“And I will make of you a great nation (Israel), and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-3)
While many Americans have been struggling to pay rent, buy gas, and buy groceries, our tax dollars under Biden (read Obama’s third term) were used to fund terrorism against Israel.
Let me repeat that… Americans have been directly paying for terror attacks against the State of Israel including the October 7th massacre of women and children.
How, you ask?
According to a recent post by Daniel Cohen in Harbinger’s Daily…
USAID gave $310 million for a cement factory project in Gaza. What do you think SANAD, the private company that was supposed to create cement mills, did with the money? They built terror tunnels, the infrastructure used to launch the October 7th massacre, and the dungeons where Hamas has kept many of the Israeli hostages.
USAID was funding the violent protests across Israel before the October 7th attacks. It did that through a complex web of non-government organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations.
Think about this… While Hamas was preparing to launch its terror massacre, Israel was being torn apart by protests partially funded by your tax money. When Hamas struck, Israel was distracted by internal conflicts that USAID had inflamed.
In Judea and Samaria, USAID money has been supporting the Palestinian Authority’s “pay-for-slay” program that rewarded terrorists financially for carrying out attacks against Jews. A terrorist could receive up to $3,400 a month, plus benefits for their family, with the help of your hard-earned tax dollars. What you and I call terrorism turns out to be a viable career path under Mahmoud Abbas (President of the State of Palestine). In 2016, “pay-for-slay” consumed over 7% of the Palestinian Authority’s budget. $315 million went directly to terrorists and their families.
Thankfully this funding is over… for now.
While you and I did not actually order the funds for such evil purposes…. we must all remain vigilant and never again allow the demonic Democrat Party or its deep-state antisemites to be in control of our government. To allow that to happen again will invite the crushing wrath of God…
Pray those who wrongly and cruelly authorized such payments repent.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
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