Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Salvation Prayer....02/28/2018...

Would You Like To be Saved?
  May God Be With You Always. Carl

Dear Jesus, 

I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible.


Please print this up and carry it with you always as a reminder of who your Lord & Savoir Is. Print up several copies to give to your family and share with your friends. The road you have chosen will not be an easy one for know you will be a Child of God. However know this ,you will never be alone ever again. 

For The Holy Spirit will be placed inside your soul and take residence inside of you forever. He will be your guide, your life long connection to God through our Lord and Savor Christ Jesus. God has placed a wonderful Blessing upon you my friend. May the Peace of His Grace always be with you. 


Jesus Is Pro-Family :: By Christian Life Resources

What kind of voter are you? Maybe some of you are energy voters. You want to make sure our country uses our resources to either preserve the environment or keep costs low – or both if possible. Maybe your issue is defense, so you vote for the candidate you believe will keep our military strong.
Maybe, like so many others, elections for you are about the economy. There’s the future of Medicare, the national deficit, health care and health insurance, taxes, jobs, welfare and entitlements. I suppose when we start talking about money the list could go on forever.
Maybe you’re pro-education, pro-life, pro-peace, pro-constitution or pro-liberty. What if, though, there was an issue that trumped them all – one issue that, if we could get the whole country to focus on, would fix almost all of our woes? Impossible, right?
We live in a complex society with complex issues. There’s no such thing as a silver bullet, and there’s probably some truth to that. It’s fairly safe to say if God ever condescended enough to take part in our democratic process, he would be pro-family. He’s been pro-family since the beginning. Now certainly, already at creation, other issues were important to God, too. There was a form of government, an economy, even a stewardship of the environment.
God instructed humanity to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth, subdue and rule over it. He gave them every seed-bearing plant for food. But notice, of all the institutions God could have established to help humanity accomplish all of this, he established just one – the family. God intended family to be the bedrock of society. Humanity wouldn’t fill the earth like the rest of the animal world. Humanity was to conceive and take care of its offspring in a committed relationship called marriage.
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be untied to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
When God saw Adam’s inability to rule and subdue the earth alone, He didn’t give Adam a business partner or a vice-president, a legion of troops, or even a handful of sons to help run the farm. No, He first gave Adam a wife. The family would be the first government, the first social service agency, the first church. As families came together in communities, it was still be the family that would provide the foundation and pattern for every other institute of society.
It’s no wonder then, the devaluing and breakdown of the family has led to the disintegration of society and the Church. So, are we pro-family? Do we value the family (as God intended families to be) as society’s most important institution? Do we really? How many of our churches conduct far more funerals than they do weddings every year?
Have we given ourselves over to the cultural shift in which so many of our young people move in together and have two children before they commit to one another in marriage? Have the sitcoms brain-washed us to believe a traditional family, with a father, who is a strong provider and leader, and a mother—who is a supportive and respectful helper is viewed as morally appalling?
Think about that…a woman would probably get more grief today if she said her husband was the head of her household than she would if she told people she was raising a couple a kids out of wedlock and might eventually get married to the guy she was living with. Men, have we given up the fight for fatherhood and headship because, frankly, it’s a lot easier and lot more fun not to have to commit?
Is it a lot easier to let the women do all the work? Look at our children. Look at what are kids are wearing, watching, listening to, talking about doing, and actually doing. Look at how they talk about their parents and others in authority. Have we given ourselves over to the ho-hum attitude that says, “Kids will be kids. That’s how we acted when we were kids. Why should we expect them to act any differently?” And you’re right, “Kids will be kids,” but it’s your job as parents to help them through their adolescence.
Are we still ready to grill the boyfriend before he takes out our daughter; are we still ready to teach our daughters to respect themselves enough to say no; are we still ready to sit down with our sons and teach them godly respect for women and self-control? And it would probably be a lot easier just to “go with the flow” and be cool – to give up the fight for the family.
It probably is a losing battle. Friends, the fight for family is only going to get harder, but as those who are privileged to know about God’s will and blessings for family, let’s not be those who give up the fight. But now we’re getting to the heart of the matter, aren’t we? It’s not that we don’t know what God’s will is for the family; it’s just that we don’t have the desire to follow it anymore.
As soon as it gets tough we want to find a way out. Too often people do enter marriage and family life for the novelty of it all, and as soon as the fun wears off they cast it aside, just like they do all their other toys that aren’t as exciting as they used to be. How many girls plan the wedding but forget to think about the marriage? Coming home to a good woman every day sounds pretty nice, but how many guys become disillusioned by the whole thing when they find out that woman wants to share her feelings while he’d rather watch the game?
How many parents don’t take the time for their kids because they get in the way of their careers and their goals? We forget, don’t we, that family isn’t about the love we get out of it, but it’s all about the sacrificial love we give to those God has most directly entrusted to our care? When sacrificing ourselves for a loved one gets to be a drag…when we’re not getting what we want out of the relationship…when family life gets too boring or too hard, we look for a convenient and quick way to get out of it or get rid of it.
Our sinful society has too ambitiously embraced abortion, divorce and everyday distractions in exempting us from God’s ultimate design for the family. Sometimes we think the disintegration of the family is a modern-day problem. But look at what Jesus had to deal with in our sermon text for today. The church leaders of His day tried to find an argument for lawful divorce.
Jesus’ own disciples treated children as an inconvenience. And the fact of the matter is you may find a biblical justification for divorce. You may even be able to make a biblical argument for a rightful abortion, but trying to find a loophole in God’s will for family life to make us feel better about ditching 3 a part of our family that doesn’t excite us anymore is despicable. It’s selfish and loveless.
The Pharisees and disciples thought they could justify their selfishness if they obtained Jesus’ stamp of approval. But Jesus wouldn’t do it. It would have probably been a lot easier for Him to just “go with the flow” too, but Jesus wouldn’t give up the fight for marriage, family and children. He spoke clearly and decisively about God’s hatred for easy divorce.
He was indignant with His disciples for turning away the children. And some might say it was easy for Jesus to talk the talk, because He never had to walk the walk. And it’s true Jesus never had a wife, He never had any biological children, but Jesus still had the responsibility to love, care and sacrifice for those God entrusted to Him.
Jesus was never a father, but He experienced God’s anger against every dead-beat dad out there when He died on the Cross. God heaped on Jesus the punishment for every neglectful mother, promiscuous teen and abusive husband, so that by Jesus’ wounds the sins of the family would be healed. Long for that blessing. Long for that forgiveness Jesus purchased for you too when He died for all the times you sinned against the institution of family.
Going to the polls won’t necessarily fix family life, but going to the Lord will. His blessing in Word and Sacrament will heal our neglect of those we were supposed to have loved the most. As we receive His forgiveness in the gospel, we will desire to forgive those family members who have wounded us. Just has Jesus restored us, we will restore them.
When family life grows hard and when we don’t get back the love we’re putting in, we’ll remember what Jesus sacrificed for us. Even when it meant there was nothing in it for Him, He died for us. He gave us His life so we could be His forever. What a joy and a privilege to reflect that same sacrificial love in our families, in thanksgiving to Jesus, who in His deep love for us made us His family.

In God We Trust? :: By Holly Spate

Trust. It’s something God calls us to do, but the act of trusting is much easier said than done. It involves unplugging from one’s own self-sufficiency and plugging into the source of all-sufficiency. It requires letting go of worry, doubt and fear and clinging instead to our Heavenly Father who brings peace, assurance, and joy.
It’s interesting that many don’t exercise trust in God until something major happens. Perhaps their future is suddenly unsure, or God seems silent, or plans change and are quickly disrupted. Yet, we’re called to trust in our Creator 24/7. We’re not to look at the circumstances…we’re to look at Jesus!
Trust calls for flexibility. It’s learning how to go with the flow and stay consistent in Christ-like character so we grow stronger in our walk, not weaker. It allows us to practice what we preach during both the good and the bad seasons in our lives so we can be a positive witness and blessing to others.
Every day we should be trusting God in the little and big things. Trusting draws us closer to Him. It molds us into something better. It grows our character, stretches our faith, and deepens our relationship with God. We often grow the most when we’re in the valley and unable to see what’s around the corner. We become vulnerable and, at times broken, which makes us more dependent in trusting the unknown to the One who knows all. Whether we’re experiencing all that’s good in our lives or going through rough patches, we’re to trust and praise.
If anyone knows about trusting, it’s Paul. Paul wrote something amazing which should inspire each of us when it comes to trusting and following: He said, “ I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:11-13)
God wants us to praise as Paul did regardless of our circumstances. He wants the hard times, the uncertain times in our lives, to increase our trust and faith as we draw closer to Him. If we can’t trust God, the One who created us and the entire world around us, who can we trust? There’s no one in this earth worthy of our trust but Him.
He is good ALL the time. ALL the time, He is good! He promises to provide and deliver in His way and His time. He cares about everything that concerns us, but He wants us not to be concerned about anything. And while we’re in the valley, He promises to meet us there, provide for our needs, mature us (if we’ll let Him) and direct us toward the next step He has planned for our lives.
It’s hard sometimes not to worry when your today is a question mark. But Jesus himself said:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:25-30)
He goes on to say, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:33-34)
We were never promised a life of ease without complication and struggle. Perhaps it’s because God knows many would not grow, many would not appreciate, and many would not cling to God if their lives were uncomplicated and easy. Jesus Himself said in John 16:33 , “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Praise God that He is bigger than our circumstances. What a precious promise!
Following Jesus involves really following him and resting in the knowledge that He promises to take exceptional care of us and see us through whatever comes our way.
If you’re struggling today, be encouraged by these Scriptures:
“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:10)
“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing.” (Psalm 37:23-26)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3)
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
If your faith feels shaky, and worry is something you’re experiencing, give yourself a gift today and read Hebrews 11. It paints a beautiful picture of our faithful God in action. Just reading this chapter helps fill my “trust tank” and brings joy when I’m in the valley. It brings peace to my heart as it reminds me of the powerful God I serve. He is capable to take care of me, save me, help me and provide for me.
As children of God, trusting is what we’re called to do. It’s not a feeling, as feelings are fickle and can often lead us astray. It’s a trust that says, “ God’s got my back. He promised he’ll never leave me or forsake me…he’ll always take care of me. I can be at peace because He loves me.” Each time we exercise trust we build our spiritual muscle, which builds our confidence and gives us peace in the midst of our circumstances.
It’s not always easy to put into practice, but it’s about clinging to faith and showing fear the door.
Are you going through a valley right now? Are you unsure of what’s around the corner and worried about your present circumstances? Are you focused on the problem or focused on the One who can solve the problem?
Let this time of testing strengthen you and draw you closer to your heavenly Father. You can trust Him with your life. He knows you by name and cares immeasurably for you.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

Fearless Christians :: By Ron Graham

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)
The apostle John is speaking to those individuals who belong to Jesus Christ. He addresses us as little children, which is a term of endearment; he goes on to admonish the brethren against dangers in the spiritual realm. John says “Ye are of God.” only those who are born-again fall into this category.
Because Christ has been victorious over His foes, we who belong to Him through faith can celebrate His victory over death as we, too, have victory. Therefore we have no reason to fear Christ’s foes. Why? We’ve been given the power to withstand them. That doesn’t mean Satan is through attacking believers. Quite the contrary, he is fully intent on crippling us in regard to our walk with Christ. How does he do this? His tactic is legendary because of its success.
Fear is the key to Satan’s flourishing but debilitating dark and sinister practices. Using fear as a weapon, Satan and his evil horde of minions have demonstrated enormous influence over the minds of many followers of Jesus Christ. Fear will ultimately eliminate the usefulness of a Christian in regards to their purpose which is to promote the gospel to this lost world.
Fear can weaken our resolve, while we are overcome with a sense of dread, terror, horror, which leads to panic in the face of adversity. Fear can freeze up our walk with Christ which is why fear is a preferred tool of the enemy.
Darkness instills fear, and the enemy is the lord of darkness. Just contemplating venturing out into the dark night can conjure up images in our minds of all sorts of ghouls and goblins. God never glorifies darkness. Why? Because it is the realm of the malevolent supernatural. Do you ever wonder why we can’t see in the dark? Do you ever wonder why, as soon as we switch on the light or the sun begins to peak over the horizon we then become at ease and relieved of fear?
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good.” (Genesis 1:3-4a)
God proclaims that the light is good. But try as we might, we can’t find where God specifically declares the darkness as good. The Hebrew word choshek translated into English as “darkness” can also mean “obscurity, to obscure, or confuse.” From the word obscurity we get “gloom, spiritual unreceptively, and calamity.” Darkness breeds confusion and that is Satan’s playground. This  is where fear becomes enabled in the psyche.
Remember, when I speak of Satan and his seeking to destroy us, I’m also referring to hordes of malevolent helpers he has at his disposal. Satan is not God, it’s impossible for him to work alone. When you give some thought to who he is you come to the conclusion that he is only a very poor excuse for a supernatural being. But like I said, his powers of persuasion are legendary.
Satan capitalizes on the fear factor in everyone, but especially in those who have given their lives to Christ. He maximizes fear to its highest level, this begins a process of eroding our confidence, which leads to an attitude of defeat. When fear is enabled, even for a moment, we become a people with a disability. Our “fearful” disabilities becomes a stronghold for the enemy, and consider this: the enemy never rests.
Fear can convince us to change course, take another path, even to persuade ourselves to discontinue certain aspects of our Christian walk. Through fear the Christian can be consumed with doubt, doubt that will focus on the denial of what God has promised to those who will keep the faith. As born-again believers in Christ, God has placed His Holy Spirit within us. So really, what is there to fear? God is greater than any of His foes. His Holy Spirit is not a subset of a greater God, He is God.
Scary stuff will always arise in our lives, but it’s when we allow those scary things to manifest into fears to be inculcated into our minds that we are actually permitting the enemy a firm hold on our lives. The demonic supernatural presence surrounding us knows full well how fear cripples. Most people will attempt to dismiss any thought of demons as pure myth, and will relegate anyone who believes in the demonic to the realm of lunatics on the fringe of society. This is, of course, is exactly what Satan wants. Christians should know better.
“Fear not” is a phrase which is given numerous times in the scriptures as an admonishment to encourage us. Yet many Christians become overwhelmed with fear to the point that they are stricken with mental paralysis. Why? As believers in Christ we need not be fearful of anything worldly nor should we fear the supernatural. People tell me that they, at times, have been too afraid to speak up for Jesus. This fear is one of perception; they fear those who don’t believe. They fear being mocked, ridiculed, or subjected to some other form of mental persecution.
Do you love Him? Seriously, do you love Him?
Would you even have to think twice about standing up for your spouse or children? No! We would be fearless in such a case. Why then, when the world threatens our family are we fully prepared to defend them but in the case of someone attacking our greatest love, our glorious Blessed Hope (Jesus the Christ) do we remain silent? Because Satan has already established a stronghold of fear in the lives of many of Jesus’ followers.
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.” (Luke 21:25)
The above verse is a small example of what people will be experiencing in the last days before the Lord’s return, days which will be filled with perplexity. Perplexity causes men to become confused and disorientated, unable to make decisions—which causes them to have doubts about which way to go. The very next verse tells it all:
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear.” (Luke 21:26)
Perplexity leads to fear, which leads to the failing of hearts.
The poisonous darts of the enemy will increase in the last days and those who have rejected the Lord Jesus will become a powerful resource for the enemy to draw from. A state of fear placed upon the “in Christ” believer will only serve the enemy in these last days. When God says “fear not” He’s telling us we have nothing to fear as we are His children. God delights in lighting our paths as He guides us through the darkness.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…” (Psalm 23:4)
Who can forget the 23rd Psalm; most of us have it memorized. It is a comfort to repeat it, even more so in the face of adversity. We fear no evil. Why? Because thou art with us, O God. The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted (Psalm 18:46). Jesus is the rock and shield for all those who follow Him. When the enemy attacks, Jesus is our strength because carnal weapons will do us no good.
When we are encompassed about by the enemy and his minions who revel in darkness, God and His holy angels are with us, but in numbers of such magnitude the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. At that point the enemy cowers and makes a speedy retreat. God will never walk away from a fight to protect His children.
If we allow doubt to creep in through fear the enemy finds an easy target to destroy. Destruction of the human race is what the enemy is all about. By filling the children of God with fear, the enemy will facilitate his goal of convincing many to follow him straight into hell. The more fearful Christians are the less promoting of the Gospel gets accomplished.
We who follow Jesus with all our hearts are His emissaries. As such we carry a message from God to be delivered to anyone who God chooses to place in our path. That message is a message of hope. No matter how tough it gets while we sojourn this world we mustn’t allow fear to dominate us or we will be consumed with it and doubt will be a natural outcropping. We are told to hold fast to the faith.
“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised).” (Hebrews 10:23)
Here’s a little reminder I believe is appropriate at this juncture. Neglecting the study of God’s Word, leaves us wide open for the enemy’s shenanigans. Satan will dominate the life of a believer when that believer ignores God. God speaks to us through His Word. We can never overcome fear unless we trust God and rely on His inerrant word.
Disobedient children are always going to run into problems or obstacles that seem insurmountable because they’ve lost their focus on their greatest love. I assure you, true Bible study will turn into a habit that you will love and never break.
Jesus unabashedly tells His disciples what fear is – it’s a lack of faith.
“And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (Mark 4:40)
In that verse Jesus told His disciples that they are faithless.
There is nothing resembling faith in their actions as they allowed the fear of perishing to consume them. At that point in time His disciples still hadn’t recognized who Jesus really was, but today His followers know exactly who He is, fear and doubt should be the furthest thing from our minds.
“Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.” (Psalm 27:3)
David was a man who at various times was surrounded by his enemies, yet we’ve learned that he was also a man who was fully reliant on God for his strength. David was fearless as he stood up for his God. How can we be any less fearless as we stand up for Christ, after all, are we not children of the Most High God?
The malevolent armies that surround us, relentless as they are, are in battle with the Lord of all creation. Although they pursue us with an unholy determination to destroy us, as we move into a combatant mode, we must always remember that the actual physical battle belongs to the Lord. Our weapon of choice is prayer.
“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” (Psalm 34:7)
Here we’re told that those who belong to the Lord have nothing to fear from God’s enemies. Why? We are encompassed round about by a multitude of godly angels and they are here for the guarding of the saints—we’re protected on every side. The battle rages, the enemy is relentless, but he is powerless against obedient godly angels.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
There is no room for fear in the life of a born-again believer “in Christ”—fear only leads to an unfulfilled life.
“Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee: thou saidst, Fear not.” (Lamentations 3:57)
God bless you all,
Ron Graham

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