Friday, October 30, 2015

You shall make the planks of the Tabernacle of acacia wood, standing erect. EXODUS (26:15)

Muslims on Temple Mount Sign of Messiah | 16 Cheshvan 5776
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You shall make the planks of the Tabernacle of acacia wood, standing erect.

EXODUS (26:15)

וְעָשִׂיתָ אֶת הַקְּרָשִׁים לַמִּשְׁכָּן עֲצֵי שִׁטִּים עֹמְדִים

שמות כו:טו

v'-a-see-ta et ha-k'-ra-sheem la-mish-kan a-tzay shi-teem o-m'-deem

Jerusalem Inspiration

In Hebrew, when the letter HAY  ה prefaces a noun, it means "the," like in today's verse: 'ha-k'-ra-sheem', 'the planks' - and it indicates a specificity in the word.  From this letter HAY, our Sages derive that our forefather Jacob planted these specific cedar trees on the way down to Egypt, in preparation for the redemption, and commanded his sons to take these trees with them upon exiting Egypt, some 400 years in the future.  Jacob was not only preparing for the needs of the future building of the Tabernacle, but was also imparting a message for generations: exile is temporary, and we should continue to plant and prepare for the redemption and return to the Holy Land! Recently, Israel's enemies have been doing all they can to delegitimize the Jewish right to the land. Help defeat their efforts to uproot the Children of Israel from their Biblical homeland by planting a tree and proving that we're here to stay!

A Bit of Earth for Planting

It's amazing what you can grow in the desert! This video shows the innovations used to grow strawberries in the arid Judean desert.

Muslims Worshipping on Temple Mount, Synagogue Massacre are Signs of Messianic Times, Says Ancient Jewish Prophecy

The Zohar predicts that the “Sons of Ishmael” (Arabs) will make war against the Messiah, and will “come and bow down before God at the holy mountain in Jerusalem”. The prediction that the Arabs will worship the Jewish God on the Temple Mount seems to be coming true.

Bronze Dreidel

This beautiful bronze dreidel is decorated with colorful jewels and engraved with a skyline of Jerusalem. It features the Hebrew letters on each side, so that children (and adults as well) can play the traditional spinning top game and remember:
A Great Miracle Happened Here!

Jerusalem Daily Photo

This ancient olive tree was photographed by Yehoshua Halevi. Israel is full of these trees, which can live to be thousands of years old!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration are sponsored by Carolyn Hill of New Albany, Mississippi. Todah rabah!

“I really Enjoy the Scripture Verse in Each Edition

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  I really enjoy the scripture verse in each edition. I have copied each one I have received just for my own reading practice. It is a great way to get to learn Biblical Hebrew and its correct usage. I also enjoy it when you post news about Eretz Yisrael and current events. In addition, I really enjoy those articles dealing with the Prophets and their prophecies about the coming End of Days and the battles we will have to be involved in, just prior to Ha-Mashiach Ben-David arrival. Micah Ben-Yehudah.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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