100+ Dartmouth Faculty Defend Prof Who Called Antifa Violence ‘Legitimate Response’
C’mon, people, it’s just “self-defense!”
Over 100 faculty members at Dartmouth College are standing behind a professor who called the violence perpetrated by Antifa a “legitimate response,” Fox Newsreports.
Mark Bray is a professor of gender research (you can’t make this up) and author ofAntifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. Apparently, he has conducted multiple television interviews since Charlottesville giving a full-throated defense of the terrorist group and it didn't sit well with his employer.
On August 20th, Bray appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and said, “I think that a lot of people recognize that, when pushed, self-defense is a legitimate response to white supremacy and neo-Nazi violence.”
He also said, ”The lesson of history is you need to take it with the utmost seriousness before it’s too late… You can't make [white supremacy] normal."
Dartmouth President Philip Hanlon recoiled at Bray’s comments and condemned them:
As an institution, we condemn anything but civil discourse in the exchange of opinions and ideas. Dartmouth embraces free speech and open inquiry in all matters, and all on our campus enjoy the freedom to speak, write, listen and debate in pursuit of better learning and understanding; however, the endorsement of violence in any form is contrary to Dartmouth values.
But traitors are in the midst as over 100 faculty members backed the professor and accused Hanlon of limiting Bray’s free speech. In addition, a letter sent to Hanlon by Bray’s supporters asked for the president to retract his statment:
Professor Bray was exposed to violent threats, without so much as a basic effort even to warn him that the College intended to endorse the mischaracterization of his position and the implied attack on his scholarly standing by making clear he had no institutional support.
And Bray isn’t backing down. Since the trouble at Dartmouth, Bray doubled down during an appearance on public radio: “The importance of being able to organize for self-defense, if necessary, as a last resort, has to be on the table when we think of how to confront neo-Nazis and white supremacists.”
But as we've seen, "organizing for self-defense" to Antifa means immediately attacking anyone that even looks like a Nazi. They don't wait for violence, they bring it.