Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sandra Bullock Donates $1 Million to Harvey Victims: 'There Are No Politics in Eight Feet of Water' Indeed.

Sandra Bullock Donates $1 Million to Harvey Victims: 'There Are No Politics in Eight Feet of Water'


At least some people in Hollywood don't exploit a tragedy in the name of politics. 
Actress Sandra Bullock is a class act, and not only for the fact that she's donating $1 million to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, but because she understands that there is no room for political agendas when human life is at stake. 
"There are no politics in eight feet of water," Bullock told People Magazine. "There are human beings in eight feet of water."
"I’m just grateful I can do it," Bullock, who has a home in Texas, said. 
The Red Cross expressed its gratitude to Bullock, stating, "having someone like Sandra Bullock make this kind of commitment, it helps bring people together and open their hearts and be even more generous."
We're certain the people of Texas agree. 

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