Saturday, April 28, 2018

Pro-Lifers Will Protest at Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics in Hundreds of Cities Saturday, Here’s Locations Near You

Pro-life advocates will hold peaceful, prayer-centered protests this Saturday outside more than a hundred Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the country.
Saturday will mark the third annual National Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood.
“This year’s #ProtestPP is being held in response to Planned Parenthood’s recent announcement that they plan to push for abortion initiatives in all 50 states,” said Pro-Life Action League, one of the groups organizing the protest. “In the face of Planned Parenthood’s efforts to expand abortion, we recognize an urgent need to educate communities throughout the United States about the true agenda of the nation’s largest abortion chain.”
Right now, 146 protests are scheduled in 37 states. Find a location near you here.
Some will include prominent local leaders, such as the event planned for Fort Wayne, Indiana. State Sen. Travis Holdman, R-Markle, and Rep. Ben Smaltz, R-Auburn, are scheduled to speak at the rally in front of the local Planned Parenthood, according to Allen County Right to Life. Another is scheduled near the abortion facility in Columbia, Missouri with state Rep. Cheri Toalson Reisch and others.
The organizers emphasized how Planned Parenthood — the largest abortion business in America — is spending $30 million to influence the mid-term elections, and push for more abortions.
“Planned Parenthood claims American women rely on them for healthcare, but in reality, four out of five women will never set foot in one of their centers,” said Kathy Forck, servant leader of Team PLAY and co- campaign director of 40 Days For Life Columbia. “Planned Parenthood provides less than 1% of annual pap tests and zero mammograms, but they’ve cornered 35% of the U.S. abortion market. They’ve also been caught shielding child predators, defrauding Medicaid, and harvesting fetal tissue for profit.”
Forck said they want to urge lawmakers to defund Planned Parenthood, which receives about $500 million tax dollars annually.
“The effort to defund Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with taking healthcare away from poor women and families. It’s about taking tax dollars away from the nation’s largest abortion chain,” Forck said.
Paul Galasso, who is organizing the protest in Manchester, New Hampshire, said they hope to raise awareness about Planned Parenthood’s true goals during their event.
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“Planned Parenthood is on the warpath, but too few New Hampshire residents know the truth about this controversial organization,” he told the Concord Monitor.
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in America, aborting approximately 320,000 unborn babies every year. Its most recent annual report showed a record income of $1.46 billion, with about half a billion dollars coming from taxpayers.
In the past decade, Planned Parenthood saw huge drops in patient numbers and actual health services, despite receiving increases in taxpayer funding. Increasingly political and focused on killing babies, Planned Parenthood even has lobbied against efforts to protect born babies from abortion.
In December, the U.S. Department of Justice said it is investigating whether the abortion chain illegally sold aborted baby body parts.

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