Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Windsor, Ontario: Ahmadiyya Muslims invite teachers to mosque to learn the “peaceful” “true nature of Islam”
It’s a sight you don’t see everyday [sic] — public school teachers walking through a mosque. The goal was to break misconceptions of Islam by making the Muslim community available for face-to-face interactions.
This is the kind of education that the Greater Essex County District School Board in Windsor, Ontario is bringing to local children: claims that Islam is peaceful, benign, and non-threatening, and that jihad abuses and the vastness of Muslim persecution of Christians are not about Islam. In this view, it’s all “fake news” — the victimization of innocent people, the barbaric punishments that are sanctioned by Islamic law, the murders that are committed by jihadists, and the advance of Sharia principles in the West as fostered by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Yet in light of the daily headlines from around the world, what “misconceptions” do people really have about Islam? Why is this Muslim group selling teachers the deceptive idea that Sharia is peaceful and benign?
There is a big difference between fostering acceptance among people of all creeds and races and treating all people with respect and hospitality, and indoctrinating them with falsehoods.
The Toronto District School Board tried to do the same thing the Ahmadis are doing here when it released a 170-page guidebook for teachers that recommended “a variety of religious intrusionsinto the public school system. A list of announcements it suggests be read before or after the playing of O Canada included the Muslim greeting ‘As-salamu alaykum’.” A definition of “Islamophobia” in this guidebook caught the attention of B’nai Brith: it defined “Islamophobia” as “fear, prejudice, hatred of dislike directed against Islam or Muslims, or towards Islamic politics or culture.” So even opposing political Islam, with its institutionalized discrimination against women, gays, and others, would be condemned as “Islamophobia.”
Teachers of the Greater Essex County District and elsewhere will never be given a real educational tour about Islam. Such a tour would allow them to witness a religiously-sanctioned beheading in Saudi Arabia, stonings and lashings in a host of Islamic countries, and the screams of Christian and Yazidi girls being brutally raped and murdered because of the Islamic idea that Muslim men can use infidel women as sex slaves. Such a tour would allow the teachers of the the Greater Essex County District to witness a child undergoing female genital mutilation, and a child bride being handed over to an old man to be raped and abused; homosexuals and apostates from Islam being executed; and the stabbings of innocent Israelis, including children, by jihadists whom the Palestinian Authority would then herald as heroes and martyrs. They will also witness the widespread preaching about Jews being apes and monkeys and the incitement by many Islamic preachers to violence against Christian Zionists and Jews.
Islam preaches violence, period, and this fact needs to be owned and then condemned by Muslims.
Aleem Khan, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Windsor chapter, said teachers need to know the ‘true nature’ of Islam…..He said Muslims around the world have a responsibility to spread the ‘true message’ of Islam.
Parents need to speak out, as teachers are entrusted with their children’s impressionable minds. Teachers are now being immersed in Islamic indoctrination and will pass these lessons on to children in the public school system.
Aleem Khan also states:
I believe that when people know about others, they feel more comfortable and they feel more closer to each other, … knowing that we are not different. We share all these common values, just in different ways.
This is patently false. Sharia values are given by Allah, according to Islamic doctrine, and are not the same as the values of free societies that teach the equality of all people before the law. Sharia teaches Islamic supremacism and the lesser rights of non-Muslims, women and others.
Critical questions to ask Muslims who are promoting “diversity”: whether they support full equality before the law of all people, regardless of gender, race and creed; whether they support the freedom of people to criticize Muhammad and Islam, as other religious figures and religions are criticized; whether they are willing to condemn Quranic verses that relegate Jews, Christians and women to an inferior status; and whether they support Zionism, which is nothing more than the right of the Jewish state to exist. A mere smile and declaration that Islam is a religion of peace may be enough for some, but everyone in non-Muslim societies pays the price. Just ask the millions of victims of jihad worldwide.
“Muslim community invites teachers into mosque, asking for ‘peace through understanding,'” by Sanjay Maru, CBC, April 17, 2018:
It’s a sight you don’t see everyday [sic] — public school teachers walking through a mosque.The goal was to break misconceptions of Islam by making the Muslim community available for face-to-face interactions.The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Centre hosted a first-of-its-kind open house Thursday for teachers and staff from the Greater Essex County District School Board.Teaching the teachers
Aleem Khan, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Windsor chapter, said teachers need to know the ‘true nature’ of Islam.“Teachers are the future-builders… and this is a way for them to learn about Islam first-hand from the source.”He said Muslims around the world have a responsibility to spread the ‘true message’ of Islam.“I believe that when people know about others, they feel more comfortable and they feel more closer to each other, … knowing that we are not different. We share all these common values, just in different ways,” he said.Bringing the community together
The board sees this event as a way of connecting with the increasingly-diverse population of students.“When you look at the demographics of our classrooms, we have so many Muslim students. And sometimes, the messages from the media are very negative about Muslims. So I think it’s important for our teachers to actually meet real Muslims that live in Windsor.” she said.For many teachers, this is the first time they have ever stepped into a mosque.“One of the teachers — when she first saw the invitation [to this event], — she felt intimidated to come … But once she got here, the people were so welcoming and so friendly, she invited them to come back to her school.”…..