Friday, October 30, 2015

Radioactive! Radioactive Fire Burning in Missouri (Video)

Evening Edition: Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Radioactive! Radioactive Fire Burning in Missouri (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. 29 Oct 15 Citizens of Missouri calling on Governor Jay Nixon to declare a state of emergency at the West Lake Landfill, in Bridgeton, Missouri as a fire burns near the radiation dump Fire erupts at another U.S. nuclear site near major city — Witness: Flames within feet of...


Watch: Hillary Clinton Responds To The GOP Debate With 6 Infuriating Seconds

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. Hillary Clinton tweeted a video clip of herself brushing something from her shoulder following Wednesday night’s Republican debate. She hash-tagged it #GOPDebate, with the clear message that it was how little she thought of her would-be GOP rivals. The only problem with her snide, little joke was that the footage came...


What Follows a Gun Confiscation In Any Country?

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. What Happens After a Gun Confiscation? You ever wondered what happens to a people after gun confiscation. Do they live happily ever after? Not quite. Genocide is the most important development that followes a government stripping its citizens of the rights. Before we passively allow the Obama administration strip away...


*Warning!! Extreme Satire* Debate Highlights Will Have You Literally Rolling on the Floor! CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Yes, the whole election process is an elaborate dog and pony show meant to give the people the illusion that they have the power to control their own destiny through a representative government that ALWAYS ends up representing itself. This video will have you literally LAUGHING OUT LOUD and tears...


Peter Schiff: Warning! Economic Storm Clouds Ready to Rain CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. In the following video, Peter Schiff opens up with something which he used to do much less, but something we are hearing him say more and more these days, which is, “I’ve been telling you for a long time this was going to happen.” I suppose it’s only human nature...


St Louis On Fire, Chernobyl-like Nationwide Nuclear Fallout Risk Surge, Church Burnings CONTRIBUTOR: Deborah Dupre. Nuclear fires and racists are a recipe for catastrophe that St. Louis residents and people beyond fear. Major media, however, remains eerily silent about a nuclear hazard bearing down on this city compounded with seven black churches set on fire in the area where an underground fire heads toward a...


What Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You

CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. WHAT MAINSTREAM MEDIA WILL NOT TELL YOU JAPAN Japan refuses Muslims permanent residence. Muslims cannot own real estate or any type of business; worship of Islam is banned. Any Muslim tourist caught spreading the word of Islam will be deported immediately, including all family members. CUBA Cuba rejects plans for...


Big Debate Winner: Fox Business Channel In a Stunning Upset CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. YOU KNOW WHO REALLY WON THE DEBATE LAST NIGHT? FOX BUSINESS CHANNEL! After watching the CNBC GOP debate last night, it’s hard not to crown Fox Business is the undisputed winner overall. What an unbelievable, unfettered, over the top, gross display of political hacks posing as moderators. MRC President...


16 Things You’ll Regret Not Having Stockpiled Enough When SHTF

CONTRIBUTOR: BioPrepper. If you begin prepping for TEOTWAWKI, and a good stockpile is on your list of preps, it will quickly become evident just how many different items are useful to stockpile for a SHTF situation. Your list can be short and sweet at first, but once you really get into things,...


How To Naturally Preserve Meat

CONTRIBUTOR: Alec Deacon. How To Naturally Preserve Meat Considering that in the near future energy will no longer be a modern day commodity, but a luxury hard to come by, learning how to preserve meat and store your own food is crucial for your very own existence. Your fridge will probably become just...



CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson


CURATOR: Lisa Haven



CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot



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