Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
CAIR justifies San Diego synagogue attack and Muslim children singing about beheading Jews in Philadelphia
The shock over the story about children singing at the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in North Philadelphia about chopping off the heads of Jews and “liberating the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem, is not going away; and it shouldn’t. It signifies that the culture of the Palestinian territories is expanding in America. For that matter, so are the presences of CAIR supporting Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar as Congresswomen, who are brazenly expressive of their anti-Jew, pro-Palestinian perspectives. The wider hope of the purveyors of Palestinian hate is that everyone will forget about the Charters that rule the Palestinian territories, which call for the destruction of Israel but is presented publicly as a “liberation” of the Palestinian people.
The Muslim American Society featured the violent video (taped by adults) on its Facebook page in Arabic, then tried to present it as a mistake….
This was an unintended mistake and an oversight in which the center and the students are remorseful. MAS will conduct an internal investigation to ensure this does not occur again….While we celebrate the coming together of different cultures and languages, not all songs were properly vetted.
Now comes news that Jacob Bender, executive director of CAIR Philadelphia, “told the Associated Press that this video, in which children are singing about chopping off heads, ‘was not an example of radicalization’.” Bender not only denied the obvious that the video was indeed a childhood display of jihad against the Jews and that the children have been indoctrinated with hate and murder–which is child abuse–but CAIR is also justifying the video and its message of jihad…..
CAIR-Philadelphia rushed to issue a press release in which it shamelessly disparaged the mainstream Jewish establishment’s support for Israel, castigated Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu for the lack of peace with the Palestinian Authority, blamed President Trump for white supremacy, denied the existence of anti-Semitism on college campuses, and whitewashed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel as “non-violent,”
There is an embedded threat here and the implication is that the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state of Israel will not end once Jews support the very existence of Israel. The Palestinian jihad began since 1948, it is rooted in Jew-hatred and it continues to expand through public propaganda. Israel can do nothing but disappear in accordance with the PA, Fatah, Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood), and PLO charters to ‘please’ Palestinian interests.
Bender asserts that improving the relationship between Muslims and Jews hinges on “bravely and openly addressing the “800-pound gorilla in the living room”
And unfortunately there are well-meaning Jews who engage in ‘dialogue’ with Hamas-linked CAIR and its affiliates to their own detriment, and that of the Jewish people.
While this may have been the first such video to be produced and seen in Philadelphia, videos such as this have been produced and shown on Hamas and Palestinian Authority TV for over twenty years. It wasn’t an “oversight,” as the Muslim American Society’s Philadelphia chapter claims, it was deliberate.
The video also serves as an indicator of just how emboldened stealth jihadists have become and represents a shadow of things to come if left unimpeded.
“CAIR-Philadelphia’s Distorted View of Children Singing about Beheadings and of the San Diego Synagogue Attack”, by Leonard Getz, PJ Media, May 25, 2019:
In response to the deadly attack at the Chabad synagogue outside San Diego, CAIR-Philadelphia rushed to issue a press release in which it shamelessly disparaged the mainstream Jewish establishment’s support for Israel, castigated Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu for the lack of peace with the Palestinian Authority, blamed President Trump for white supremacy, denied the existence of anti-Semitism on college campuses, and whitewashed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel as “non-violent,” as if its followers are disciples of Gandhi.And though it is true that white supremacy is a real danger to both Jews and Muslims, after the world witnessed the video that went viral of Islamic leaders in Philadelphia teaching their children to chop off the heads of Jews, is it also abundantly clear that Islamists are a danger to Jews and other people Islamists call “infidels.” Yet such activities in Philadelphia, while far more relevant to CAIR-Pennsylvania’s purview, do not garner the same level of condemnation by the staff of CAIR Philadelphia.While this may have been the first such video to be produced and seen in Philadelphia, videos such as this have been produced and shown on Hamas and Palestinian Authority TV for over twenty years. It wasn’t an “oversight,” as the Muslim American Society’s Philadelphia chapter claims, it was deliberate.For CAIR-Philadelphia to believe that years of brainwashing Muslim children to hate and encourage head-chopping can be reversed through a CAIR-conducted diversity training program, which they are offering, is a smarmy insult to the Philadelphia community and the world. But then again, what can one expect from the executive director of CAIR Philadelphia, Mr. Jacob Bender, who told the Associated Press that this video, in which children are singing about chopping off heads, “was not an example of radicalization.”And of course, CAIR’s kind offer to help clean up the Muslim American Society’s sudden public image problem seems more self-serving than noble, when one recalls the shared relationship between the Muslim American Society and CAIR, as federal prosecutors have noted in court filings:CAIR and MAS omit reference to a shared background that limits their membership to those of a particular political bent, and undercuts their credibility. The Muslim Brotherhood is a generally covert international organization whose credo is “Allah is our goal: the Qur’an is our constitution: the Prophet is our leader: Struggle is our way: and death in the path of Allah is our highest aspiration…” MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America…..