Wednesday, May 29, 2019

CURRENT ISSUES What to Say (and Not Say) When There are No Words What to Say (and Not Say) When There are No Words How to best interact with someone going through a crisis. by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

 What to Say (and Not Say) When There are No Words 
 What to Say (and Not Say) When There are No Words 
 How to best interact with someone going through a crisis. 
 by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg 
When people in our lives are struggling or suffering, we desperately want to help but often are at a loss for what to say or what to do. In her insightful book, Option B, Sheryl Sandberg describes that people going through a difficult time often find that they are no longer surrounded by people, but platitudes.
One of the most popular, not said out of malice or insensitivity, but rather in the absence of anything more thoughtful, is ‘If there is anything I can do, please let me know.’ She quotes Bruce Feiler who writes, “While well-meaning, this gesture unintentionally shifts the obligation to the aggrieved. Instead of offering ‘anything,’ just do something.”

Weekly Torah Portion Click Here...
Today's Quote – Iyar 24
To Be Or Not To Be
Today's Photo – Iyar 24
They Ascended and Spied Out the Land
This beautiful photo by Yehoshua Halevi features Mount Hermon, the country’s highest point with a 2,814-meter peak. It served as the northern boundary of the Promised Land (Deut. 3:8).

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