Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Sweden: Muslim foundation complains to police after Muhammad cartoons found
“A Muslim organisation in the Swedish city of Växjö have complained to local police after claiming to have found posters in an area of the city that caricatures” Muhammad.
Swedish police should have conveyed to the Växjö Muslim Foundation that this is a sharia police matter, not a police matter under the constitution of Sweden. Unfortunately, Sweden has emboldened Islamic supremacists, and the Växjö community in particular is a noteworthy case.
The Växjö’s Muslim Foundation has already succeeded in blasting the Islamic call to prayer in the city of Växjö, after denying Church-bells to boot; and now, the spokesman for the Foundation, Avdi Islami, is pushing hard to have the call to prayer broadcast all over the country. Former imam, Tomas Samuel, who is now a Christian apologist, warned that the Muslim call to prayer “shows power and control over the country.”
The Muslim community in Växjö is also planning for a mega mosque in the city to cater to the growing Muslim population; and seeking foreign funding to build it. A local imam stated…
“We may be able to get help from rich Arab countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates. A Muslim considers it a good thing to help other Muslims build a mosque where there is no mosque”
Crime has been escalating in Växjö. Last year, two Afghan migrants were arrested and subsequently convicted by the Växjö District Court for brutally raping a Swedish woman, after she accompanied them to their asylum location at night “to prove that xenophobes are wrong about the fact that Afghans are dangerous”.
“Sweden Muslim Foundation Files Police Complaint After Mohammed Cartoons Discovered”, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, May 29, 2019:
A Muslim organisation in the Swedish city of Växjö have complained to local police after claiming to have found posters in an area of the city that caricatures the Muslim prophet, Mohammed.
Members of the Växjö Muslim Foundation made reports to the local police saying that they had discovered several posters depicting and insulting the prophet Mohammed in the Araby area of the city in Nydalavägen, Hjalmar Petris road and the Ulriksberg promenade, Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio reports.Police spokesman Robert Loeffel labelled the posters as being offensive to the local Muslim community but did not divulge what was actually portrayed on the posters themselves. The police did say that they were considering the posters as a crime, describing it as hate against an ethnic group.The Växjö Muslim Foundation came into prominence last year after they demanded the city grant them the right to publically broadcast the Islamic call to prayer on loudspeakers every Friday. “We are just wanting Sweden to allow Muslims in Växjö to feel even more at home. The Islamic community should be proud of their culture, and not feel like they have to hide,” Imam Ismail Abu Helal said at the time….