Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
German police union chief admits there are several “no-go areas” where police only go in large teams
Not too long ago, pointing out the existence of no-go zones in Europe got one labeled a “racist” “Islamophobe.” Now, however, their existence is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone except the most fanatical Leftist ideologues and Islamic supremacist deceivers.
“There are several ‘no-go areas’ where police only go in large teams, admits German police union chief,” Voice of Europe, April 27, 2018:
Germany’s new police union chief in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), said in an interview that police enter several areas in his state in larger teams only.Michael Mertens, who was elected on Tuesday as police union chief of NRW, was interviewed by local newspaper Rheinische post. When asked if no-go areas exist in Germany’s most populous state he says:“There are areas where cops do not go alone, but only in larger teams. Such areas now exist in almost all NRW cities. Here we have to show a clear presence and make it clear that everyone who lives in this country has to obey the law.”Mertens adds that the state’s zero-tolerance strategy “has to develop and this will take years. But the direction is right. Also, because it gives the police more respect.”During New Year’s Eve 2015-2016, North Rhine-Westphalia was rocked by an epidemic of sexual assaults in its largest city, Cologne. At least 1,000 women were (sexually) assaulted or raped by mostly migrant men.Parts of the centre of Cologne have been turned into no-go areas after police changed their policy to crackdown on crime in areas related to the NYE inferno.