Monday, April 30, 2018

Arab press laments Israeli superiority in education, innovation, justice

Syrian army says 'enemy' rocket attacks strike at military bases 
Photos posted by Israeli media show the sites attacked in Syria on Sunday night, specifically a structure in a village near Aleppo.
3 min read
 Iranians killed in alleged Israeli strike on military site in Syria
The target was reportedly an underground missile production facility and depot for surface-to-surface missiles.
4 min read
 Analysis: Who could have been behind the massive explosion in Syria?
Whodunit? Massive explosion in Hama leads to many theories as Syrian regime blame shifts.
4 min read
 Iran's leader warns: Era of 'hit and run' attacks has ended
"The enemies understand that they will achieve nothing by means of war."
3 min read
Iran: We could produce higher enriched uranium if U.S. exits nuclear deal Read more...
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U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo calls on Palestinians to negotiate Read more...
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Saudi court starts trial of Arabs accused of spying for Mossad Read more...
2 min read
 Arab press laments Israeli superiority in education, innovation, justice
"Israel's stability draws its strength from its democracy and its regime, which is derived from respect for the Israeli citizen..." 
3 min read
 Ex-Belgian PM accused of 'pouring oil on the fire' of antisemitism 
"No matter what Di Rupo intended to say, he could have said it differently... "
3 min read
 Islamist party in Tunisia backs Jewish candidate 
Simon Slama's is the only Jewish family in the coastal town of Monastir.
2 min read
Nazi camp survivors, Austrian far-right party clash over memorial service | Read more...
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A hot summer: the Knesset goes back into session | Read more...
4 min read
Senator Graham calls for renegotiation of U.S. defense deal with Israel | Read more...
2 min read
 Roseanne at JPost Conference: I want to move to Israel and run for PM
Actress says when Trump called about her show, she thanked him for moving embassy. 
2 min read
 Steven Spielberg urges mandatory Holocaust education
Director, actors, recall filming ‘Schindler’s List’ at special 25th anniversary screening.
3 min read
This Christian network is changing the Israel narrative
"We want to tell the real story of what Israel is doing."
2 min read
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