Dear RevCarl Coglianese,
As you may have heard by now, The Satanic Grotto, a radical Satanic group, will be holding a Black Mass at the State Capitol Building in Topeka, Kansas on March 28.
The organizer of the Black Mass, Michael Steward, claims that he has acquired both Consecrated Host and Wine to desecrate.
In fact, he recently said he was “gonna pull Jesus down from the clouds” and “kill Him.”
This horrible event offends Our Lord, because it mocks the unbloody renewal of His sacrifice on Calvary.
That’s why I have an important request to ask of you.
Right now, our petition drive is at 13,000+ signatures, but my goal is to reach 15,000, 18,000 or even 20,000 by the weekend.
However, the petition is at a deadlock, and I need your help reaching that goal.
If you have not signed the petition yet, please click below to make your voice heard.
If you have already signed, please send this petition to your friends and ask them to tell Governor Laura Kelly:
Do not allow this offensive, Satanic event to take place on State property!
Here is a link you can share with your friends:
If it is easier for you, you can just forward the entire email to your friends. It is important that we get as many signatures as possible.
Our protests have had tremendous success in the past. Evil events have been canceled, offensive products pulled from the shelves, and blasphemous exhibits taken down. Over the years, we have learned:
Protests DO work.
That’s why I’m asking you to share the link above with anyone you think will sign. It will make a difference.
Meanwhile, I invite you to pray and offer sacrifices this Lent in reparation for this blasphemy and all sacrileges being committed against our Divine Lord.
Thank you in advance.
Gary Isbell,
The American TFP
PO Box #341 Hanover, PA 17331
United States