Tuesday, August 1, 2017

New Movies to “Beautifully Depict” Abortions Killing Unborn Children

New Movies to “Beautifully Depict” Abortions Killing Unborn Children

As the debate over defunding Planned Parenthood rages on, some activists embedded in the film industry are taking the opportunity to push abortion into entertainment.
This year, Hollywood is undertaking two new projects to highlight an underground network that aided in thousands of U.S. illegal abortions in the ’60s and ’70s: independent film Ask for Jane and Amazon movie This is Jane. And (shocker), Planned Parenthood activists are involved in the task.
Cue: glowing reviews from the liberal media.
“Both projects are based on the historic true story of the underground abortion network in Chicago created by college called The Jane Collective,” Deadline reported Wednesday, “which helped over 11,000 women get illegal abortions in Chicago between 1969 and 1973 before Roe v. Wade allowed legal abortions.”
Based on a nonfiction book by Laura Kaplan, This is Jane will revolve around a screenplay developed by Dan Loflin and Peter Heller and will be produced by John Lesher’s Le Grisbi Productions.
But Deadline focused its review on Ask For Jane. Actress Cait Johnston, who serves as a creator, producer and star of the upcoming film, revealed to the outlet her intent with the film: defending abortion.
“So many of the lawmakers trying to restrict abortion access (today) have never even considered the disparate reasons why a woman might be driven to seek one,” Johnston insisted. “Ask For Jane beautifully depicts a few of their stories, and illustrates how vital it is to keep this procedure legal and safe.”
The film isn’t Johnston’s only project. She also boasts membership in Planned Parenthood of NYC Action Fund’s Activist Council. But perhaps, with recent efforts by Congress to defund America’s largest abortion provider, her two projects are one.
“I’ve been so struck in doing research for this film by the things that women said in the late 60’s and early 70’s that are exactly the same as things that people are arguing now,” she told Ms. Magazine recently. “And things that my friends have said on Facebook. And just that we’re arguing the same points again.”
Written and directed by Rachel Carey, the film boasts Johnston, Carolines Entertainment’s Caroline Hirsch and NYEH Entertainment’s Josh Folan as producers.
For her part, Hirsch also couldn’t be happier about the new project.
Ask For Jane is an incredibly impactful and timely story, that inspires us to act and protect,” Hirsch said. “At a time when women still struggle for reproduction rights, we cannot wait to bring the actions of such a brave group of women and men to the screen as a reminder that we need to continue fighting.”
Hirsh also “enjoy[s]” supporting Planned Parenthood.
Already, the media already love the idea. “But considering our current administration I’d say the more media we can get about underground abortion collectives, the better!”applauded Jezebel Pop Culture Reporter Hazel Cills.
The push to hype abortion is an entertainment trend that spans years. In today’s world, even Gilmore Girls is toying with the idea of abortion. In 2015, ABC’s Scandal showed an abortion scene to the tune of “Silent Night,” and, in 2016, shows like Jane the VirginCrazy Ex-Girlfriend and You’re the Worst also included women who went through with abortion.
Hollywood is also churning out abortion films (unless they shine a negative light on abortion), from Grandma in 2015, which the liberal media lauded as “funny,” to Obvious Child in 2014, which film writers praised as an “abortion romantic comedy.”
The film industry is likely to commend these latest two films as well. Last year, a limited series of Ask for Jane surfaced as a finalist in the New York Television Festival Works 4 Progress Initiative with Participant Media.
LifeNews Note: Katie Yoder writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.

Republican Senator Bashes Conservatives for Trying to Save Terri Schaivo’s Life

Republican Senator Bashes Conservatives for Trying to Save Terri Schaivo’s Life

Another day, another conservative blaming other conservatives for the political mess and divisions in the country. Well, whatever gets you on Face the Nation to tout your bookConscience of a Conservative.
Not that conservatives haven’t contributed to the problem, but if there was a vitriol meter, the left would outscore the right going away.
But that’s not why I post. This always bugs me. Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizonablames conservatives for engaging in wedge politics in the Terri Schiavo case.
Wrong. The Terri Schiavo federal law was one of the most bipartisan passed during George W. Bush’s presidency.
How bipartisan was it, Wesley? Well let me ask readers:
How many Democrat Senators voted no to the bill? Let’s make it multiple choice: A. 45 B. 40 C. 30 D .15 E. None of the above?
The correct answer is E: Zero Democrat Senators voted against the federal Terri Schiavo law. Not Hillary Clinton. Not Barack Obama. Not Harry Reid. Not Dianne Feinstein. None. Zero. Zilch. The bill received unanimous consent. One “nay” vote would have killed it. And the whole thing was helped forward to an agreed outcome by Democrat Senator Tom Harkin.
About 45% of the House Democratic Caucus voting–many hid under their desks–also voted for the bill, including Harold Ford, James Oberstar, and Jesse Jackson, Jr. (perhaps because his father, hardly a conservative, traveled to Florida to support the family.)
Terri Schiavo was not about creating a wedge issue for political gain. There was no political gain. There was never any prospect of there being a political gain.
This is what it was about: Trying to save a helpless woman’s life so she could be cared for by her loving family rather than dehydrated to death at the court-approved order of her abandoning husband, who sired two children with another woman–whom he planned to marry–during Terri’s disability.
As he did–once, he was, shall we say, unencumbered.
LifeNews.com Note: Wesley J. Smith, J.D., is a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a bioethics attorney who blogs at Human Exeptionalism.

Judge Strikes Down Pro-Life Alabama Law Requiring Parental Consent for an Abortion

Judge Strikes Down Pro-Life Alabama Law Requiring Parental Consent for an Abortion

A federal judge overturned parts of an Alabama law that requires minors seeking an abortion to have a parent’s permission first.
Parental consent laws such as the one in Alabama help protect unborn babies and young mothers from abortion. The American Civil Liberties Union and Alabama abortion activists challenged the law in 2014.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Susan Russ Walker struck down sections of the law on Friday, claiming they put an undue burden on young girls seeking abortions, the Associated Press reports. The ACLU argued that the law violates young girls’ rights to confidential proceedings.
Like many states, Alabama requires girls under 18 to have a parent’s permission to have an abortion. However, a judicial bypass provision allows a minor to request a judge’s permission to have an abortion rather than a parent’s. The provision is meant for girls who come from abusive homes, but abortion activists often tell young girls how to take advantage of the exception.
The now-overturned Alabama provisions also required minors who wanted a judicial bypass to appear in a trial-like court setting and have several lawyers and possibly her parents involved in the decision. It also allowed the court to appoint a lawyer to represent the interests of her unborn baby.
Walker ruled that these provisions “violate a pregnant minor’s long-established constitutional right to seek a judicial bypass to a state’s parental consent law without the participation of her parent, parents, or legal guardian … and her right to an anonymous judicial bypass hearing.”
“The judge cited a prosecutor’s appeal of a judge’s decision this summer to allow a 12-year girl to have an abortion after being impregnated by a relative. The Alabama Court of Civil Appeals ruled in favor of the girl,” the AP reports.
Polls show strong support for parental consent and notification laws that require a parent be involved in a minor’s decision to have an abortion. A Gallup poll found 71 percent of Americans favor such laws.
Parental consent laws can help protect young girls from sexual abusers who often use abortion to cover up their crimes. The laws also help protect vulnerable teens from making a hasty, uninformed decision to abort their unborn babies – something they may later regret. And research shows that these laws help save unborn babies from abortions.
Despite the strong public support for these laws, abortion activists frequently help teens bypass these protective measures. In 2013, the National Right to Life Committee found in one state in a period of 4 1/2 years, there were 3,573 judicial petitions to bypass parents and only nine were denied.
NRLC’s Mary Spaulding Balch explained previously:
Parents are, for the most part, not given the opportunity to consent, they are not given the opportunity to be consulted, they are totally bypassed. Their minor daughter is given a secret abortion and they are then left in the dark trying to pick up the pieces of their injured daughter’s life not knowing where to begin. The abortion industry masterfully manipulates this judicial bypass loophole by getting their own attorneys appointed by the court to shepherd pregnant minors through the intimidating judicial system and the abortion is performed before anyone can take a breath.

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