Friday, October 30, 2015

Obama's War on Christianity

Published on Feb 9, 2015

Highlights of “OBAMA’S WAR ON CHRISTIANS” include:

“The biggest Obama scandal of all” by David Kupelian
“Banning Christianity from the armed forces” by Joseph Farah, who reports that the U.S. military was recently advised that Christian believers are “monsters” who “terrorize” others with their faith
“Under Obama, Christians and conservatives are ‘extremists’” by Bob Unruh, on the current administration’s relentless demonization of opponents of abortion, same-sex marriage and illegal immigration
“IRS targeting of conservatives continues” by Jerome R. Corsi, on the public interest law firm that has now sued the revenue agency in federal court on behalf of 25 different organizations
“IRS demands Christian pro-lifers reveal ‘the content of their prayers’” – one of the most outrageous abuses in an era of outrages
“Why Obama wars against Judeo-Christian America” by David Kupelian, an in-depth and thought-provoking exploration of what’s really behind the never-ending attacks on everything “decent” and “normal”
“Obamacare forcing Christian companies to provide abortion pill” by Bob Unruh, showing how some of the Obama administration’s abuses are so egregious that the judiciary is siding against them
“New class of people identified as IRS enemies” by Gina Loudon, on the bizarre fact that families that adopt children are far more likely to be audited by the IRS than “millionaires and billionaires”
“Warning from Canada: Orwellian future awaits U.S.” by Art Moore, who documents how the lessons of 10 years of same-sex marriage in our neighbor to the north totally shatter the arguments of “gay marriage” supporters
“Lesbian journalist: ‘Gay marriage is a lie’” – in a candid moment, journalist-activist confirms everything most opponents of same-sex marriage have long believed
“Feds require employees to give open LGBT approval” by Matt Barber, who explains the latest – and astonishingly Orwellian – decree from the Obama Justice Department: No longer is it OK for Christians just to be intimidated and “shut up” regarding “lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders” in the federal workplace – they most verbally support it! As one internal DOJ memo to employees puts it: “Silence will be interpreted as disapproval”
“How a revered Christian institution was brought down” by Peter LaBarbera, a poignant, insider look at what really caused the downfall of the Boy Scouts of America
“Dobson: Feds must stop silencing and intimidating Christians” by Bob Unruh, in which the evangelical leader confirms that the IRS has been directly targeting traditional-values religious groups – including his own
“Assaulting Christians but coddling terrorists” by David Limbaugh, on the U.S. military’s disturbing track record of targeting religious liberty
“Reflections by a former Muslim on Obama’s love of Islam” by Nonie Darwish, on how Obama became the “savior of both Islam and socialists”
“The world’s most dynamic religion is …” by Dennis Prager, who surprisingly reveals that today’s most influential belief system – and the one increasingly dominating America – is neither Christianity nor Islam
“Beware of liberals in evangelicals’ clothing” by Ann Coulter, who exposes the totally irrational “new Christian ethic of compassion-by-personal-encounter”
“Christian civil disobedience may be imminent” by Patrick J. Buchanan, who asks: What happens when millions of believers refuse to obey new same-sex marriage laws?
“Memo to Christian troops: We’ve got your back” by Matt Barber, who speaks for one public-interest law firm in encouraging American soldiers to “stand tall and proclaim your faith proudly.”


"Christians Under Assault In America"

Published on Oct 29, 2015

A football Coach removed and a 7th Grade Girl challenged all in the United States of America as Christians are under Assault also also

BREAKING: Hannity on CNBC Debate: "This Is Going to Go Down in History as REALLY BAD NIGHT for the Media"

A message from our sponsor

BREAKING: Hannity on CNBC Debate: "This Is Going to Go Down in History as REALLY BAD NIGHT for the Media"


I am declaring war on the liberal media, and I need to ask a personal favor from you.

Will you chip in $35 or $50 to my Post-Debate $1 Million Dollar Money Bomb to show the media we're dead serious?

Here are the a few of the 'choice' questions they asked last night -- they illustrate why the American people don't trust the media and why we have to take back the debate if we want to win:

'Are you a comic-book villain?'

'Can you do math?'

'Will you insult two people over here?'

'Why don't you resign?'

'Why have your numbers fallen?'
Friend Friend, join me in declaring war on the liberal media agenda and taking back our country to deal with the substantive issues the people care about.

The contrast is huge.

In the Democratic debate, every fawning question from the media was, 'Which of you is more handsome and why?'

Let me be clear.

We shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other. We should be getting to the heart of the issues.

Please, can I count on you to chip in using one of the buttons below to make sure I meet my $1 Million Dollar Money Bomb goal?

I know it's ambitious, but these next 24 hours are critical.

  Chip in $35 Money Bomb >>  

  Chip in $50 Money Bomb >>  

  Chip in $150 Money Bomb >>  

  OTHER amount Money Bomb >>  
On stage last night, it was clear -- we need a conservative leader who will both stand up to the liberal media AND fight the Washington Cartel.

Are you with me?

Heidi and I thank you for your support.

For liberty,

Ted Cruz

P.S. I know you've supported me in the past, but can I count on you to chip in now?


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You shall make the planks of the Tabernacle of acacia wood, standing erect. EXODUS (26:15)

Muslims on Temple Mount Sign of Messiah | 16 Cheshvan 5776
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You shall make the planks of the Tabernacle of acacia wood, standing erect.

EXODUS (26:15)

וְעָשִׂיתָ אֶת הַקְּרָשִׁים לַמִּשְׁכָּן עֲצֵי שִׁטִּים עֹמְדִים

שמות כו:טו

v'-a-see-ta et ha-k'-ra-sheem la-mish-kan a-tzay shi-teem o-m'-deem

Jerusalem Inspiration

In Hebrew, when the letter HAY  ה prefaces a noun, it means "the," like in today's verse: 'ha-k'-ra-sheem', 'the planks' - and it indicates a specificity in the word.  From this letter HAY, our Sages derive that our forefather Jacob planted these specific cedar trees on the way down to Egypt, in preparation for the redemption, and commanded his sons to take these trees with them upon exiting Egypt, some 400 years in the future.  Jacob was not only preparing for the needs of the future building of the Tabernacle, but was also imparting a message for generations: exile is temporary, and we should continue to plant and prepare for the redemption and return to the Holy Land! Recently, Israel's enemies have been doing all they can to delegitimize the Jewish right to the land. Help defeat their efforts to uproot the Children of Israel from their Biblical homeland by planting a tree and proving that we're here to stay!

A Bit of Earth for Planting

It's amazing what you can grow in the desert! This video shows the innovations used to grow strawberries in the arid Judean desert.

Muslims Worshipping on Temple Mount, Synagogue Massacre are Signs of Messianic Times, Says Ancient Jewish Prophecy

The Zohar predicts that the “Sons of Ishmael” (Arabs) will make war against the Messiah, and will “come and bow down before God at the holy mountain in Jerusalem”. The prediction that the Arabs will worship the Jewish God on the Temple Mount seems to be coming true.

Bronze Dreidel

This beautiful bronze dreidel is decorated with colorful jewels and engraved with a skyline of Jerusalem. It features the Hebrew letters on each side, so that children (and adults as well) can play the traditional spinning top game and remember:
A Great Miracle Happened Here!

Jerusalem Daily Photo

This ancient olive tree was photographed by Yehoshua Halevi. Israel is full of these trees, which can live to be thousands of years old!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration are sponsored by Carolyn Hill of New Albany, Mississippi. Todah rabah!

“I really Enjoy the Scripture Verse in Each Edition

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  I really enjoy the scripture verse in each edition. I have copied each one I have received just for my own reading practice. It is a great way to get to learn Biblical Hebrew and its correct usage. I also enjoy it when you post news about Eretz Yisrael and current events. In addition, I really enjoy those articles dealing with the Prophets and their prophecies about the coming End of Days and the battles we will have to be involved in, just prior to Ha-Mashiach Ben-David arrival. Micah Ben-Yehudah.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Radioactive! Radioactive Fire Burning in Missouri (Video)

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CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson


CURATOR: Lisa Haven



CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot



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