Thursday, August 31, 2017

Salvation Prayer...Does Anyone Hear The Sounds Of Trumpets......

Salvation Prayer...
Does Anyone Hear The Sounds Of Trumpets......

Would you like to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you like to be saved from all that is about to come? Would you like to be a part of the soon rapture of the church to live with Jesus in his awesome universe and heavenly paradise forever? It is not a mistake that you came here. In fact Jesus wants to be your Savior and He loves you so much that He died on the cross for you others who chose to come to Him. He died in your place. It doesn't matter what you had done, all are welcome to come who are ready to repent of their sins and follow Jesus, desiring for Him to be their Lord and Savior. Please say the prayer below and you too shall be saved! After this please check out the prayer link for additional information you will need to help you with your walk with Christ.

"Dear Jesus, 

I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible.


Chemical Fire, Explosion Reported At Flooded Arkema Plant In Crosby, Texas

Published on Aug 31, 2017
The French operator of a flooded Houston-area chemical plant says a fire was caused by the degradation of chemicals lacking refrigeration in containers and that up to eight more could burn and explode.

Rich Rennard, an executive with Arkema Inc., said at a news conference just hours after the initial explosion, one of nine refrigerated containers had failed. He says he expects the organic peroxide in up to eight more to degrade, burn and “produce more explosions.”

Meet The 'Vogue' Writer Who Ripped Melania Trump's Appearance During Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort

On Tuesday, Vogue magazine contributing editor Lynn Yaeger took superficial swipes at First Lady Melania Trump in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
Yaeger, an alleged fashion expert, was disturbed by the "Hurricane Stilettos" Mrs. Trump wore on her way to help the victims of Houston, though Yaeger herself begrudgingly admitted the First Lady would change into sneakers when she touched down in the ravaged state.
"This morning, Mrs. Trump boarded Air Force One wearing a pair of towering pointy-toed snakeskin heels better suited to a shopping afternoon on Madison Avenue or a girls’ luncheon at La Grenouille," whined Yaeger.
"While the nation is riveted by images of thousands of Texans wading with their possessions, their pets, their kids, in chest-high water, desperately seeking refuge; while a government official recommend that those who insist on sheltering in place write their names and social security numbers on their arms, Melania Trump is heading to visit them in footwear that is a challenge to walk in on dry land," she continued.
In the midst of Yaeger complaining about Trump's appearance, the fashion writer admits that the First Lady was set to to change into sneakers when she arrived in Texas.
"A spokesperson says she has other shoes to change into on the plane — and one sincerely hopes there is a pair of leopard-print Wellies-in-waiting to get her from the tarmac to the limo," she said.
But, as we've all come to know, there is no appeasing a feminist: "But what kind of message does a fly-in visit from a First Lady in sky-high stilettos send to those suffering the enormous hardship, the devastation of this natural disaster?" she wrote.
"And why, oh why, can’t this administration get anything, even a pair of shoes, right?" added the writer.
The First Lady's communications director fired back at the media meltdowns over Trump's shoes, scolding the outlets for being “worried about her shoes” during the “active and ongoing natural disaster" in Texas.
Yaeger's Vogue profile says she's a native New Yorker who "can be found haunting flea markets all over the world" when she's not spouting-off about fashion. Aside from "fashion," Yaeger has an affinity for taking on the Trump White House; see This Week, Donald Trump’s White House Continued to UnhingeWhich Republicans Will Desert Trump’s Sinking Ship First?Why Is President Trump Coddling the White Supremacist Movement?, and Do Not Feel Sorry for Jeff Sessionsas such examples.
Remember folks, you must never attack a woman for her looks or her attire unless her (or her husband's) politics are wrong. Or something.

Man Suspected Of Killing 5 White Men In Kansas City: 'Kill All White People'

Man Suspected Of Killing 5 White Men In Kansas City: 'Kill All White People'

Suspected Kansas City serial killer threatened to open fire at school and "kill all white people" in 2014.

Kansas City Police
Newly-released court documents reveal that Fredrick Demond Scott, the 22-year-old African-American man who is suspected of murdering five white middle-aged men in Kansas City, threatened in January 2014 to open fire at a school and "kill all white people."
The Kansas City Star, which has been following the horrific story, reported Wednesday that Scott, who was charged Tuesday with two of the murders and suspected of three more, made the threatening comments at the Center Alternative School, which were recorded in a municipal citation for harassment in 2014.
"I want to shoot the school up, Columbine-style," Scott said according to the citation. He wanted to "kill all white people" and kill himself.
For the alarming threat, Scott was sentenced to 180 days in jail but was never forced to serve any time, instead being offered probation and told to stay away from the school and remain under "intense" supervision. Despite the incident and the court order, Scott eventually graduated from the school.
On Tuesday, Scott was charged with two murders, but the prosecutor announced he was suspected of three more. The Star reports:
Scott, who is black, has been charged with murder in the deaths of Steven Gibbons, 57, and John Palmer, 54. On Tuesday, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker announced those charges, also naming Scott as a suspect in the killings of David Lenox, 67; Timothy S. Rice, 57, of Excelsior Springs; and Mike Darby, 61, co-owner of Coach’s Bar & Grill at 103rd Street and Wornall Road.
All five were white men between ages 54 and 67. All five were fatally shot, most from behind, in surprise attacks as they walked dogs, visited parks and, in one case, walked down a city street. ...
If Scott is responsible for all five deaths, as Baker suggested, he would meetthe FBI’s standard of a serial killer.
While Scott appears to have targeted white middle-aged men, Baker said she did not see a clear motive, and law enforcement say they are still unsure.
After he was arrested, Scott told detectives that he was angry about the shooting death of his half-brother, Gerrod H. Woods, 23, who was killed in 2015 by Jimmie Verge, a black man.
"He felt like his brother was the only person who loved him," one of Scott's co-workers at Burger King told the Star. "It really damaged him."
Scott's mother suggested that mental illness rather than racism was truly driving his actions, citing his struggles with paranoid schizophrenia, for which she said he refused to get treatment. "As far as I know Fredrick never had a problem with white people," his mother told the paper.
In 2013, she called police on her son after he assaulted her by shoving her repeatedly; she said she hoped the incident would encourage him to get the help he needed, but he refused to address his problems.
"Law enforcement officials close to the investigation described Scott as a loner, saying detectives had struggled to find many people who knew him well," the Star reports. "He had been in trouble with the law before, but not for anything close to murder."
For more, The Star provides a detailed account of the five murder cases here.

RIDICULOUS: Politico Runs Another Comic Designed To Get Trump Re-Elected In 2020

RIDICULOUS: Politico Runs Another Comic Designed To Get Trump Re-Elected In 2020

In its continuous drive to re-elect President Trump in 2020, Politico has now run a cartoon so offensive to the victims of Hurricane Harvey that it will surely drive more Americans into Trump’s arms. Here it is, courtesy of left-wing artist Matt Wuerker:
This is the latest Leftist salvo against those in harm’s way — this week has been filled with hot takes from Leftists suggesting that Texans deserved the Hurricane because of Trump, or because of global warming, or because of the oil industry.
The cartoon is idiotic for a variety of reasons.
First, people in Texas pay taxes. They pay them to the federal government and the state government and the local government. The vast majority of the emergency response has been state and local. Texas could secede and still maintain disaster response.
Second, the anti-religious nonsense embedded here suggests that Texans are a bunch of bitter clinger morons who think that helicopters are angels. That’s the most rote, empty view of religious people imaginable. We believe that sometimes, human beings act as conduits for God’s grace — doctors do it routinely, emergency responders do, too. In fact, there’s a famous religious joke along these lines:
A religious man is trapped in a flood. He prays to God to help him. Soon, a motorboat sails past — and the man inside throws him a rope. The religious man says, “No, thanks, I’ve been praying to God, I’ll wait for Him to save me.” A few minutes later, a helicopter glides overhead, and rope is lowered. “No, thanks,” says the man. “I’ve prayed, and God will save me.” Sure enough, the man drowns. When he reaches the Pearly Gates, he approaches an angel. “Hey,” the man says, “what happened? I prayed and I prayed and God didn’t save me.” The angel replies, “He sent you a boat and helicopter. What else was He supposed to do?”
But according to the Left, religious people don’t understand that human beings help each other. We wait around like dolts, waiting for God to beam us into the sky.
This sort of out-of-touch commentary drives Americans into the arms of people who don’t despise them — people like Trump. Like Trump or hate him, at least he isn’t sitting around calling the hurricane victims a bunch of benighted rubes.

French Magazine Charlie Hebdo Mocks Victims Of Hurricane Harvey As Neo-Nazis

French Magazine Charlie Hebdo Mocks Victims Of Hurricane Harvey As Neo-Nazis

screenshot from Twitter

The new issue of the satiric French magazine Charlie Hebdo, the same magazine that published a number of Muhammad cartoons that triggered murderous attacks by Islamic terrorists, seems to mock the death and suffering wrought by Hurricane Harvey.
The cover of the magazine is captioned, “God Exists! He Drowned All the Neo-Nazis of Texas,” with an illustration of half-submerged swastika flags and arms giving the Nazi salute.
At least 37 people have died as a result of Hurricane Harvey; thousands more have had to leave their homes.
After the outpouring of support around the world precipitated by the horrific attack on January 7, 2015, in which two Islamic terrorists forced their way into the Paris headquarters of Charlie Hebdo and opened fire, killing 12 people and wounding 11 others, four of them seriously, people started uttering the mantra, “Je Suis Charlie.”
Not this time:

Health Alert! Concerning Levels of Toxins, E. coli Bacteria Found In Flo...

Published on Aug 31, 2017

Dr. Terry Gentry, an associate professor at Texas A&M University, examined small samples of both drinking water and floodwater from Cypress, Texas.
"We saw elevated levels of E. coli," Gentry told ABC News. "This indicates the very likely presence of pathogenic bacteria viruses and other 

Whom Do you Serve | Choose This Day.

Published on Jul 5, 2017

Spoken By Michael: Whom Do you Serve.

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King James Bible: Old and New Testament of the Bible.

The Book of John | Book 43 | KJV Dramatized Audio.

Published on Aug 31, 2017

Book 4 of the New Testament Bible.
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Published on Aug 31, 2017

They have no clue what they are protesting about.

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10 FACTS About the ANTICHRIST Satan Doesn't Want You to Know !!!

Published on Aug 31, 2017

Who is the Antichrist? Speculations include Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Pope Francis to name a few. Others believe that the Mahdi, the prophesied redeemer of Islam, will be the Antichrist. Will the Antichrist take his throne in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, declaring himself to be God? Discover the answers to these questions and many more as we investigate the prophecies of the Bible to truly discover who the Antichrist is. The truth will shock you.


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Malkin: Keith Ogre-mann: Conde Nast-y's Misogynist-in-Chief Once a woman-hating blowhard, always a woman-hating blowhard.

Malkin: Keith Ogre-mann: Conde Nast-y's Misogynist-in-Chief

Once a woman-hating blowhard, always a woman-hating blowhard.

Once a woman-hating blowhard, always a woman-hating blowhard.
Keith Olbermann, the "new" face of the Democratic resistance on Conde Nast's digital video platform, is the same old foul-mouthed beast he was on cable TV.
Over the weekend, the former MSNBC frother went berserk over Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's anodyne call for prayers "for all those in the path of #HurricaneHarvey" and her promise to "assist impacted schools."
"The hurricane is going to do less damage to schools than you are, Motherf---er," Olbermann snarled in response (and no, he did not use dashes in his unfiltered, uncensored tweet).
The Twitter Trust and Safety Council, established with much fanfare last year to promote tolerance, discourage bullies and ensure "people can continue to express themselves freely and safely on Twitter," was nowhere to be found.
Neither were the rest of the civility police who've been lamenting the dangerous climate of hate against all females purportedly fomented by President Trump.
Here's the thing. There are myriad reasons to criticize Betsy DeVos, whatever side of the political spectrum you occupy. Grass-roots education activists on the right, for example, wish the White House had chosen a proven warrior in the fight against Fed Ed instead of a well-heeled, establishment GOP donor who was for the Common Core racket in Michigan before she was against it. On the left, public education union bosses oppose DeVos's push for expansion of public charter schools and vouchers.
And at the intersection of left and right, informed parents fear DeVos represents the corporate education cronyism of both the Bush and Obama administrations that drove federal testing, technology, and curriculum programs.
But that's not Olbermann's beef. DeVos is a Republican. She's a woman. Therefore, she's subhuman and deserves his profane attacks.
History, like a one-trick Neanderthal egotist, repeats itself. Conde Nast-y's chief Trump-basher is a serial verbal abuser of outspoken conservative women. What's remarkable is how easily Olbermann cruised into his new role at Conde Nast as the progressive point person against Donald Trump, whom the resistance rage-bot calls "a man not in his right mind."
Let's talk about unhingedness.
Of TV commentator S.E. Cupp, Olbermann sniped: "(S)he's a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does."
Of lawyer and author Ann Coulter, he hurled this transphobic insult: "If this guy wants to live his life as a woman, I'm gonna back his choice up 100 percent."
And of yours truly, he railed against my "total mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk, fascistic hatred, without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it."
Conde Nast, which has now sponsored two seasons of Olbermann's internet diatribes, has nothing to say about his lunatic hang-up with conservative women. Yet, the New York-based publishing conglomerate, which owns left-wing politics, fashion and culture magazines including GQ, Vanity Fair, the New Yorker, Allure, Vogue and Teen Vogue, churns out endless, glossy pages assailing the Trump era's "manifest misogyny" and "unconscious, unending sexism."
And the company cashed in on inaugural protests with a "special edition" magazine (retail price: $13.99) titled, "Rise Up! The Women's Marches Around the World." One-sided narratives on the war on women sell.
So, who will be Olbermann's next GOP target of sexist slander? What innocent comment from a female Trump supporter or Cabinet member will prompt his next f-bomb-laden tirade?
I know this for sure: Whoever this toddler-brained bully fumes at ad feminam and ad nauseam, smug elites in the New York publishing world will shrug their Burberry scarf-wrapped shoulders and look the other way.
Pussy-hat hypocrisy means never having to say your sorry for lifting up a worse ogre than the one you think you're bringing down.

Elder: Confederate Monuments and the Problem With Politically Correct History

Elder: Confederate Monuments and the Problem With Politically Correct History

Where does viewing history through the prism of modern-day feelings end?

Malcolm X, as a member of the Nation of Islam, preached anti-Semitism and called the white man "devil." After the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X dismissed the murder as a case of "the chickens coming home to roost."
In Spike Lee's biographical drama, "Malcolm X," a white teenage girl approaches the angry activist and says, "Excuse me, Mr. X. Hi. I've read some of your speeches, and I honestly believe that a lot of what you have to say is true. And I'm a good person, in spite of what my ancestors did, and I just — I wanted to ask you, what can a white person like myself who isn't prejudiced, what can I do to help you ... further your cause?" He stares sternly, and replies, "Nothing." She leaves in tears.
But Malcolm X changed. He visited Mecca, where he saw people of all colors worshipping together. It changed the way he thought. He repudiated his anger toward whites after discovering that people were more similar than they were different. He renounced the racist ideology of the Nation of Islam, and in doing so knowingly signed his own death warrant. He was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam.
Alabama Gov. George Wallace, in 1963, proclaimed, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," at his inauguration, and later stood in a doorway at the University of Alabama to bar blacks from entering. Nine years later, Wallace took a would-be assassin's bullet, leaving him paralyzed. Older, wiser and chastened by the attempt on his life, Wallace changed. Wallace, one day and without invitation, went to a black church where 300 black clergymen were holding a conference. He asked to speak. Wallace asked for forgiveness. He said to the church leaders, "I never had hate in my heart for any person. But I regret my support of segregation and the pain it caused the black people of our state and nation. ... I've learned what pain is, and I'm sorry if I've caused anybody else pain. Segregation was wrong — and I am sorry." 
The voters in Alabama returned the former governor to office, but this time, he received black support and made several black appointments. The damage Wallace did through his actions and rhetoric was profound, and despite the assassination attempt, he lived long enough to undo some of it. 
Even a Confederate general can change. 
Confederate Gen. William Mahone, one of General Robert E. Lee's most able commanders, owned slaves before the Civil War. But after the war, he led an interracial political movement. He organized and became the leader of the Readjuster Party, the most successful interracial political alliance in the post-emancipation South. In 1881, Mahone was elected to the U.S. Senate, at the time split 37-37 between Republicans and Democrats. But Mahone aligned with the Republicans, the party founded two decades earlier by Northerners trying to stop the expansion of slavery.
From 1879 through 1883, Mahone's Readjuster Party dominated Virginia, with a governor in the statehouse, two Readjusters in the U.S. Senate and Readjusters representing six of the state's 10 congressional districts. Under Mahone's leadership, his coalition also controlled the state legislature, the courts and many of the state's coveted federal offices. 
The Readjusters established what became Virginia State University, the first state-supported college to train black teachers. Democrats described the hated Readjusters and Republicans as advocates of "black domination."
What about Lt. Gen. James Longstreet? One of Lee's favorite generals, Longstreet not only became a Republican after the war and served in Republican administrations but also fought against the racist White League in New Orleans. 
After the Civil War, Longstreet moved to New Orleans, where he urged Southerners to support the Republican Party and endorsed their candidate, Ulysses S. Grant, for president in 1968. He commanded blacks in the New Orleans Metropolitan Police Force against the anti-Reconstruction White League (a paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party) at the Battle of Liberty Place in 1874. He was shot and held captive for several days. He accepted political appointments from Republicans, and even dared criticize Gen. Lee. For this "betrayal," white Southerners pronounced Longstreet a "scalawag" and "leper of the community." 
Where does this viewing of history through the prism of modern-day feelings end? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once gave advice to a gay young man that today would be heresy. King suggested he battle his feelings, strongly implying that the young man needed therapy and sexual re-orientation. Today, that kind of advice gets one branded a Neanderthal. President John F. Kennedy, frustrated with a high-profile Democrat who hadn't supported his election, threatened to banish him by giving him an obscure ambassadorship to one of the, as Kennedy put it, "boogie republics" in Africa. Tell that to Black Lives Matter.
History is complicated. And history requires perspective and understanding, something sadly lacking in those who seek to erase history by imposing today's standards of right and wrong.
Larry Elder is a bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio talk-show host. To find out more about Larry, or become an "Elderado," visit Follow Larry on Twitter @larryelder.

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