WATCH: Islamic terror suspected in fires over the weekend.

Arson has become the preferred choice of terror by the Palestinians, in their ongoing jihad against the Israelis. What other country would tolerate this? Imagine if the governments of Mexico and Canada were inciting their citizens to inflict this kind of destruction and carnage on the United States.
There is no doubt that Israel is being deterred from taking the necessary action against the Palestinian terrorists, because of the certain backlash from the pro-jihad and anti-Semitic Democrats.
The Democrats do and say next to nothing about some of the worst human rights violators on the planet. However, when the tiny Jewish state defends their citizens against jihadists, the depraved Democrats will go into a frenzy, and lambaste Israel over human rights violations. Despicable. #JEXIT!
WATCH: Arab terror suspected in fires over the weekendWorld Israel News, May 28, 2019:Over 1,000 fires raged across Israel starting on Thursday and through the weekend. In at least some of the cases, arson is suspected.
More than 1,000 wildfires raged through Israel over a scorching hot weekend, destroying 50 homes and burning through almost 2,000 acres of forest land.The fires, which broke out on Thursday, mainly centered around the Ben Shemen Forest near Ben-Gurion International Airport. Two communities were badly hit – the village of Mevo Modi’im, where 40 out of 50 houses were destroyed, and the nearby Kibbutz Harel, where 10 houses were damaged by the fire.The operation to put out the fires was concluded on Saturday at the end of a weekend that saw scorching-hot temperatures peak across the country, reaching 110°F in some places.Some 13,000 firefighters reportedly took part in the effort to extinguish the fires, alongside 300 volunteers. Israeli firefighting planes were aided by similar planes from Egypt, Italy, Greece, Croatia and Cyprus. Overall, 120 sorties were carried out over the weekend.
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