Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Twitter Reveals Leftist Thug Nathan Lean
Lean’s advocacy of political harassment encompassed outrageous approval for a Lexington, Virginia, restaurant’s expulsion of President Donald Trump’s press secretary, Sarah Sanders. “You deserve ZERO respect, and the owner of Red Hen deserves a Nobel Prize for kicking your lousy, lyng, bootlicking ass out of her restaurant,” Lean tweeted.
Lean similarly cheered on a mob that had chased the Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell outside a Louisville restaurant. Even though these hooligans attacked him for supporting preexisting policies of separating dependent children from imprisoned illegal aliens that President Barack Obama had overseen, Lean tweeted:
Good. Every day should be made miserable for Mitch. He shouldn’t be able to eat in public, shop in grocery stores, or go to the bank drive-thru. Follow him everywhere. Taunt him. Shout him down. Hold him accountable. Then vote his sorry ass out.
In cases where crazed extremists with Lean’s leftist leanings have actually tried to kill conservatives, like during the 2018 shooting of Republican Representative Steve Scalise and three others, Lean has exhibited shocking callousness. Lean snottily responded to praise for Scalise’s difficult recovery from possibly fatal shooting wounds. He merely “was shot while playing softball one morning and went back to his cushy government job three months later. What’s so heroic about that?”
Lean’s embrace of intimidation tactics also includes so-called de-platforming of conservatives through violence or other censorship means. He euphemistically tweeted in 2017 that “it’s usually public pressure that compels universities to rescind invitations.” He thereby whitewashed violent protesters the previous February at the University of California—Berkeley who caused $100, 000 in damages and forced the rightwing celebrity Milo Yiannopoulos to call off a speaking engagement.
Lean similarly glossed over violence when referencing conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who had to call off an April 2017 Berkeley speaking engagement when university officials could not find a secure venue. He tweeted that “public pressure may cause the speakers themselves to back out (i.e., Ann Coulter).”
Lean fantasized that Yiannopoulos had no right to make a 2017 presentation at California State University—Fullerton at the invitation of the College Republicans. Lean absurdly tweeted that the “First Amendment doesn’t guarantee access to property simply because it’s owned or controlled by the government (public university).” Official university statements contradicted him precisely on this point, stating that the “law is clear” in forbidding viewpoint discrimination on public property, and heavy police protection ultimately enabled Yiannopoulos to speak amidst sometimes violent protests.
Lean outright condoned violence by radical leftists during 2017 clashes with white supremacists and neo-Nazis at Charlottesville, Virginia. “People were beating up Nazis. If you must beat up someone, a Nazi’s not the worst place to start.”
Lean’s comments are particularly disturbing given his warped understanding of who is a racist, Nazi, etc. He joined in the misinformation campaign to slander Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka as the “White House’s resident Nazi.”
Lean also abetted the media frenzy to denounce Catholic school student Nicholas Sandmann. A confusing video had suggested to some that he, while wearing a Trump 2016 election campaign Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat, had racially harassed a Native American man in 2019 on the mall in Washington, DC. More extensive analysis later exposed such charges as completely baseless, and Sandmann’s lawyers are now suing media outlets like the Washington Post and CNN for defamation. Nonetheless, Lean had tweeted that “MAGA hat boy’s mother can’t admit that her son is a card-carrying racist, so she blames ‘black Muslims’ for her son harassing Native American man.”
On Twitter, Lean has made unhinged rants against the National Rifle Association (NRA), a “domestic terrorist organization. Its members & political beneficiaries are no better than the foot soldiers of ISIS.”
Lean has therefore held the NRA supporter Senator Marco Rubio responsible for having “killed these children” massacred in the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooting.
Lean’s penchant for political insults has astonished this author, whom Lean has sophomorically denigrated as a “NAZI,” “white supremacist,” and “white nationalist.”
Lean has ludicrous standards for making such assertions, as his analysis of Yiannopoulos showed. This politically incorrect provocateur had attacked the appearance and intelligence of the African-American actor Leslie Jones. “Offensive comments about a black woman’s appearance and her intelligence is racism,” he had tweeted, as if such comments could never have nonracial motives.
Lean claimed that the merits of criticizing and/or insulting a person depended upon whether one “race community is marginalized, stigmatized, & disenfranchised, and the other is not,” a kind of “linguistic affirmative action” noted by this author.
Lean’s snarky distortions of his opponents’ arguments thoroughly undermine his credibility, like when he twisted this author’s comparison of Communism and Nazism’s various totalitarian horrors. While Nazism inflicted unique evils like the Shoah genocide against the Jews in 12 nightmarish years, Communist regimes have ruled for far longer, over a much greater territorial extent, and have claimed many more millions of victims. For Jews in particular, Communist threatsto Jews and Israel have been greater present dangers than Nazism following the Third Reich’s 1945 demise.
Like other leftists, Lean not only trivializes Communist crimes, but also stridently embraces both Islam and LGBT agendas. This intellectual incoherence would puzzle Muslims like Jonathan Brown, an American convert who leads Georgetown’s Saudi-funded Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), where Lean was a researcher. Brown and other Muslims have extensively analyzed how LGBT behaviors violate often brutal Islamic norms. Yet Lean has hurled accusations of “Ugly transphobia” at this author, who has opposed the costly introduction of gender insanity into the American military.
Unsurprisingly, the self-proclaimed interfaith understanding promoter Lean demands compelled celebration of LGBT behaviors from conscientious objectors despite their religious and/or moral objections. As usual, he has smeared a refusal to create expressions approving of LGBT lifestyles as equal to an outright denial of morally-neutral economic exchanges, something he scandalously celebrated in Sanders’ restaurant harassment. “The whole idea of a ‘Christian baker’ is nonsense,” he has fumed, an example of how “people front religion so as to weaponize it against others.”
Already on Twitter, Lean has imperiously attacked one of his presumably Muslim followers who dissented from Lean’s LGBT diktat. “I am sorry but how you can say that homosexuality is fine. It is not productive (just pleasure),” the follower tweeted.
Lean snidely responded that he would not “toe the line for your warped religious views, nor those of Christian fundamentalists who share them.”
The Muslim follower accurately responded that he expressed “not only a religious view. It is pure logic, homosexuality does not sustain life nor promote a logical sense of identity.” Particularly concerning childrearing, studies document his concern that in a same-sex household a “child will be missing features of the absent gender and lack something very profound growing up.”
With Lean’s “pelvic left” leanings, he has predictably tweeted warnings against conservative nominations to the United States Supreme Court like the “dangerous” Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Rather than a scholar of the Supreme Court or anything else, Lean is more of a foul-mouthed creep who has a penchant for taking Jesus Christ’s name in vain as a curse word as well as dropping F-bombs.
Lean is as unfunny as he is uncouth. His pubescent humor finds amusement in lines like “Breitbart, America’s number 1 website for adult virgins.”
Lean’s twisted views on various matters like “Islamophobia” and Israel have no sound substance, but merely reflect leftist litanies of the today’s Social Justice Warriors, yet rebuke will only activate his “woke” rage. When he and his allies face challenge, he encourages not reasoned, respectful debate, but insult, harassment, censorship, and violence. Lean’s hitherto acceptance at prestigious institutions like Georgetown is an ominous, damning indictment of modern academia.