April 29, 2018

A belated correction from the Washington Post.
On Wednesday night, Decision Desk HQ’s Varad Mehta astutely flagged down this stealth edit by The Washington Post as, while faux Republican writer Jennifer Rubin’s blog is still referred to as the “Right Turn blog,” her biography now claims that she supposedly publishes articles “from a center perspective.”It should also be noted that, while her bio has been changed on her author page, the formal landing page for the “Right Turn blog” still defines itself (as of this blog’s publication) as “Jennifer Rubin's take from a conservative perspective.”
Never Trumpers in the mainstream media went different ways. Some, like George Will, left the GOP but didn't change their views. Some, like Bret Stephens, remained willing to challenge lefty ideologies even in the New York Times. Others, like Max Boot, began churning out Trump-bashing clickbait, tossing out all their old beliefs and replacing them with faith in white privilege.
Rubin went full Boot.
Once a respected voice, Jennifer Rubin tossed out all her beliefs, changing course even on the Iran Deal. Not to mention the Paris Deal and a whole bunch of other issues. Most of her Washington Post pieces read like Slate hot takes.
Her latest attacks tax cuts as an outdated idea. Before that there's some shameless class warfare.
And there's this tweet.
Ludicrous House Intel report is Exhibit A for why GOP majority must end. They've violated their oaths, refused to conduct honest oversight. Enough.
If we're going to talk honesty, then maybe it's time to rename Rubin's column, Left Turn.