Thursday, August 31, 2017

LOL: CNN Heckled On Air by Trump Supporters Yelling, ‘Fake News’ This is the only time you'll hear the truth on CNN.

LOL: CNN Heckled On Air by Trump Supporters Yelling, ‘Fake News’

This is the only time you'll hear the truth on CNN.

CNN viewers who were listening closely on Tuesday heard facts on the network for the first time in a while. On location in Austin, Texas, reporter Jeff Zeleny was surrounded by several Trump supporters who were shouting “fake news” during his live shot.
While Zeleny opined that President Trump is still “learning on the job” about how to connect with people (really, he said that), the men out of frame were yelling, “CNN is fake news!”
One of the hecklers walked into the shot, took a selfie with Zeleny in the background, and turned to the camera to say, “CNN is ISIS!”
Zeleny never missed a beat even though he was relentlessly heckled the entire two-minute segment.
Though CNN loves to tout its mantra, “The most trusted name in news,” the network’s reporters aren’t as much into news as they are their own opinions, like senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta — Mr. Fake News himself, as dubbed by the president. After Trump gave an encouraging speech to the citizens of Texas, Acosta jumped on Twitter to chide him for pointing out the crowd size.

Reporting on what Trump said is called news. Telling us you didn't like what he said is agenda.

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