Thursday, August 31, 2017

IT’S OVER: Nancy Pelosi Just Teamed Up With Trump To Do UNTHINKABLE To A...

Published on Aug 30, 2017

IT’S OVER: Nancy Pelosi Just Teamed Up With Trump To Do UNTHINKABLE To Antifa
The world must be turning upside down right now. It’s crazy enough that we are in a nuclear standoff with North Korea AND are dealing with the worst Hurricane in US history.

None of those things can begin to compare to the unconscionable, unbelievable, and unimaginable thing that Nancy Pelosi just agreed with Trump on…

Nancy Pelosi agreed with President Trump that Antifa IS causing the violence in our country!

It’s crazy, right? Minority Leader Pelosi is actually siding with the President for once. Pelosi’s official statement on the matter, which was very politically written, read:

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves Antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”It’s a powerful statement but leaves one very big question: Why did it take her so long to condemn a CLEARLY violent organization operating in her own back yard?

And it’s not just Pelosi who is turning on her own Alt-Left base, either. The mayor of Berkeley, who used to DEFEND the alt-Left’s actions, went as far as to declare Antifa a “Criminal Gang”.

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