Published on Jun 6, 2013
FREE 2.5 HOUR MOVIE from UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film which is the first film in the "The Illuminati Trilogy Series." This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the History and Secrets of the Illuminati, and Masonic Civilization.
The ILLUMINATI and The New Atlantis - Coming soon to iTunes and Special Edition DVD from UFOTV. Visit us online - Go to
©2013 UFOTV® Distributed by UFOTV, a UFO Video, Inc. Company.
The ILLUMINATI and The New Atlantis - Coming soon to iTunes and Special Edition DVD from UFOTV. Visit us online - Go to
©2013 UFOTV® Distributed by UFOTV, a UFO Video, Inc. Company.