Monday, April 30, 2018

Is Congress the newest victim of a cybersecurity breach? It may be the most important breach you’ve never heard of…


 Today's Headlines

Trump to attend Jerusalem embassy opening, may pardon Jonathan Pollard

President Donald Trump will likely attend the unveiling of the new US embassy in Jerusalem.

Egypt: Muslims shouting “Allahu akbar” smash church’s doors and windows, throw stones at Christian homes

“Many Muslim young men from our village and villages nearby gathered in front of the church building and began pelting it with stones and bricks while shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ [Allah is the greatest], and ‘We don’t want a church in our village’,” said Medhat Halim, a resident in the village.

Islamic State (ISIS) ex-emir hiding among migrants en route to Europe arrested in Turkey

And millions more are expected. Europe is dead, long live Eurabia.

Kentucky: 101st Airborne chaplains accused of dismantling on-post programs for Jewish soldiers

Chaplains in the 101st Airborne Division have fired the longstanding Jewish lay leaders at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, allegedly without providing any reason, effectively ending Friday night Shabbat services for Jewish soldiers and their families.

Islam vs. the West: Surrender is not an option

We should reject in no uncertain terms their historical ultimatum of aslam taslam (surrender, become Muslim, and you will have peace).

WATCH VIDEO: “Reza Shah, Rest In Peace” — Iranians Chant Anti-Regime Slogans In Azadi Stadium, Tehran

Iranians who are tired of the current regime in Iran are realizing that Reza Shah knew how destructive it would be if the clergies were in power and thus some of the people's main anti-regime slogans today are pro Pahlavi ones.

Parkland Teacher Called Pro-Second Amendment Jewish Student ‘The Hitler Type’

A Parkland, Fla., history teacher allegedly called a pro-Second Amendment Jewish student “the Hitler type” and “dangerous,” according to a Friday report.

Iran releases Ayatollah-approved messaging app to replace banned Telegram – with emoji featuring women in hijabs carrying ‘Death to America’ placards

It's laughable that the world's leading state sponsor of terror, whose stock in trade is hatred of America, Jews, and the West, steals and uses all of our technology and innovation (then calls it its own). This is typical of Islamic conquest throughout history. Conquer, steal, claim ownership.

ISIS “is driving mass migration from Africa to send jihadists into Europe,” “Syria was bad, but wait until a region with 500 million people is destabilised”

ISIS leaders fleeing the Middle East are planning to drive migration from Africa in a fresh bid to send jihadists into Europe, a senior UN figure has warned.

Trump: “KOREAN WAR TO END! The United States, and all of its GREAT people, should be very proud of what is now taking place in Korea!”

President Donald Trump tweeted Friday morning that good things are happening on the Korean peninsula and that the Korean war is coming to an end.

UK: Muslim migrant who plotted Royal Cheshire County Show attack and recruited, aided hundreds of ISIS jihadis gets 8 YEARS

The most telling quote in this article is:
"By day Mala appeared to be a hardworking well-liked man but when he got home he'd dedicate his time to helping promote truly evil causes," said Detective Superintendent Will Chatterton of Counter Terrorism Policing North West.
That pretty much sums it up, does it not? The two faces of Islam.

The Fall of France: “In the name of Allah I will rape all your children”

Jihad, Islamic supremacism is roiling France - destroying it, subsuming it. But such matters are not discussed by the elite leftist destroyers.

Jihadis slaughter more than 40 women, CHILDREN and old people in Islamic attacks in Mali

The ongoing horror of the jihadi wars raging across every continent is matched by the depravity of the West in refusing to name and face the enemy.

National Post “Journalist” Graeme Hamilton Defames Robert Spencer As “Alt-Right,” Refuses to Retract

Did I say Canadian authorities were covering up what Hamilton calls an “Islamist attack”? No. In fact, I said that it was “likely that this was not a jihad attack,” and Hamilton even quotes me saying this. But then he claims the opposite.

Is Congress the newest victim of a cybersecurity breach? It may be the most important breach you’ve never heard of…

Longtime Geller Report readers have been hearing about this cybersecurity breach by Muslim IT staffers for well over a year. And now it is finally being covered elsewhere.


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