Friday, October 30, 2015

BREAKING: Hannity on CNBC Debate: "This Is Going to Go Down in History as REALLY BAD NIGHT for the Media"

A message from our sponsor

BREAKING: Hannity on CNBC Debate: "This Is Going to Go Down in History as REALLY BAD NIGHT for the Media"


I am declaring war on the liberal media, and I need to ask a personal favor from you.

Will you chip in $35 or $50 to my Post-Debate $1 Million Dollar Money Bomb to show the media we're dead serious?

Here are the a few of the 'choice' questions they asked last night -- they illustrate why the American people don't trust the media and why we have to take back the debate if we want to win:

'Are you a comic-book villain?'

'Can you do math?'

'Will you insult two people over here?'

'Why don't you resign?'

'Why have your numbers fallen?'
Friend Friend, join me in declaring war on the liberal media agenda and taking back our country to deal with the substantive issues the people care about.

The contrast is huge.

In the Democratic debate, every fawning question from the media was, 'Which of you is more handsome and why?'

Let me be clear.

We shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other. We should be getting to the heart of the issues.

Please, can I count on you to chip in using one of the buttons below to make sure I meet my $1 Million Dollar Money Bomb goal?

I know it's ambitious, but these next 24 hours are critical.

  Chip in $35 Money Bomb >>  

  Chip in $50 Money Bomb >>  

  Chip in $150 Money Bomb >>  

  OTHER amount Money Bomb >>  
On stage last night, it was clear -- we need a conservative leader who will both stand up to the liberal media AND fight the Washington Cartel.

Are you with me?

Heidi and I thank you for your support.

For liberty,

Ted Cruz

P.S. I know you've supported me in the past, but can I count on you to chip in now?


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