Sunday, April 29, 2018

“Palestinians” fly swastika kite with petrol bomb across Gaza border into Israel


 Today's Headlines

Canada: Muslim stabs his ex-girlfriend 40 times, shoots her twice, “because she exercised her right of taking ownership of her life”

A 22-year-old woman who died last month at the hands of her ex-boyfriend was stabbed 40 times and had her throat slit before being shot twice as she tried to escape her attacker, police say.

Sharia Police storm beer parlors in Nigerian state, seize alcoholic drinks, smash 244,151 bottles of beer

An unannounced raid in guests houses and alcohol joints in some parts of Jigawa State by Sharia Police paid off, as alcohol drinkers were nabbed red handed with many drinks confiscated in the raid.

European Court of Human Rights stops France from deporting Islamic hate preacher

The deportation of notorious radical Islamic Salafist hate preacher Imam El Hadi Doudi from France to his native Algeria was halted at the last minute this week by an intervention from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

UK: Convert to Islam distributes material calling for jihad, had handbook for poisoning unbelievers

Adam Wyatt, 48, of Bridgewater Street in Salford, was sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to owning and sharing terrorist material, Greater Manchester Police said.

“Palestinians” fly swastika kite with petrol bomb across Gaza border into Israel

Palestinians at the Gaza border flew a kite marked with a swastika and carrying a petrol bomb into Israel on Friday.

Kanye drops a MOAB of a single, ‘Ye Vs. The People’ #genius

What makes you feel equal makes them feel evil See that's the problem with this damn nation All Blacks gotta be Democrats, man, we ain't made it off the plantation Fuck who you choose as your political party You representin' dudes just seem crude and cold-hearted With blatant disregard for the people who put you in position Don't you feel an obligation to them?

Facebook Reverses Decision to Ban Pamela Geller, But What About Everyone Else?

It's all well and good that Facebook reversed the block against me, but what about the millions of others who are routinely banned and blocked? Millions of conservative Americans have no recourse, no Breitbart article to call out the leftist authoritarians at Facebook.

UK: Mosque got $350,000 donation from al-Qaeda-supporting Muslim cleric

Exeter Mosque is being asked to reveal details of donations from a radical cleric, with fears it has benefited from terrorism-related activity.

Homosexuals are inferior to dogs and pigs, says Iranian cleric, homosexuality should not be decriminalized

An influential Iranian cleric who is entitled to issue juristic rulings according to the Sharia law, has condemned western lawmakers involved in the decriminalisation of homosexuality, saying those politicians are lower than animals.

“Moderate” Indonesia: “Amorous couples,” sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law

A group of amorous couples and accused sex workers were publicly whipped for breaking Islamic law in Indonesia’s Aceh Friday, just a week after the province pledged to move the widely condemned practice indoors.


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