Sunday, January 19, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
What is The Great Lie, The Great Deception? Is it being formed Among us Now?
If we down at least one UFO we'll be facing an interstellar war - Former Defense Minister of Canada
What is The Great Lie, The Great Deception? Is it being formed Among us Now?
Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?
Paul Hellyer: Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is that during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to press the “Panic” button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species - at least – had been visiting this planet for thousands of years. We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.
SS: No serious scientist has ever publicly confirmed evidence of an encounter with extra-terrestrials – why would scientists not confirm the facts if they exist?
PH: I’m afraid they must go out of their way not to find out. Even if they do 10 percent of the amount of research I’ve done in the last 8 years they would be as convinced as I am. I mean, they could do it even faster. Might take it a little longer, when they didn’t have military background, but there are so many wonderful books that tell these stories and they’ve been authenticated; the sightings have been authenticated by more than one witness and also by radar, and they have landed in various places around the world, including Russia. There’s famous case there, I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was widely reported at the time, a man wrote a book about it and then the French bought the book rights so it wouldn’t be circulated around… There’s just so much evidence, if anybody will take a time off to do a little bit of research and study. Some people are interested and will take the time, and the others just say “Oh, you know it’s just fantasy”. Since I’ve been public on this subject I get probably three or four emails a week from all over the world, from people who’ve actually witnessed sightings, and some of them who’ve actually been on the ships, and some of them who’ve actually been transported to another planet. This information… it is top secret in a way that governments don’t talk about it, but if you listen to whistleblowers and to the people who have worked in the industry, and who know what is going on, there’s just a lot of information out there and it doesn’t take very long to get your hands on it.
SS: See, the problem is that some who report UFOs sightings and alien abductions have been shown to make things up to be famous, to make money – or just for a prank. How do we tell fiction from a fact?
PH: You have to spend a lot of time trying to find…we use to say “separating wheat from the chaff”, and it takes a lot of effort. When I was minister I got sighting reports and when we checked them out, about 80 percent, 8 out of 10, were not real, they were sights of Venus or of plasma or a dozen other things, but there were 15 percent or 20 percent for which there was no explanation and they were the genuine unidentified flying objects. One of the conferences I went to… it was in Las Vegas… was promoted by chap who had written a book about crashes and there were dozens and dozens of them and many of them very-very well authenticated, so it would be impossible to read of that evidence and not come to the conclusion that these vehicles were real.
SS: Have you ever had your own encounter with aliens?
PH: Not encounter with aliens, no. I’ve seen a UFO, about 120 miles north of Toronto, over Lake Muskoka, where I have a cottage. Two years ago, at Thanksgiving, which is October, [my wife?] said that she wanted to go out and look at the stars, so…I’m not much of a night man… but I put on my cap and went out with her and she looked into the eastern sky and said, “There’s a star” and I turned the other way and said, “Oh, there’s a much brighter one over here” and she looked there and we watched it until our necks almost broke for about 20 minutes, and it was definitely a UFO because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds. I checked out – there were no satellites that could do that, a space station wasn’t going by and it isn’t able to move that fast anyway and there was no other explanation except that it was the real thing. Two days later I went down in the dark, got a comfortable chair, and watched. It came back almost at the same spot and entertained me for as long as I could take it. Then I went back to the cottage but it was very interesting because it would drop down in the sky and then it would roar back up and it would shift across a few degrees and do a circle and come back at just an astronomical speed, since you know they travel very-very fast.
SS: So does it just look like a falling star that falls really quickly and then rises again? What does it look like?
PH: Well, it looked just like a star.
SS: It looks just like a star?
PH: I don’t know if you personally have ever read the Bible or not but I think the star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.
SS: You also told me that people write you emails, three to five emails a week, and they’ve actually been abducted or they had encounters with aliens. Do they actually tell you what these aliens look like? I mean, everyone’s interested – how would I know if I see an alien and he abducts me?
PH: First question you have to ask is how many species are there? I used to think there were between two and twelve. Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who came to Toronto a few years ago and had with dinner with us agreed there were something around two and twelve, but the latest reports that I’ve been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one. They are what we call “Nordic blondes” and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the US air force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that, they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. I have a friend who saw one of the men walking along the street, he is somebody who can recognize that they were different, and he did. Then there’s the Short Grey’s as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very-very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But, there are different species and you have to know that they are different species and know that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say “Oh I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.”
SS: So these species that you are describing – are they all different in terms of nice and mean? Are some of them nice and benevolent and others nasty, how are they? Are they good to people on Earth or are they here to harm them?
PH: It’s a difficult question to answer, because they have different agendas and maybe all of us on Earth should have the same agenda, but you couldn’t say, maybe, that Russia and China and the US all had the same agenda at every turn, because they don’t. I would say that nearly all are benign and benevolent and they do want to help us, there may be one or two species which do not. That’s one of the things I’m investigating at the moment, to see who they are, what they are up to and what their agendas really are.
SS: These extraterrestrial creatures – where did they come from and how did they get here, to Earth?
PH: They come from various places. For a long while I only knew about ones who came from different star systems – the Pleadis, Zeta Reticuli and several other star systems…but in the past few months I have met [those] who made me aware that there are some in our star system, and that there are actually extraterrestrials who live on a planet called Andromedia, which is one of the moons of Saturn and that there are others on Venus and some on Mars and that they may be interacting between themselves – I suspect that they are because there is what is called a “Federation” of these people and they have rules. For example, one of the rules is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless there are invited to – and that’s one of the reasons, probably, that we haven’t seen more of them until very recently…
SS: But, what do you mean, there are lots of people who want to interact with them, there are a lot of people who actually want to see them and to know who they are. What, do they need a special invitation to interact with us? What does it mean – “they don’t want to interfere with our affairs”?
PH: They don’t want to tell us how to run our affairs, they have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and that we have the right to run it, but they are very-very concerned: they don’t think we are good stewards of our planet, we’re clear cutting our forests, we’re polluting our rivers and our lakes, and we’re dumping sewage in the oceans, and we’re doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes should be doing. They don’t like that and they made it very clear. As a matter of fact they have given us a warning.
SS: How?
PH: This has come from more than one source…
SS: How have they made it clear, what have they done?
PH: They have talked to people. One of the chaps I’ve talked with about a month ago was interacting with them in 1974, he and his brother, in Peru. They were taken to Andromedia, teleported. They were told what people there think and that we’re really wrecking our planet and in fact that something dreadful is going to happen to it if we don’t smarten up and change our ways. We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures, and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and the sick, and that we are polluting our waters and our air and that we’re playing around with these exotic weapons, thermonuclear weapons and atomic weapons, which have such devastating effects both on Earth and other areas of Cosmos. They don’t like that and that’s the reason they would like to work with us, to teach us better ways, but only, I think, with our consent. They work through individuals; they try and pick out individuals who won’t be frightened to death by them, because they can get you quite afraid. One of the cases I’m familiar with was with the Tall Whites in Nevada, where the US airman working with them was just frightened to death of them, and one, Charles Hall, rescued the daughter of one of the high-up people in the Tall White and as result became very good friends with the mother, and as soon as they could trust each other, they had a wonderful relationship. He wrote a book about it, called “Millennial Hospitality” – it tells you how you go through these stages, of being scared out of your wits, but then, when you establish a trust and a working relationship –you can have the same kind of relationship that you would have with someone here on Earth.
SS: But here’s what I’m thinking: if you are outing their presence, which is clearly not what they want, since they are hiding, why aren’t you afraid of repercussions? You are obviously stating that they are here, among us, telling me all these species that exist…
PH: They are here among us and I’m not afraid because in most cases, as far as technology is concerned, they are light years ahead of us, and we have learned a lot of things from them. A lot of the things we use today we got from them, you know – led lights and microchips and Kevlar vests and all sorts things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more too, especially in the fields of medicine and agriculture if we would go about it peacefully. But, I think, maybe some of our people are more interested in getting the military technology, and I think that’s wrong-headed, and that’s one of the things that we are going to have to change, because we’re going to have to work together, all of us, everywhere on the planet.
SS: You’ve mentioned military technology and swapping technologies and barters in-between aliens and people in American government. I want to ask you as a former minister of Defense of Canada – is interstellar war a possibility? Should we be creating a Star Wars force to defend ourselves from possible invasion or something like that?
PH: I think it’s a possibility, but it’s a possibility especially if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace without asking who they are and what they want. Right from the beginning we started scrambling planes, trying to shoot them down, but their technology was superior enough that we weren’t able to get away with it, certainly not for a long while. During that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble if they wanted to, so I think, rather than developing our own Star Wars to protect ourselves against them, we should work with the benign species that are of a vast majority and work together, and rely largely on them, of course, and cooperate, so that we would be contributing something at the same time; I don’t think there’s any point in us developing a galactic force that would tempt us to ride on our own and get into mischief, which is one of the things that some of them are concerned about.
SS: What do you expect to happen if people start to believe in alien existence on Earth? Things are definitely going to change: our lives aren’t going to be the same anymore.
PH: I hope that’s the case. I am all for full disclosure, and I’m going to push very hard for full disclosure in the book I’m writing, to give some reasons for it, things that we really have to know and have a right to know. Our future as a species, and here I mean all of the species in the world, is potentially at risk if we don’t figure what’s going on and work together to try and make life more amenable for all of us, and to work with our neighbors from other planets as well.
SS: Still, I’m thinking to myself – if they’ve been here for such a long time as you say, and they are interested in helping humanity, as you say, why is our world such a mess? If you want help someone, you just help someone, you don’t wait for that someone to invite you to help that someone, no?
PH: I think parents sometime say to their children – “this is what you should do”, but that doesn’t mean children are going to do it, does it? The Cosmos is based on free choice. We’re given the option of making mistakes, of making wrong choices, and I guess, what bothers some of us, is that we’ve made too many wrong choices, and not enough right choices. So we’re going to have to start switching our priorities and stop spending so much time and effort on weapons to kill each other, or to dominate each other, and spend a lot more time on how to help each other to have a better life and a more just society, and life which is healthier. When the healthcare is better and when the food distribution is better and when the air is cleaner and water is cleaner and all of those things that are waiting to be done, if we just get together and, as we say, row in the right direction, in the same direction, it’s possible, but it’s a tall order and so far we haven’t done it. My thesis is that we have to do it, we have to start doing it right away.
SS: Thank you so much for this interesting interview and insight on extraterrestrial life. That was Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian minister of Defense, who says aliens exist and live among us on Earth. That’s all the time we have for today, I will see you in the next edition of Sophie&Co.
PH: I’m afraid they must go out of their way not to find out. Even if they do 10 percent of the amount of research I’ve done in the last 8 years they would be as convinced as I am. I mean, they could do it even faster. Might take it a little longer, when they didn’t have military background, but there are so many wonderful books that tell these stories and they’ve been authenticated; the sightings have been authenticated by more than one witness and also by radar, and they have landed in various places around the world, including Russia. There’s famous case there, I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was widely reported at the time, a man wrote a book about it and then the French bought the book rights so it wouldn’t be circulated around… There’s just so much evidence, if anybody will take a time off to do a little bit of research and study. Some people are interested and will take the time, and the others just say “Oh, you know it’s just fantasy”. Since I’ve been public on this subject I get probably three or four emails a week from all over the world, from people who’ve actually witnessed sightings, and some of them who’ve actually been on the ships, and some of them who’ve actually been transported to another planet. This information… it is top secret in a way that governments don’t talk about it, but if you listen to whistleblowers and to the people who have worked in the industry, and who know what is going on, there’s just a lot of information out there and it doesn’t take very long to get your hands on it.
SS: See, the problem is that some who report UFOs sightings and alien abductions have been shown to make things up to be famous, to make money – or just for a prank. How do we tell fiction from a fact?
PH: You have to spend a lot of time trying to find…we use to say “separating wheat from the chaff”, and it takes a lot of effort. When I was minister I got sighting reports and when we checked them out, about 80 percent, 8 out of 10, were not real, they were sights of Venus or of plasma or a dozen other things, but there were 15 percent or 20 percent for which there was no explanation and they were the genuine unidentified flying objects. One of the conferences I went to… it was in Las Vegas… was promoted by chap who had written a book about crashes and there were dozens and dozens of them and many of them very-very well authenticated, so it would be impossible to read of that evidence and not come to the conclusion that these vehicles were real.
SS: Have you ever had your own encounter with aliens?
PH: Not encounter with aliens, no. I’ve seen a UFO, about 120 miles north of Toronto, over Lake Muskoka, where I have a cottage. Two years ago, at Thanksgiving, which is October, [my wife?] said that she wanted to go out and look at the stars, so…I’m not much of a night man… but I put on my cap and went out with her and she looked into the eastern sky and said, “There’s a star” and I turned the other way and said, “Oh, there’s a much brighter one over here” and she looked there and we watched it until our necks almost broke for about 20 minutes, and it was definitely a UFO because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds. I checked out – there were no satellites that could do that, a space station wasn’t going by and it isn’t able to move that fast anyway and there was no other explanation except that it was the real thing. Two days later I went down in the dark, got a comfortable chair, and watched. It came back almost at the same spot and entertained me for as long as I could take it. Then I went back to the cottage but it was very interesting because it would drop down in the sky and then it would roar back up and it would shift across a few degrees and do a circle and come back at just an astronomical speed, since you know they travel very-very fast.
SS: So does it just look like a falling star that falls really quickly and then rises again? What does it look like?
PH: Well, it looked just like a star.
SS: It looks just like a star?
PH: I don’t know if you personally have ever read the Bible or not but I think the star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.
SS: You also told me that people write you emails, three to five emails a week, and they’ve actually been abducted or they had encounters with aliens. Do they actually tell you what these aliens look like? I mean, everyone’s interested – how would I know if I see an alien and he abducts me?
PH: First question you have to ask is how many species are there? I used to think there were between two and twelve. Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who came to Toronto a few years ago and had with dinner with us agreed there were something around two and twelve, but the latest reports that I’ve been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one. They are what we call “Nordic blondes” and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the US air force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that, they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. I have a friend who saw one of the men walking along the street, he is somebody who can recognize that they were different, and he did. Then there’s the Short Grey’s as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very-very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But, there are different species and you have to know that they are different species and know that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say “Oh I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.”
SS: So these species that you are describing – are they all different in terms of nice and mean? Are some of them nice and benevolent and others nasty, how are they? Are they good to people on Earth or are they here to harm them?
PH: It’s a difficult question to answer, because they have different agendas and maybe all of us on Earth should have the same agenda, but you couldn’t say, maybe, that Russia and China and the US all had the same agenda at every turn, because they don’t. I would say that nearly all are benign and benevolent and they do want to help us, there may be one or two species which do not. That’s one of the things I’m investigating at the moment, to see who they are, what they are up to and what their agendas really are.
SS: These extraterrestrial creatures – where did they come from and how did they get here, to Earth?
PH: They come from various places. For a long while I only knew about ones who came from different star systems – the Pleadis, Zeta Reticuli and several other star systems…but in the past few months I have met [those] who made me aware that there are some in our star system, and that there are actually extraterrestrials who live on a planet called Andromedia, which is one of the moons of Saturn and that there are others on Venus and some on Mars and that they may be interacting between themselves – I suspect that they are because there is what is called a “Federation” of these people and they have rules. For example, one of the rules is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless there are invited to – and that’s one of the reasons, probably, that we haven’t seen more of them until very recently…
SS: But, what do you mean, there are lots of people who want to interact with them, there are a lot of people who actually want to see them and to know who they are. What, do they need a special invitation to interact with us? What does it mean – “they don’t want to interfere with our affairs”?
PH: They don’t want to tell us how to run our affairs, they have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and that we have the right to run it, but they are very-very concerned: they don’t think we are good stewards of our planet, we’re clear cutting our forests, we’re polluting our rivers and our lakes, and we’re dumping sewage in the oceans, and we’re doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes should be doing. They don’t like that and they made it very clear. As a matter of fact they have given us a warning.
SS: How?
PH: This has come from more than one source…
SS: How have they made it clear, what have they done?
PH: They have talked to people. One of the chaps I’ve talked with about a month ago was interacting with them in 1974, he and his brother, in Peru. They were taken to Andromedia, teleported. They were told what people there think and that we’re really wrecking our planet and in fact that something dreadful is going to happen to it if we don’t smarten up and change our ways. We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures, and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and the sick, and that we are polluting our waters and our air and that we’re playing around with these exotic weapons, thermonuclear weapons and atomic weapons, which have such devastating effects both on Earth and other areas of Cosmos. They don’t like that and that’s the reason they would like to work with us, to teach us better ways, but only, I think, with our consent. They work through individuals; they try and pick out individuals who won’t be frightened to death by them, because they can get you quite afraid. One of the cases I’m familiar with was with the Tall Whites in Nevada, where the US airman working with them was just frightened to death of them, and one, Charles Hall, rescued the daughter of one of the high-up people in the Tall White and as result became very good friends with the mother, and as soon as they could trust each other, they had a wonderful relationship. He wrote a book about it, called “Millennial Hospitality” – it tells you how you go through these stages, of being scared out of your wits, but then, when you establish a trust and a working relationship –you can have the same kind of relationship that you would have with someone here on Earth.
SS: But here’s what I’m thinking: if you are outing their presence, which is clearly not what they want, since they are hiding, why aren’t you afraid of repercussions? You are obviously stating that they are here, among us, telling me all these species that exist…
PH: They are here among us and I’m not afraid because in most cases, as far as technology is concerned, they are light years ahead of us, and we have learned a lot of things from them. A lot of the things we use today we got from them, you know – led lights and microchips and Kevlar vests and all sorts things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more too, especially in the fields of medicine and agriculture if we would go about it peacefully. But, I think, maybe some of our people are more interested in getting the military technology, and I think that’s wrong-headed, and that’s one of the things that we are going to have to change, because we’re going to have to work together, all of us, everywhere on the planet.
SS: You’ve mentioned military technology and swapping technologies and barters in-between aliens and people in American government. I want to ask you as a former minister of Defense of Canada – is interstellar war a possibility? Should we be creating a Star Wars force to defend ourselves from possible invasion or something like that?
PH: I think it’s a possibility, but it’s a possibility especially if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace without asking who they are and what they want. Right from the beginning we started scrambling planes, trying to shoot them down, but their technology was superior enough that we weren’t able to get away with it, certainly not for a long while. During that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble if they wanted to, so I think, rather than developing our own Star Wars to protect ourselves against them, we should work with the benign species that are of a vast majority and work together, and rely largely on them, of course, and cooperate, so that we would be contributing something at the same time; I don’t think there’s any point in us developing a galactic force that would tempt us to ride on our own and get into mischief, which is one of the things that some of them are concerned about.
SS: What do you expect to happen if people start to believe in alien existence on Earth? Things are definitely going to change: our lives aren’t going to be the same anymore.
PH: I hope that’s the case. I am all for full disclosure, and I’m going to push very hard for full disclosure in the book I’m writing, to give some reasons for it, things that we really have to know and have a right to know. Our future as a species, and here I mean all of the species in the world, is potentially at risk if we don’t figure what’s going on and work together to try and make life more amenable for all of us, and to work with our neighbors from other planets as well.
SS: Still, I’m thinking to myself – if they’ve been here for such a long time as you say, and they are interested in helping humanity, as you say, why is our world such a mess? If you want help someone, you just help someone, you don’t wait for that someone to invite you to help that someone, no?
PH: I think parents sometime say to their children – “this is what you should do”, but that doesn’t mean children are going to do it, does it? The Cosmos is based on free choice. We’re given the option of making mistakes, of making wrong choices, and I guess, what bothers some of us, is that we’ve made too many wrong choices, and not enough right choices. So we’re going to have to start switching our priorities and stop spending so much time and effort on weapons to kill each other, or to dominate each other, and spend a lot more time on how to help each other to have a better life and a more just society, and life which is healthier. When the healthcare is better and when the food distribution is better and when the air is cleaner and water is cleaner and all of those things that are waiting to be done, if we just get together and, as we say, row in the right direction, in the same direction, it’s possible, but it’s a tall order and so far we haven’t done it. My thesis is that we have to do it, we have to start doing it right away.
SS: Thank you so much for this interesting interview and insight on extraterrestrial life. That was Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian minister of Defense, who says aliens exist and live among us on Earth. That’s all the time we have for today, I will see you in the next edition of Sophie&Co.
Comments (83)
Friday, January 17, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
This needed to be shared with You All, Carl
I went to catholic grade school for a while and then public school and at both schools we said the pledge every day, our hands over our hearts, at catholic school we also said a prayer for America also. How dare they take this away from our schools and you wonder why America is falling apart. Why can not any one see what is going on. I try not to be political, however I am an American Christian. It hurts me, it actually hurts me to see it all fall apart. we even had citizen class in catholic school to teach, to respect policemen. to be good people. to obey the laws. now these things are considered bad, I have to scratch this old head of mine and say what the heck? What the hell went wrong guys, and more important what is behind it. Carl
PS. I do have a copy of my report card way back when were it shows on the card a spot for citizenship. I will find it and scan and post it. Just to show our younger people a time when such things were important to being an American!. Carl
Thursday, January 9, 2014
For your Query, You decide, True or not?
For your Query, You decide, True or not?
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014
The Seal Has Been Broken Chapters 1 & 2
The Seal Has Been Broken Chapters 1 & 2© By: Carl
Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One
This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past
The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken
Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out
Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail
When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact
We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground
We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of
How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love
As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father�s All
The Seal has been Broken, How many more to Come
This creation called mankind
How hard do they fight to exist?
Do they not yet realize?
That what little time they will have to make this a finale peace
Seven Seals that must be broken
Each carries an arrow and a tear
A young mother for here unborn children cries
While a red-hot arrow tip splits the skin
We had all been warned
For there is not one excuse
We can not rest on what was once done yesterday
For in the now is all we can do
Say your prayers, my dear children
For all that is said, will all this come to truth
For the ski will have fallen, it's name is Wormwood
Say your prayers my dear children
For it has been written
For you all know this to be true
For it has been written in The book of Life
Please look for yourself, it is fact and it is truth
This poem has been viewed 6 times
The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One
This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past
The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken
Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out
Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail
When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact
We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground
We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of
How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love
As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father�s All
The Seal has been Broken, How many more to Come
This creation called mankind
How hard do they fight to exist?
Do they not yet realize?
That what little time they will have to make this a finale peace
Seven Seals that must be broken
Each carries an arrow and a tear
A young mother for here unborn children cries
While a red-hot arrow tip splits the skin
We had all been warned
For there is not one excuse
We can not rest on what was once done yesterday
For in the now is all we can do
Say your prayers, my dear children
For all that is said, will all this come to truth
For the ski will have fallen, it's name is Wormwood
Say your prayers my dear children
For it has been written
For you all know this to be true
For it has been written in The book of Life
Please look for yourself, it is fact and it is truth
This poem has been viewed 6 times
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#The Sadness
This poem has been viewed 67 times
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#The Sadness
© By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
The Sadness
There is a great sadness that I feel
This feeling goes so deep into my very being
And I ask myself, how have we gotten so very lost
And you know the answer is very simple
So much of mankind has turned away from God
You see it in there faces, void of all hope
So many in the deepest of depressions
So very many have given up all and any hope
I look forward to the Coming of Jesus Christ
And what a great day indeed will that be
We, mankind need Jesus so very much
Yet so much of us are blind to this
I am so blessed to have realized this
And not on my own, but only through Christ Jesus
Have I realized this
I have such a deep hunger in my soul for Him
Jesus, we need you
All mankind cries out for this very Savior
Our very hope can only be realized in Him
Who the Father in His Wisdom has sent us
The time must be now
We must turn over our everything to Him that is near
We must give up our hearts, and very souls over
For in Christ Jesus lies the Hope of all mankind.
The Sadness
There is a great sadness that I feel
This feeling goes so deep into my very being
And I ask myself, how have we gotten so very lost
And you know the answer is very simple
So much of mankind has turned away from God
You see it in there faces, void of all hope
So many in the deepest of depressions
So very many have given up all and any hope
I look forward to the Coming of Jesus Christ
And what a great day indeed will that be
We, mankind need Jesus so very much
Yet so much of us are blind to this
I am so blessed to have realized this
And not on my own, but only through Christ Jesus
Have I realized this
I have such a deep hunger in my soul for Him
Jesus, we need you
All mankind cries out for this very Savior
Our very hope can only be realized in Him
Who the Father in His Wisdom has sent us
The time must be now
We must turn over our everything to Him that is near
We must give up our hearts, and very souls over
For in Christ Jesus lies the Hope of all mankind.
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#The Fall
This poem has been viewed 37 times
#The Fall
© By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
My God
How could we ever think
That we were equal with you
And even more insane, better than you
We had everything that we wanted
Could ever need and more
Yet how dare we think for an instant
That we knew better at all
How foolish was man
To give it all away
For an apple no less
What were we thinking that fine day
We were with you
Basked in your glory
You presented us all creation
We said no, we wanted something better?
To have had so much
And to have lost it all
What were we thinking
What caused us this mighty fall
Do not eat from the Tree
Every thing else was ours
Why did we go there
How far can man fall?
Look into the faces of mankind today, and think of how much we have lost that day. How arrogant is mankind, we wanted it all. We had everything, then why did we lose it all?
My God
How could we ever think
That we were equal with you
And even more insane, better than you
We had everything that we wanted
Could ever need and more
Yet how dare we think for an instant
That we knew better at all
How foolish was man
To give it all away
For an apple no less
What were we thinking that fine day
We were with you
Basked in your glory
You presented us all creation
We said no, we wanted something better?
To have had so much
And to have lost it all
What were we thinking
What caused us this mighty fall
Do not eat from the Tree
Every thing else was ours
Why did we go there
How far can man fall?
Look into the faces of mankind today, and think of how much we have lost that day. How arrogant is mankind, we wanted it all. We had everything, then why did we lose it all?
This poem has been viewed 37 times
#The Coming Storm
This poem has been viewed 57 times
#The Coming Storm
By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
The Coming Storm
The world as we knew it
Has now ended, what was, will never be again
All that we had once, is now forever gone
For we are now on the run, to save our very life's
The question must be asked, will we find a place to hide
And will we be able to then, even survive the coming storm.
We find that we must travel by night
It has become the only safe way we can now travel
We can be too easily seen in the light of day
For we do not bear the mark of the beast
There for we must hide ourselves in fear of him
He ,who would destroy us for what we carry in our hearts
For we carry the truth of the resurrection of Christ
And we are branded with our God's name in our foreheads
We will now be tested in the fires
Our hearts and souls must be made right before The Lord
Our number is that of 144,000, so we were selected
We are part of the last and great redemption of mankind
So it had been written in the book of Life so very long ago
We were chosen for the last and greatest revival of these end times,
For we carry the very power of God in our souls
For with this name written upon our heads, we have know learned
The beast can no longer hurt us chosen of God
For we are here, our very existence proof our God exists
We have been chosen to witness to those that were left behind
This, the last great revival has begun
For we preach the word as it was never preached in times before
For we carry the very brand upon or foreheads, and this beast has no hold over us anymore
For the last and greatest fight over mankind's very collective soul will now be fought
And this beast, devil of old,
will consume all those that will not concede to bear his mark
and thus join his retched ranks of the impure and sick in deeds
We as men of God will never give in, never
The price of our human souls is to great
The love of our Father much to strong
We must engage in this fight to save those souls, left behind
So, now this fight begins.
The world as we knew it
Has now ended, what was, will never be again
All that we had once, is now forever gone
For we are now on the run, to save our very life's
The question must be asked, will we find a place to hide
And will we be able to then, even survive the coming storm.
We find that we must travel by night
It has become the only safe way we can now travel
We can be too easily seen in the light of day
For we do not bear the mark of the beast
There for we must hide ourselves in fear of him
He ,who would destroy us for what we carry in our hearts
For we carry the truth of the resurrection of Christ
And we are branded with our God's name in our foreheads
We will now be tested in the fires
Our hearts and souls must be made right before The Lord
Our number is that of 144,000, so we were selected
We are part of the last and great redemption of mankind
So it had been written in the book of Life so very long ago
We were chosen for the last and greatest revival of these end times,
For we carry the very power of God in our souls
For with this name written upon our heads, we have know learned
The beast can no longer hurt us chosen of God
For we are here, our very existence proof our God exists
We have been chosen to witness to those that were left behind
This, the last great revival has begun
For we preach the word as it was never preached in times before
For we carry the very brand upon or foreheads, and this beast has no hold over us anymore
For the last and greatest fight over mankind's very collective soul will now be fought
And this beast, devil of old,
will consume all those that will not concede to bear his mark
and thus join his retched ranks of the impure and sick in deeds
We as men of God will never give in, never
The price of our human souls is to great
The love of our Father much to strong
We must engage in this fight to save those souls, left behind
So, now this fight begins.
This poem has been viewed 57 times
#Beginning of Sorrows Trilogy-End?
This poem has been viewed 47 times
#Beginning of Sorrows Trilogy-End?
By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
Dark clouds have been seen over the horizon
A fear now permeates at the very soul of mankind
Signs in the heavens that were once prophesized
Now fill the dreams of our old and our young
Why is man so perplexed by these signs
Were we not for told these very things yet to come
Was it not in the Book
The book of the written Word
From the seven hills of Rome
Over seas of blood stained glass
Proclaim edicts, disclaiming previous knowledge
Time to tell there rewritten past.
Our precious children
So many raised with not an concept of The Father
Will turn on their parents, without an inkling of remorse
Unknowingly turning them into martyrs
Wow, for the loss of this generation
Wow, for the loss of children conceived never to be born
Wow, for the disintegration of the families
Wow, for the Christians whom now will be scorned
The beginning of Sorrows
So warned to come millennia's ago
Now is it's beginnings
So as it was prophesized so many years ago.
A fear now permeates at the very soul of mankind
Signs in the heavens that were once prophesized
Now fill the dreams of our old and our young
Why is man so perplexed by these signs
Were we not for told these very things yet to come
Was it not in the Book
The book of the written Word
From the seven hills of Rome
Over seas of blood stained glass
Proclaim edicts, disclaiming previous knowledge
Time to tell there rewritten past.
Our precious children
So many raised with not an concept of The Father
Will turn on their parents, without an inkling of remorse
Unknowingly turning them into martyrs
Wow, for the loss of this generation
Wow, for the loss of children conceived never to be born
Wow, for the disintegration of the families
Wow, for the Christians whom now will be scorned
The beginning of Sorrows
So warned to come millennia's ago
Now is it's beginnings
So as it was prophesized so many years ago.
It has begun, time for we Christians to prepare and examine our believes. To hold steadfast to the Word that we know in our Hearts as the truth. This through the Written Word of our God and Savior.
Prepare, he knocks at our door. Will we let Him in?
God Bless you All
Prepare, he knocks at our door. Will we let Him in?
God Bless you All
This poem has been viewed 47 times
#Beginning of Sorrows II
This poem has been viewed 81 times
#Beginning of Sorrows II
By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
A voice cries in the darkness
It has begun!
Hold steadfast in the believes that you know are true
Let not yourself be lead a stray.
When you hear rumors of there he is,
And here he comes soon,
Hold stead fast to the truths you have learned so long ago from the book of the written Word.
Head your Fathers warnings
Watch the heavens above.
Seek the sign in the coming clouds
Were you not told this so long ago?
The Apostasy has reared it's ugly untruths
The Leonardo Code
Said to be based in fact, yet so latently untrue.
If possible, believers might be fooled?
Were we not all warned in the book of all Truths?
The shroud of Turin
Labeled truth, yet unestablished
Forged in trickery
No so called experts willing to confirm.
No graven images under the heavens
Declared the very Word of God.
Yet men of Learnedness eagerly rally around subversion.
Taking away Jesus very sacrifice proclaiming it null.
For two thousand years
We held the Word as undeniable Truth
Yet in one generation have we so
Grossly forgotten all that we Learned?
Were we not told of a time
yet to come when our very family
Would betray us and turn us in for God's very sake.
It has begun,
So slow, so quite, So Deliberate.
Like a lion on the prowl.
Devouring all truths once learned in the Book of the Word.
Now is the time to prepare
Time does grow short for the unbelievers
Yet for those of us whom believe
We now prepare for the beginnings of Sorrows.
It has begun!
Hold steadfast in the believes that you know are true
Let not yourself be lead a stray.
When you hear rumors of there he is,
And here he comes soon,
Hold stead fast to the truths you have learned so long ago from the book of the written Word.
Head your Fathers warnings
Watch the heavens above.
Seek the sign in the coming clouds
Were you not told this so long ago?
The Apostasy has reared it's ugly untruths
The Leonardo Code
Said to be based in fact, yet so latently untrue.
If possible, believers might be fooled?
Were we not all warned in the book of all Truths?
The shroud of Turin
Labeled truth, yet unestablished
Forged in trickery
No so called experts willing to confirm.
No graven images under the heavens
Declared the very Word of God.
Yet men of Learnedness eagerly rally around subversion.
Taking away Jesus very sacrifice proclaiming it null.
For two thousand years
We held the Word as undeniable Truth
Yet in one generation have we so
Grossly forgotten all that we Learned?
Were we not told of a time
yet to come when our very family
Would betray us and turn us in for God's very sake.
It has begun,
So slow, so quite, So Deliberate.
Like a lion on the prowl.
Devouring all truths once learned in the Book of the Word.
Now is the time to prepare
Time does grow short for the unbelievers
Yet for those of us whom believe
We now prepare for the beginnings of Sorrows.
It has begun and, as Children of God, we must prepare. Time to puchase oil for our lamps, to make ready for His return.
This poem has been viewed 81 times
Prophetic Poetry For That Which Will Come-2
This poem has been viewed 75 times
#Book Of Sorrows-Chapter One
By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
Book of Sorrows-Chapter One
(Revelations comes alive)
Some said the time was near
Others were doubtful and really did not seem to care
It had all been said and done before
Every century, it was said was the one, to be the Final, but it never did happened
Some others even said it did happen, some two thousand years ago
But since we did not keep good records back then,
it was somehow over looked and forgotten
And these were men of learned ways, so they tell us!
It will be a time of great sorrows
A time never to have been endured by man
That even Hitler would seem as a child compared to this beast
Possessed by the very spirit of the devil himself, yet still man.
Like the birth pains of a Woman
Time and after time, plus that
As all these natural disasters will continue to grow
All falling on back to back, then they will fade to black
The book will be opened, in the last generations, was it not foretold
That a beast will arise out of a political ocean
For it's followers will carry his number
Stamped on there foreheads and hands, they will boast
A third of all mankind destroyed from the start
For the years have been numbered,
Seven in their total, three point five peace to start
He will then call himself a god. Blasphemies from his evil heart
Wow, to this lost civilization
Wow to those children conceived but never allowed to be born
Wow, for several of these lost children would have cured cancer and so much more
Sent from God above, yet killed by men from below
Man has always had the power to turn away
Turn their heads towards God, yet so stubborn,
Slaves given over to sin natures, Jesus could only take away
God forgives us, because we have gone so astray.
We have to all realize
That our time on this earth is indeed so very short
Be aware my children, for we know now that Wormwood will for sure fall, taking with it one third of it all.
These words of wisdom, written so very long ago
The book of this Revelation, now opened, was it not for told.
You have been told to watch , then listen
And all these things this generation will be hold
On bended knee, please pray to God.
For with out The Blood of Christ Jesus,
Not only will our life's , our very souls will be lost.
Awake from this sleep, yes, the beast has come.
(Revelations comes alive)
Some said the time was near
Others were doubtful and really did not seem to care
It had all been said and done before
Every century, it was said was the one, to be the Final, but it never did happened
Some others even said it did happen, some two thousand years ago
But since we did not keep good records back then,
it was somehow over looked and forgotten
And these were men of learned ways, so they tell us!
It will be a time of great sorrows
A time never to have been endured by man
That even Hitler would seem as a child compared to this beast
Possessed by the very spirit of the devil himself, yet still man.
Like the birth pains of a Woman
Time and after time, plus that
As all these natural disasters will continue to grow
All falling on back to back, then they will fade to black
The book will be opened, in the last generations, was it not foretold
That a beast will arise out of a political ocean
For it's followers will carry his number
Stamped on there foreheads and hands, they will boast
A third of all mankind destroyed from the start
For the years have been numbered,
Seven in their total, three point five peace to start
He will then call himself a god. Blasphemies from his evil heart
Wow, to this lost civilization
Wow to those children conceived but never allowed to be born
Wow, for several of these lost children would have cured cancer and so much more
Sent from God above, yet killed by men from below
Man has always had the power to turn away
Turn their heads towards God, yet so stubborn,
Slaves given over to sin natures, Jesus could only take away
God forgives us, because we have gone so astray.
We have to all realize
That our time on this earth is indeed so very short
Be aware my children, for we know now that Wormwood will for sure fall, taking with it one third of it all.
These words of wisdom, written so very long ago
The book of this Revelation, now opened, was it not for told.
You have been told to watch , then listen
And all these things this generation will be hold
On bended knee, please pray to God.
For with out The Blood of Christ Jesus,
Not only will our life's , our very souls will be lost.
Awake from this sleep, yes, the beast has come.
This poem has been viewed 75 times
Prophetic Poetry For That Which Will Come
This poem has been viewed 114 times
Prophetic Poetry For That Which Will Come
#For They Cried Peace And Safety
by: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
They cried
Peace and safety
So the story has been told
Little did they realize
They were calling
For there own destruction
Little did they realize
Peace and safety
would be there downfall
It was common knowledge
At least to those that new
For it was written in the book of the word
Peace and safety
Would be there downfall
These simple cry, meant the end of it all
But first the beginning
As the story had been told
Written in this book, this book of old
Peace and safety
The cry is now heard
Do you sense a change in the air. Something is not quite right in the atmosphere. The very heat of the day burns just a little bit hotter. Like the birth pains of a woman in labor. watch for the signs mentioned in the book of Revelations, please watch. amen
Peace and safety
So the story has been told
Little did they realize
They were calling
For there own destruction
Little did they realize
Peace and safety
would be there downfall
It was common knowledge
At least to those that new
For it was written in the book of the word
Peace and safety
Would be there downfall
These simple cry, meant the end of it all
But first the beginning
As the story had been told
Written in this book, this book of old
Peace and safety
The cry is now heard
Do you sense a change in the air. Something is not quite right in the atmosphere. The very heat of the day burns just a little bit hotter. Like the birth pains of a woman in labor. watch for the signs mentioned in the book of Revelations, please watch. amen
This poem has been viewed 114 times
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Let This Mind Be In You
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