington, D.C. during his time in the Senate.
But Rubio is singing a different tune while working for Donald Trump.
And Ron Paul had to pick himself up off the floor when he heard what Marco Rubio said about being a peacemaker.
Donald Trump has fundamentally changed the Republican Party since he came down the golden escalator in 2015.
Before Donald Trump entered the fray, the Republican Party supported endless wars and intervention overseas.
During the 2008 and 2012 GOP Presidential Primary, Republican candidates and pundits viciously attacked former Texas Congressman Ron Paul for his opposition to national building and endless wars overseas.
At a Fox News debate in 2012, South Carolina Republicans booed Ron Paul when he quoted the Bible verse about “blessed are the peacemakers.”
But Donald Trump attacked the war in Iraq as a mistake and pushed an American First foreign policy when he ran for President in 2016.
The main division in the Republican Party has been over foreign policy.
Trump and his supporters oppose endless wars overseas while the neocon wing supports using the military to nation build and police the world.
But Trump and his supporters won this battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party, as evidenced by Marco Rubio’s recent comments about the war in Ukraine.
On Sunday, Rubio appeared for an interview on ABC’s This Week where he discussed Trump’s efforts to end the war and stop the killing.
“Again, what is the United Nations for? Isn’t it not a forum to promote peace in the world?” Rubio said.
“And shouldn’t our President – shouldn’t we all be happy,” he continued, before adding, “that we have a President who’s trying to stop wars and prevent them instead of start them?”
In a post on X, Rubio shared a clip of his interview and added the comment “being a peacemaker is not a bad thing.”
“Being a peacemaker is not a bad thing,” he wrote. “We should be applauding and supporting @POTUS’s efforts to bring about peace.”
Before Trump took office, Ron Paul publicly wondered if Rubio, “the long-time neocon interventionist,” will last very long in a Trump administration given the differences in foreign policy.
Marco Rubio previously supported amnesty, red-flag gun confiscation laws, and endless foreign wars.
In 2013, he worked on the Gang of 8 bill that would have granted mass amnesty to illegal aliens.
Over the last three years, Rubio has been a big supporter of funding the war in Ukraine.
But Donald Trump is now the leader of the GOP.
Marco Rubio is a follower.
And right now he seems to be following Trump’s lead in pushing for America First policies.
Only time will tell whether or not Marco Rubio reverts back to his warmongering days or remains America First.