Thursday, May 30, 2019

Under Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Records Record “Antisemitism Crisis,” 83% Increase in Hate Crime

Wilhelm is his real name. This vicious leftist gave Linda Sarsour hundreds of thousands of dollars and has been a long time support of antisemitic causes. He was a Sandinista activist with Palestinian ties (NY Times). He flouted his ties to Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, a Communist-front organization that still supports the Marxist regime in Nicaragua headed by Communist Sandinista Daniel Ortega. It was The New York Times that originally disclosed de Blasio’s fondness for the “foreign revolution” in Nicaragua and Palestinian terrorists, in a major piece that shocked even some liberals. The Times article revealed de Blasio’s pro-communist activities and his prediction back in 1991 that Islam would become a major political force.

De Blasio, who has had three different legal names, omitted his own controversial foreign connections in his official bio and refuses to answer legitimate questions about his past on the campaign trail.
Those connections include De Blasio’s leadership role in the Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, a communist front organization, and his comrades in the Communist Nicaraguan Sandinista movement, who were praised by Libya’s lunatic leader Moammar Gaddafi for having the will to “fight America on its own ground” and promised a “revolution beyond our borders” in Nicaragua.
And now he is running for president. He wants to roll-out his catastrophic failures from coast to coast.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
New York politicians and community leaders are pushing Mayor Bill de Blasio for more funding to eradicate hate crimes, as police record a dramatic rise in bias complaints.
The New York Police Department had 176 complaints of hate crimes from Jan. 1 to May 19, the most recent date for which the data is available, according to figures provided to The Wall Street Journal. That is an 83% increase in hate-crime complaints across all categories, compared with the same period in 2018.
A spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes accounted for a majority of the increase, with those complaints rising from 50 to 103, or 59% of all hate crimes during that period, according to the NYPD.
“Our residents should feel free to worship without fear–and yet they can’t right now,” Mr. Johnson said. “We have an anti-Semitism crisis in New York. It’s a national problem, but New York accounts for way too many incidents.”


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